Hello everybody,
I wish to thank you all for replying me I'll consider everything you said.
I'll address specific issues mentioned:
- I can't take cortef or thyroid medicines that are not thyroxine right now as these are a prescription medicine here in Israel and there are no doctors here that are familiar with adrenal fatigue here so nobody can prescribe me that and no doctors can help me otherwise either. I am on my own. Endocrinologists prescribe only Eltroxin (synthetic thyroxine). Besides anyhow I prefer not to take medicines at this stage.
- Don't know if this was addressed to me but I have no weight issues. Although I'm hypothyroid I'm very thin.
- Regarding taking iodine: Dr. Wilson advises in his book to take kelp when there is a potassium-sodium imbalance. I don't know when I have such an imbalance but I did took help and it gave immediate relief to symptoms. Unfortunately it's like I've gotten used to it, now kelp does not affect me anymore!
Same goes for sea-salt - at first it helped but now I stopped taking it because it stopped doing anything.
Iodine is included in kelp so I guess it wouldn't help me.
What will I try now?
I am reading a book called "Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled", that is supposed to solve all metabolic gland imbalances.
I've just started the basic treatment for hypothyroidism: Selenium 200, Magnesium 400, Chromium 400. And now I drop the chromium because it makes my heart beat too strong. There's also a treatment for adrenal fatigue but there are too many recommendations there, I think the most recommended is licorice. (By the way I don't think this is a good book as it focuses too much on the pills and little on diet/lifestyle).
I read the forum from the beginning so I think I'll now try again the cleasing methods. I tried Psyllium for 2 weeks which make my constipation worse so I stopped and next I will try kefir. If there are any other foods you recommend I'd like to hear that. I tried licorice (full spectrum) and it made me feel disoriented, like I'm not balanced, can't think straight etc.
By the way I think that overdosing medicine like Dr. Wilson advises is a bad thing to do because by starting simultaneously with 10 kinds of pills as I did it makes it very difficult to eliminate the bad ones. One should start slow and after overdosing myself I took everything off and left only B complex, C and B5 and the rest I add gradually every 2 weeks to notice the effect on me.
That's how I found out the effect each pill had on me.
I am still looking for the "quick fix".
Everybody says that it takes 2 years to heal adrenal fatigue, problem is most people who say it are in the middle of the process and not at the end so I can't tell if that is correct. :)
I believe my adrenals are somehow burdened but not damaged and since sometimes I do feel good I am still looking for the "quick fix" that will suddenly make me good all the time. I mentioned above what I will try next in hope it'll do the job, else I'll try other types of cleansing until it's fixed. I don't think taking the prescribed program in the book and forgetting about the treatment will make it pass faster, I believe in an active treatment with constant modifications according to how I feel with every different supplement/food.
I also intend to do the ELISA
food allergy test but am not so hopeful about it because right now I am on a strict diet and all I eat is chicken, tuna, legumes, brown rice and some vegetables and it hasn't helped anything for 2 weeks now.
Thanks again for your comments