These kinds of infections after surgery can be VERY difficult to resolve - almost always, they must be attacked both internally & externally.
Of course, the infection comes from within, but the bacteria (and possibly fungus) is concentrated at the surface.
I never want to be an alarmist, but this could easily progress into a MUCH more serious issue - the red/heat is her body desperately fighting this infection (and indicates more area is becoming involved)...and her body NEEDS some effective help, quickly. (I know "help" that is natural, that her body knows how to utilize and work with easily will be FAR more effective than anything that is 'laboratory created').
I once helped a gal that had a botched breast removal, that had required massive skin grafts. One of the areas where a graft was taken (on her thigh) was infected almost identically to what you are describing about your aunt (red, hot, inflamed, oozing fluids & pieces).
Antibiotics ? no benefit. Internal & external
Colloidal Silver ? Temporary results (and in her case, diarrhea from the disruption/death of the gut flora). Application of some type of 'anti-infection goop' & special bandage from doctor? The oozing pus just 'pushed it off'
Here's what we did -
--#1 4-8 droppersful of a *quality* (MUST be organic!!) Echinacea tincture, 4x daily (you can get this from our Herbal Apothecary here:
(4oz for $30) or on the 'net from
Dr. Schulze , Health Freedom Resources (2
oz for $28) or Herb Pharm). Echinacea is (most people don't know this) a "specific" for staph infections (likely what this is), but even if the infection is not 'staph', Echinacea bolsters the immune system (incredibly effectively). How strongly does Echinacea bolster the immune system? Native Americans used it regularly to beat rattlesnake bites and rabies.
--#2 Raw Garlic - 3-6 cloves of organic garlic daily. Some (few) can chew a clove - but the easiest way to get it down is to chop it finely and mix it with 1-2 'gulps worth' of juice (Tierra recently found that mixing hers with coconut oil made it very easy to get down). Garlic is THE strongest and most effective antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal & antiparasital agent on the planet). It has been used for centuries to beat the most severe of infection (throughout WWI/WWII it was used extensively 'in the field' when
Antibiotics weren't available).
--So with the garlic/echinacea duo, we've got the internal battle won.
--#3 The external battle. A poultice made of Slippery Elm Bark powder & aloe gel. You can get both the organic Slippery Elm Bark AND a pure, VERY high quality Aloe gel at Mountain Rose herbs here:
She would need only 1/4# of Slippery Elm and the smallest size Aloe Gel they sell :)
(note: this WILL work without the aloe, but there's no reason to do with without the aloe. Aloe contains a substance called allantoin, which is a cell regenerator...and the addition of aloe will likely ensure that there is no scar at all - or it will be very minimal).
If you have fresh aloe plants available, that would be even better - simply slice open several leaves and "filet" off the mucilaginous (slimy) inner gel) and use that to blend with the powder to make the poultice.
It is VERY RARE to find a quality aloe gel on ANY shelf (health market or otherwise). This is likely one of THE most demented/misrepresented products on the market. A bottle can say "Contains 98% PURE Aloe Gel" and contain virtually NO aloe gel at all. Of course, the 2-3% of aloe gel that IS in the bottle IS "98% pure"...but what we need is an aloe gel that is 98% ALOE!
She would blend the Slippery Elm Bark powder with the aloe gel to get a consistency a bit moister than Play-Dough. Then saturate the wound with Echinacea Tincture (this will burn because of the alcohol in the tincture, and then it will feel 'tingly-numb' for about a half an hour (Echinacea has a numbing effect). Then pack the Slippery Elm poultice completely into the wound thoroughly (slippery elm is VERY soothing and soft - this will likely feel wonderful) and pack it on & about the entire area like a 'mud pack' around 1/8-1/4" thick. Once it dries (which may take 4-6 hours, depending upon how thick/wet the poultice is...use a hair dryer on low to speed the process. Tuck a toilet paper tube under the breast to keep the breast elevated, if necessary/appropritate). This poultice/pack will the stay on and adhere almost completely to the skin (some might flake off around the edges)...and she won't have to concern herself with it for a few days. The poultice will actually absorb into the skin, and when the healing is done, the 'leftover' will fall way. She does NOT remove the poultice and reapply daily, just let it stay there and work it's healing...which it WILL do.
