It was very ON TOPIC!
Having a personal, bitter attitude towards men in general is one thing, and in some cases evidences of that pop-up all over these days. But having gone through multiple bad experiences, learning something of value and going on to share the wisdom gained, is not MILITANT! It is a way of caring, a motherly trait if you will, of teaching younger women where and how to avoid the nasty pitfalls.
Example: I loooove men, always have, always will. But I sure hope I can pass on to my young daughter some of the messes she could avoid in the future. My mother didn't teach me, she didn't have to know....she had a great and only one husband. So I forged ahead into a different time, a different culture and totally different circumstances from what she ever experienced. There was no one to tell me what was accceptable and what not, I had to receive all the hard knocks myself. Today, with the widespread use of the internet, those of us who gained a little experience the tough way, like to pass that on to those who haven't figured it out for themselves yet. We sincerely hope they can avoid some of the trouble this way. It's an expression of love and an encouragement to seek genuine, lasting and fulfilling people and situations. Certainly not militancy.
Hopefully, for the benefit of those for whom the message resonates, the effort is well worth it.....