Hello Hunter
Personally, I think it's a great idea - Moreless running his own website and by private invitation, forums that he moderates under his own rules.
One of Curezone's ex private forum owners (Ask Shelley) went on to do exactly that, and it was very successful (although no was invitation necessary.)
I used to belong to David Wolfe's private forum - (TheBestDayEver) and no posts could be found via google, passwords had to be entered before entering and there was a membership fee.
As much as people like to say that Curezone has 'private forums' - it's very misleading.
A private forum on Curezone is publicly accessible and anyone can read, enter and post without invitation. Whether they get to continue to post is up to the forum owner, based on his or her personal preferences.
Posts on Curezone private forums can be found via google searches.
Fortunately, most of the private forum owners on Curezone show utmost respect for the diversity within our Universe and appreciate the privilege to serve others in a supportive and civil manner. You only have to take a quick stroll into Ask Humaworm, Ask Tony Issacs etc. to see how it CAN be done - everyone given space to share ... a place where you can get good, open-minded advice, a place to have some light hearted fun, where other protocols on Curezone can be discussed openly and mixed with each other etc.
Curezone needs MORE of that.
This is meant to be a place where those seeking healing, guidance and a safe space to express themselves can enter, without fear of attack or intimidation.
I think it's a great time to focus on what we want for the future of Curezone (instead of pushing against unwanted things) and to implement changes (especially in the way we personally conduct ourselves) in order to achieve our goals.
I say YES to MORE compassion, peace, joy, fun, lightheartedness, support, love ....
Wherever we place out attention, energy flows. We MUST focus on WANTED things and watch how the Universe delivers it with ease, when we stop pushing so hard against things out of our control.
Best Wishes
Edit: This may have been the best thing to happen to Moreless, because it may be the push he actually needed to create the website and forum that he has wanted all along. Whatever happens, I sincerely wish him all the best and every success. I'm sure all those who have benefited from his protocol can be contacted and therefore continue to learn from him, if they so wish.
Many health modalities, the Moreless protocol included. require some basic health knowledge and some common sense.
Both of which were missing altogether. The protocol has dangers associated with it even if used properly, but it was still being touted as a cure all and people were being hurt because of this. But these testimonials were being hidden so others would not be warned.
While I do understand your argument, and I also understand that ML has always been a very popular punching bag around here for most,
When people are being punched they will punch back. So you are attacking the victim again. And it is Moreless' attitude that gets him in to trouble. I have been called Satan by him for disagreeing with him. I have been repeatedly attacked by his attack dogs for proving him wrong. I was attacked for refusing to answer a question about my religious beliefs because the board WAS NOT about religion. Should I go on with examples? It is just such a shame that someone becomes the target of the Moreless forum just because they disagree with Moreless and expose his lies with real evidence!
the post in your forum is not at all clear as LD Di pointed out.
LD Di is as biased as you are. So I really don't care her opinion.
And for all we know a made up story - where are the before and after photos? Where is the detailed protocol usage report? These things would go a long way to helping others (assuming for the moment the post is true - you have expressed your doubts on testimonials, I am expressing mine with this post). As it stands, it does not seem to do that at all.
Interesting how you all of a sudden require evidence. Tell all of us did you ever demand evidence of Moreless' claims? Especially after it was proven over and over that he was full of it? If not then why are you all of a sudden asking someone to verify a claim when you did not require the same of someone who was making up their "facts" as they went along?
I will give more credit to the post when I see expansion of it... photos (and they better be from the same colon) and exact usage and for how long... how mixed, etc. The details matter here. At this point 91565 has not stated anything except to bash... and perhaps it is legitimate, however it does not come off that way... and, 91565 seems to be in a pretty cheery mood for having done something like that to themselves...
Gee, if I found out what was causing a severe problem and I was able to address that problem with accurate information finally I would be pretty cheery as well. Sounds like you are trying to blame the victim again.
Perhaps detailing it all (how much, how often, mixed with what and proportions, etc) and laying it out in the Alkaline/Acid debate forum would be prudent in this case - for all.
It would have been prudent for all if you would have demanded evidence from Moreless all along. Just think of all the people you could have potentially helped by allowing people to the potential dangers BEFORE they tried the protocol and injured themselves.
If 91565 is not willing to do this, or is unable, their concern for others is suspect, as is their initial and subsequent posts.
Most, people do not seem to understand that ANY protocol (except for eating and living right, which is the foundation of the ML's protocol to begin with) can be over used/over done... including the use of herbs.
