EDIT: Raynbo, I would like to apologize for my initial overblown reaction. I have great respect for you, and think you are a great contributor to CZ with a heart of gold. Other than disappointment at seeing an opinion piece posted in the news forum (hardly a first, I must admit), I have no issues with you. I can only say that it is my firm conviction that there is so much more at stake in this election than meets the eyes of the masses that led to my dismay and my initial response - as it appears to have also done to many whose posts followed mine.
You see, Raynbo, I am convinced that due to evil plans that have been in progress for centuries and span generations, and have speeded up alarmingly in recent years, Ron Paul represents what may be no less than an eleventh hour chance save not just our country, but humanity itself, from a horrifying future.
I agree that some of the quotes and votes in the article do accurately reflect some of Ron Paul's personal beliefs, although I also believe that the quotes, votes, and issues selected were used in such a way as to distort what electing Ron Paul would represent. Those who share my convictions and knowledge of the powers that corrupt our world know that it is imperative to them that America is brought to her knees in order for their ultimate goals of complete world domination and enslavement to be realized.
Beyond any issues about personal beliefs, what Ron Paul truly represents is the worst nightmare for the evil shadow powers who would enslave us all - a restoration of individual freedoms and of America to a true land of liberty that would set their plans back for perhaps a long time.
We believe that Ron Paul would not only keep America from falling to her knees, but would also make her stand taller than she has in a very long time.
Oh Raynbo, this is all distorted nonsense. Go to his website and read about him. Google him, You Tube him. Have you listened to him?
I believe this person is just out to discredit him like all the others.
With regard to guns killing JFK and Martin Luther King, that is merely propaganda. Our own Government killed them and covered it up. JFK had just given a speech with regard to secret societies and what was happening to our government to warn people. And then he was assassinated. What a concidence. I don't know the exact real story with regard to Martin Luther King, but I am sure Ohford will come to the rescue and enlighten us.
Without Ron Paul taking us back to our consitutional rights, we are doomed to socialistic slavery like we have never known before. Look at the state we are in, our economy, how we are losing more and more freedoms daily. Every single other one of the candidates will lead us into a world of despair.
And if Ron Paul does make any headway and should he get elected, I'm not too sure he too won't be assassinated. He knows where he stands. And knowing that, he is very brave and honorable to continue this race for the presidency. For us. He needs our support and backing. He is our only hope. Othwerwise, when the new president is inaugurated,the door will close and be locked. We will live in a new world of bondage and slavery with no other recourse.
When a person has a long, distinguished, and consistent public career such as Ron Paul, you would think that they would be above such allegations. However, those who are determined to rake muck (or paid to do so) can always find a vote that was made on a technical or constitutional point and not the merit of the bill itself, attendance or lack of attendance at a given event, a donation from someone of questionable character, quote and comments to take out of context, something . . . .
I think that the article in the first post is merely the slanted writing of some obscure blogger who has nary a clue , but it reminds me to brace myself as the so-called election process unfolds and Paul's threat to the powers that would enslave grows. No doubt we will see a proliferation of such articles as the clueless and the paid third rate bottom feaders to spread slimy messages of regurgitated fecal matter across our screens.
I suppose I best check my supply of Windex. Something tells me that I am gonna need it.
I'm sorry Raynbo, the author was blatantly trying to discredit Ron Paul. This is not even a point of view and I see nothing intelligent in it whatsoever. She is blogging? She is on the radio too? Sorry, she is part of a campaign to bring Ron Paul down.
Who in the world is this woman campaigning for? Ron Paul is the only one that is fighting for our freedoms. As DQ pointed out in his post, he is the only one fighting for our right to be in charge of our own health. Too much is at stake here.
You said that you would vote for him, being the lesser of two evils. At least you agree that everybody else does in no way have our interests at heart. Who does this lady support? There is nobody. The rest simply are on the same page. They are out to enslave us.
I care very much for women's issues, the environment, I care about people, I care about freedom. This woman's blog is totally out of line and full of misinformation. She is using scare tactics. And from what I see she is doing her best to promote the North American Union along with everybody else except for Ron Paul.
Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Guliani, Romney, Huckelbee, McCain are all willing to be puppets and let the shadow government pull their strings. Ron Paul is the only one that is his own person and will not "play ball" with the good old boys. He is the only one with any integrity.
Many of the issues that have become near and dear to our hearts in the last forty years have only been by manipulation from the shadow government leading to our final enslavement which is about to happen. Their overall goal is reducing the population so that it can be more easily controlled. Women's rights, abortions, was instituted as a way to control the population. Look at what mainstream medicine has become, nothing but killing mills, look at the new diseases coming out now, look at how pneumonia is a very common illness, the destruction of farming, the food industry, CODEX, there is a plan for each and every one of these issues and even more. The dumbing down of our children, of our population. If you can't read and aren't educated, you have no clue what's happening to you. If the government takes care of you (welfare) they control you. By the way, what they have done with welfare, medicaid, medicare, is a complete sham. People are living in poverty and they are dying. And you believe the liberals want to make it better? Nope. Just like they lied to us about women's rights, welfare, medicare, etc., they are lying to us now. What they have sugarcoated and made us to believe are our rights have only been to serve their purpose. Our borders are wide open because the North American Union is to be in effect by 2010. The NAFTA highway going from Mexico to Canada is a perfect example. All this talk about illegal aliens, abortion, welfare, or whatever else is merely a smokescreen to keep us confused as they lead us to the path of a North American Union, our loss of freedoms and slavery.
Such a sad and very tired old discredited argument about liberal intelligensia such as Chomsky and Kucinich knowing what is best for the rest of us and bigger and bigger bigger government cradling it's less intelligent and incapable childlike citizens and guiding our lives from cradle to grave. Much is the pity, but I do understand - in my own misguided years of liberal snobbery I once thought as much myself.
"Ron Paul presents them with some simple ideas and makes the promise that he will eliminate federal income tax and the fedaral reserve - they love that! They don't understand what the privitization of everything would mean."
And what would that mean? Eliminating the illegal federal income tax would only eliminate about 1/3 of the federal tax revenue - do you not suppose that all of the bloated federal agencies and our military adventurism might contain at least that amount of waste? And as for the Federal reserve - it is already private and has been since 1914. The only thing federal about it is it's misleading name. As a result of that, and our practice of spending more money than we have, the amount of money it takes to service the national debt is virtually the same as the amount of money generated by the income tax.
"Most Americans have been conditioned and indoctinated to believe that free market capitalism is a great thing and they have never ever questioned it - they don't even understand your objection to it. They have always taken concepts like capitalism and private property for granted. They think that democracy = capitalism when in reality capitalism despises democracy. Capitalism always seeks to demolish democracy."
Now that is a very salient argument. Let's think about that for a bit, shall we? I know, I know, it is not in vogue for liberals to allow us common folks to think for ourselves, but let's do so anyway:
First of all, one has to wonder why it is that the capitalists have shunned Ron Paul like the plague and his supporters are made up almost entirely of ordinary people (kind of hard to ignore the fact that when he raised a record $4.2 Million plus in a single day, it came from well over 37,000 individual donations averaging barely over $100 each.). Could it be because Ron Paul's ideal of power ultimately resting in the hands of the people in a Federal Republic form of government would lead to anything but unbridled capitalism? I contend that it would because core belief of Ron Paul's is ultimate power and freedom residing with the individual and minimal control (and, by extension, exclusion of the common citizens in truly having a voice that matters) by the government and those who have come to control it.
Once the crippling restraints on our freedoms and liberties are reversed and the built in exclusions to having any true say in the way we are governed, conduct our lives or conduct commerce are removed, power by the few over the many would be the very antithesis of what Ron Paul and the vision of our founders stands for.
Liberalism, just like it's close cousins of Communism and Socialism, equates to a powerful central government, loss of individual freedoms and the few controlling the many. All such systems have proven to ultimately be failures, especially when applied to very large populations (unless one considers the Chinese model of socialism a success, with it's forced birth control and abortions, tightly controlled society and the murder of up to 100 million peasant farmers and intellectuals to eliminate opposition). To think that the liberal model of government of the many by the few would be any different than the capitalist one is delusional, no matter how admirable in theory. In practice, there is still the privilged few with their limos and dachaus and mistresses and an oppressed general population.
