When resistences, in form of negative emotions and/or conflicting beliefs, get on the way (which happens to everybody in fields that are perceived as problematic) there are two approaches possible: either focus on the positive until the negative is de-ctivated or work on releasing resistances.
The first is the traditionl position of the school of positive thought, and also the position of Abraham. The idea is that if you work on the negative side you risk to prolong its vibration. If you focus on the positive, at the beginning its vibration might feel untrue or non-natural, but with consistency it develops more and more inside you, until it gets stably emmbedded in your consciousness. You are ready for manifestation when it seems "the next natural step", that is when the positive of the contraddicting thoughts and emotions prevails completely and is perceived as true, natural, obvious.
The second way advocates that resistances must be healed, as suppression or de-activation don't solve anything permanently. Unless you heal them, they stay in your aura in form of dense vibration (or your unconscious if you like), ready to re-activate the moment you're caught off-guard and lose the focus, and effectively attracting from the outside wolrd matching densities that "push your buttons" no matter how positive you're resolved to be.
What I personally think is that you can follow the first approach for minor resistances, but for your babaus you've got to do a thorough healing. There are many many ways to do that, but normally what you do is to find ways to unlock the stagnant energy (tension, density, whatever) and re-establish virtual(as opposed to vicious) energetic circulation. If you want it is a quite similar process to the cleanses of CZ. Funny energies get normaly locked because to have them around is too painful, in the same way the body locks toxins in organs and fat tissues because having them around would make it feel sick.
The approaches as I said are many, you might work on your thoughts to begin with, or on our body, on energies, on emotions. There are many points of access and everyone has his favourite. I've always worked on myself with a tantric technique, and a variation of it elaborated by Maud Pollock, called Feeling Dissolve, which I'm willing to describe soon to this forum, then I also used Vivation for a while (which I described in a recent thread) or other forms of rebirthing. I am also very focused on the shamanic path, that is I have sessions with sacred plants and they are my teachers, and channel some consciousnesses, which at times have given me amazing help (for example they removed in a blink any economical problem I had). There is a specific mushroom of the Sierra Mazateca in Mexico which is famous to be an amazing healer. Just a few weeks ago, as I am here in the Sierra, I was talking with a lovely man who's a painter and a mazatec, and he told me the story of how when he was 10 half of his body was paralized, so he made a ceremony with 12 jongos and had an incredible flying journey that took him all the way to Andromeda and the day after his body was totaly healed. Another great healer, this time from the amazonic forest, is ayahuasca, in fac it is called "la medicina" or "la purga", during the journey you meet youself in a very deep and chalenging way, and whe you bump into some of these resistances you literally vomit them, you vomit patterns or emotions or very ancient pains that she scans for you and make you aware of. Anyway.
EFT is a technique derivaive from the discovery that with acupressure you can unlock energetically some short-cuts that pertain to the emotional realm, besides the classic physical use of acupunture and acupressure. But Gary Craig found out that there is a very limited number of meridians that need to be tapped to include a wide variety of problems, so simplified remarkably the procedure by suggesting to tap them all no matter what the resistance to release. Some people find it working very fine, some others don't. I don't, but it might be just presonal as I said.
Well, there are thousands of techniques! Mantak Chia has divulged to the public some traditional taoistic techniques that were tradiionaly secret. I have a friend who's trasformed completely with them very fast, while 10 years of psychoanalysis had done nothing.
And there is shamanic interpretation of dreams, as tought by Robert Moss, that is a technique (or art to be more precise) that I realy love. I like techniques with a strong spuritual component.
And if you are inclined to that, you can always write. Ynaig gave some days ago a link to the abe forum where a guy called Greg explained how he briliantly overcame his resistances to economic abundance by following the emotional scale given by Abrahams: he would decide at which step h was, in his case "worry", and all day he would write longly about the subject as seen from that precise emotion, and after that he would step up to the next better emotion, on which he would write the next day. In 30 days of that he was able to gain 300 thousand virtual dollars in term of debt erased by the bank. I'll find you the link tomorrow. I've tried it in these days and it works fairly well, espeially as combined to the tantric technique, specified to that emotion at the step you're on.
Well, this was long and I don't know how much useful. It's a search, a beautiful search, this of finding methods to heal, a very personal one. Good luck!
This was a kind of generic overview, if you need to zoom in on something that intrigues you just ask.
edit: I forgot to mention some meditations of Osho, like the dinamic meditation and the kundalini meditation, that I see well for roooth, as I read she likes dancing. Oh well, I forgot to mention almost all there is, of which I am aware or not, there is really a lot of choice around
second edit: the link to Ynaig