Put the 'leftover' in a small jar and put it in the refrigerator, then it will be ready for when she needs/wants to add more to the area (it may crack in places depending upon the location...just keep packing the cracks with more of the poultice blend).
Tell her to do her best to avoid the area entirely when bathing (putting something on it to keep it dry would be great) - but if it gets wet or crumbles away, just pack more Slippery Elm/Aloe onto the poultice.
>>>J. Schoepf's Materia Medica Americana (1787) listed it as “salve bark.” Nineteenth century physicians and herbalists recommended slippery elm for a plethora of ills....Skin ulcers, abscesses, inflammations, fresh burns, chilblains, boils, carbuncles, herpetic and syphilitic eruptions and even leprosy were treated with the bark poultice...<<<
Slippery Elm is so effective for healing the skin, that this poultice I've described above WILL both eliminate and grow new skin over decubitus ulcers (bedsores). I have recommended it three times for decubitus ulcerations, each time it yielded perfect healing in less than a week (with new skin growth). I treated a cat that was bitten by a 'baby brown recluse spider' that had a "quarter size" hole/ulceration so deep that you could actually see the muscle tissue. I rinsed it with Echinacea tincture (or CS, I can't remember which for sure) and packed the hole with the Slippery Elm/Aloe...after 4 days I couldn't stand it anymore (just HAD to see how/if it was working - oh me of little faith!), and picked away the poultice (shame on me). The ulceration was completely filled in, there was a layer of new pink skin, and the fur/hair had even started regrowing. Within two months we could no longer even find the area.
Lajoanna, I assure you, that if she does this for 5-7 days, she WILL see (at the minimum) a 75-90% reduction in infection. It is VERY likely after 7 days, the infection will be totally gone and the wound WILL be totally healed.
Healthiest of blessings,
If you would like to read a bit more about Echinacea & Slippery Elm, check out these two 'basic informational' blurbs/links (if you need more documentation, post and let me know):
From here:
Therapeutic Action: Echinacea Root is one of the STRONGEST Immune Stimulators and Enhancers known! It will INCREASE the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream; it can DOUBLE and TRIPLE them in just a few days! It also INCREASES the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other IMPORTANT Natural Immune Chemicals present in your Blood! This is how Echinacea works, by BOOSTING the number of your Immune Cells and amounts of Natural Chemicals and then stimulating them into MORE activity and action. The benefit of Immune Stimulation is a shorter duration of existing Colds and Flu and/or prevention of FUTURE Infections. It also initiates and speeds up RECOVERY from chronic and long-term Immune
Depression Illnesses, Diseases and Degeneration.
From here:
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) is native specific portions of North America. It grows in Eastern Canada, and Eastern and Central United States.
Slippery Elm has been employed in traditional herbal medicine for over 100 years. The dried inner portion of the Slippery Elm Bark has been used both by Native Americans and early settlers. Slippery Elm is a nutritious food that was made into a type of pudding for those who had weak stomachs. In times of FAMINE, early American settlers used Slippery Elm as a SURVIVAL food and it is said George Washington and his troops SURVIVED for several days on Slippery Elm Gruel during the bitter winter at Valley Forge!
Slippery Elm contains Bioflavonoids, Calcium, Mucliage, Starch, Tannins and Vitamin E. Containing HIGH amounts of Mucilage and a long chain of sugars called Polysaccharides, Slippery Elm eases digestion and works with the body to draw out impurities and toxins assisting with the healing of ALL body parts.
Slippery Elm is SOOTHING to irritated tissues and has been used in Poultices for its ability to enourage healing in wounds.
Slippery Elm's coating action SOOTHES the irritated tissues of the Intestines, Colon, Urinary Tract and Stomach Ulcers.
Slippery Elm is also benefical in alleviating inflammation caused by
Arthritis and soothing Sore Throats.
Slippery Elm nourishes the Adrenal Glands, Gastrointestinal Tract, and Respiratory System. It helps the body expel EXCESS Mucus. Other conditions Slippery Elm is used for include: Abscess, Broken Bones, Burns and Scalds, Cholera, Colitis, Constipation, Debility, Diaper Rash, Diarrhea, Diverticulitis, Dysentery, Hemorrhoids, Hiatal Hernia, Indigestion, Labor Pain, Leprosy, Sore Throat, and Sores.