When you look at Kerry in the Heinz mansion, Kennedy in all of his luxury and squalor (loved his brothers though!), and Al "It takes a village to furnish my utility bills" Gore, do you really think it would be any different here? Has it been? No, by and large our liberal elitists frolic on the same beaches, belong to the same elitist clubs and eat at the same exclusive restaurants as do our capitalists and conservative elite leaders.
Only the least government and the most individual freedom and power offers hope, not just for our country, but for the world, against the ultimate domination of the many by an elite few. Despite fears and scare stories to the contrary, such a system would not be at all conducive to unbridled capitalism running roughshod over it's common citizens. Neither would it be conducive to the leftist elite being able to tell the rest of us how to run our lives either, and perhaps that is the rub.
No matter how hard you try, or what fears and emotions you play to, one keeps coming up against the large and vexing problem they are unable to explain away: why is Ron Paul the least favorite candidate of the capitalists and a growing favorite among ordinary citizens? Despite being portrayed as a radical and a proponent of unbridled capitalism, the fact is that is is the the far right, the far left and the capitalists who most oppose Ron Paul. And what is it that all three of those groups have in common? Control of the many by the few.
The burgeoning support for Ron Paul is not because we are so dumb that we fail to see what his candidacy means - it is because more and more of us, despite the best attempts from those who would control us to keep us in the dark, are finally taking off our blinders and actually seeing for ourselves what has happened to our freedoms and our country, and what Ron Paul would do to turn the tide back in our favor.
It might be nice if you took the chip off your shoulder and provided a link and maybe explained what you are talking about. All you have done since you appeared is demean and insult anybody that does not agree with you and not explained your position. And you were the one that accused me of doing that.
I looked up the Pachama Organization. Very admirable. We all do care about the environment by the way. Myself, I am not out to make as much money as I can and leave everybody else in the dirt. If you have read any of my posts, any two year old can see that's not what I am about. I care about people, and all creatures of the earth and yes, Mother Earth herself.
Stop talking in riddles and tell me what are you talking about. You have not given any type of a solution.
I assert that it is you who just don't get it. DQ and Squeaky Clean have presented a thourough broken down diagram for you.
Individual rights does not in any way mean that we are out only for ourselves. On the contrary, we band together for our freedoms. We have never said anything against or blamed illegal immigrants or welfare mothers. This you have made up. Our point is that social programs only serve to control and hold back the people dependent on them.
I understand that we are on the verge of collapse. And maybe nothing can be done about it, but tell you what, I won't go down without a fight. I will not throw in the towel.
Ron Paul is our only viable candidate. Tell me who you would propose?
Hi 85012,
The bottom line is that we both feel the same way about the government. Our views and solutions are different. I can tell that you are a very good person too and I apologize to you if I was out of line and I apologize to Raynbo for hurting her feelings. But in no way do I agree with that article.
"Yes I know all the Conspiracy theories about all the ruling elite, and I understand why people believe all that too and it may even be true but if I waste my energy thinking that way I feel I will be ineffective because really what can you do about all that? I have to be able to sleep at night and so I am assuming that as I heard someone from the Pachamama Alliance say, who has sat with all these people - they know what is happening and they have no idea how to fix it. Some of them are just focused on trying to keep from being prosecuted for war crimes at this point."
If they win, any of the ones you mentioned, you won't be able to sleep. It will be the beginning of total enslavement. Not wanting to think about it is merely putting your head in the sand. We cannot afford to ignore this and actually Ron Paul is the only one that can get us out of this.
I also like Kucinich. If Ron Paul was not running, I would vote for him. I do not believe that he is a puppet for the shadow government.
Socialism is the reason for the breakdown of the family, why we have poverty stricken single moms, why the jails are full of African Americans. It is the reason why our education system has been dumbed down. And yes, we want to help, but we must do it differently. Socialism has not worked in forty or more years and is making things worse.
I came across this post earlier. It is excellent.
Love and Peace,