This is NO EXCUSE. Where were the warnings of possible problems from the protocol? Where did Moreless tell people with hypercalcemia, hemochromatosis, polycythemia, etc. that this protocol is contraindicated for them? Even when he was told of the danger he denied it and even said people with hemochromatosis (an iron overload condition) can use blackstrap molassses (high in iron) because it lacked NPN. This is not only a load of garbage, but it is a potentially deadly claim. So why do you insist on continuing with blaming the victim when Moreless mislead people in to believing that this dangerous protocol was perfectly safe for everyone and a cure all for every disease and condition?
Selenium poisonings in livestock due to over ingestion of astragalus family foliage being but one example.
The only real issue that has ever held any ground with the ML protocol here is the limewater... so do not use it. How simple can it get?
You are forgetting the possible danger of the black strap molasses as well. But since you brought up the calcium hydroxide (lime water) again I ask where were the warnings for this caustic substance other than on the bag where it states to avoid contact with the skin or other tissues? And before you try to defend this with the addition of lemon juice argument tell me how is someone supposed to know when all the caustic alkali is neutralized without a pH meter? And if all the alkali is neutralized is is really alkalinizing at that point. Be sure to provide evidence to your answer since all of a sudden you seem interested in backing claims.
There have always been cases where humans have over done a "good" thing... and there always will be.
And there have always been cases in history where people drank something dangerous, as in this case, and there always will be.
>>"Interesting how you all of a sudden require evidence. Tell all of us did you ever demand evidence of Moreless' claims?"<<
Anyone who has followed me here for any number of years knows I researched the he!! out of ML's claims... no, I did not ask him for any proof... I saught it on my own.
So maybe you would like to explain what electomagnetic energy is being released from the drink then? And exactly how this EM energy benefits the body? I would love to see what evidence you have to support the drink. While you are at it, since the idea of the drink is to alkalinize the lymphatic fluids where is the evidence that the lymphatic fluids are acidic from disease.
>>"Especially after it was proven over and over that he was full of it?"<<
His explanations are cryptic and rather vague... that does not make him "full of it".
OK, simple question. Yes or no, is it safe for a person with hemachromatosis to take blackstrap molasses as Moreless claims is safe? Don't try to talk around the question or justify it. That is why I said "yes or no". And don't forget my question above about the lymphatic system. I would also like to see proof of Moreless' other claims like nitrogen is a protein and ammonia is an isotope. If Moreless is not full of it then it should be easy to provide evidence to these claims. I have been researching science for a very long time yet I never heard any of these except for from Moreless.
he brought up problems with NPN's that are in the news almost daily.
You mean NPNs like amino acids that we need for all sorts of things like tissue formation, hormone formation, neurotransmitter formation, etc.? Or maybe the NPN creatine needed for the production of muscle energy? Or maybe the NPN uric acid, which is part of the body's primary antioxidant system? Yes I see how those can be dangerous and should be avoided, LOL!!!!
>>"If not then why are you all of a sudden asking someone to verify a claim when you did not require the same of someone who was making up their "facts" as they went along?"<<
A personal testimony claim whether good or bad requires some bit of proof... a statement about this or that "fact" in Science can be researched.
So where is the proof to any of the testimonials from the ML site? Or is this again something only required of everyone else, but not Moreless and his followers?
Let me tell you a little story. You promote the use of Yucca root on your forum... my mom is a huge fan of yucca root and I tried it for a while... inside of the FIRST week, my calves and feet were painfully swelling up at night... quit the yucca root, everything almost back to normal within a week; edema gone. I have not countered any of your posts recommending it with my negative experience... when perhaps it would be beneficial for them to know.
Yes, anything comes with potential adverse effects. With yucca the risks are allergies as with anything, hemolysis if contacting blood such as a bleeding ulcer, and a laxative effect if taken in high doses. Those are the only known side effects. Other than the potential for a strong allergic reaction the other side effects are not that critical. Drinking caustic calcium hydroxide on the other hand is a different story. Here we have a product that CLEARLY states on the bag to avoid contact with skin or other tissues. And he is telling people to drink this crap. And yes, some of it is being neutralized by the citric acid, but without a pH meter how are people supposed to know when all the caustic hydroxide is neutralized? Why not just start with calcium citrate to avoid the risk?
We need to keep this all in perspective and understand that one man's poison, is another man's food.
Yes, I realize that. On the other hand to claim that this protocol is a cure all and safe for everyone including those with hypercalcemia, hemochromatosis, polycythemia, etc. is total crap!!!