Dear Katsump,
My late husband left me with a profound statement that I now try to live by. "Emotions are your worst enemy."
However, we do have emotions and sometimes we do tend to lose control and things snowball. The good news is that we can regroup.
I will start with the new love in your life. We have all experienced trauma and hurt when it comes to relationships. Don't let that rob you from the happiness that may lie ahead. Of course, get to know the person and be wise, but don't lose your inherent trust in people, as it is that trust that will form the bond when you meet the love of your life.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Always love yourself, at all costs. Sometimes, we slip, but hey, we're human. Just get up, dust yourself off and keep going.
You have gone through a lot of change and a lot of stress. I'm sure the end of a relationship was a tough one. It always is. This may have shaken your inner stability. It also sounds like you are depressed and suffering from some anxiety, if not suffering from a lot of anxiety with suicidal thoughts. Something, or a few things are bothering you. With love, I want you to sit down in a quiet place and be honest with yourself. Pinpoint what is bothering you with regard to the changes in your life, the loss of the relationship, anything. The problem could also be something that has been under the surface for a while and these changes may have heightened it. Examine yourself as to whether they have anything to do with insecurity and/or self esteem. I find that these two issues are the root of the majority of problems. "We are all born with the need to be loved and accepted."
Whatever the problem is, I want you to face it. If it is painful, cry. But know what you are dealing with. If you have reached actual anxiety, what is bothering you may be buried so deep, that you may not be able to pinpoint it. That's okay. In that case, just let it go.
The good news is that you recognize where you have stopped caring for yourself. Boost your self esteem by taking care of "you." Do what is good and healthy for "you." Do it with love, as a parent taking care of a child if need be.
First and foremost, get rid of the wine. The sugar in alcohol is deadly for anxiety and can make it snowball. It can even make you "crash" depending on the severity of the anxiety. The "relief" is deceitful and very temporary. It is your enemy "Number 1."
As for smoking, have you smoked enough that you are addicted? How severe is your anxiety? Are you able to quit comfortably? I say comfortably because I don't want to increase your anxiety right now. Are you able to decrease gradually? Maybe time your cigarettes? Whatever method works for you. However, you need to be psychologically ready to quit. This can also be done and I can help you with this if you wish.
Proper nutrition and supplements is the best cure for depression and anxiety. Chances are, you are not eating well either. Stop all fast foods. Stop all sugar. This is imperative. You are health conscious, so you know what to do.
However, first and foremost, for some reason you are hurting inside. Let's take care of that hurt. This moment in time is the beginning of the rest of your life. Know that your love and happiness does not depend on anything on the outside. It is within you. You hold the key. Love yourself, consider yourself important and treat yourself accordingly. When you do that, you will attract your happiness and the love of your life.
Change your thinking. Count your blessings. What do your appreciate? And I mean the little things. The warmth of the sun? The leaves changing color? A lovely breeze as you walk? What are your surroundings like? Make your house comfortable for you. Someplace you love to be. This can be done without a lot of expense. Give thanks. One statement that helped me immensely during my healing, and still does is "Thank you God for my Healing."
And continue the affirmations. Feel the emotion as you say them. My personal affirmations are:
I am capable.
I am worthwhile.
I am lovable.
I attract abundance.
Say your affirmations often and if necessary put up little reminders like a mirror, the refrigerator, etc.
When you notice your thoughts dwelling on sadness, worry, fear, or anything negative, immediately change it to something positive. Sadness to joy and comfort, worry to security. When I was at my worst despair, I would imagine myself cradled in God's loving arms. Wonderful meditation. Also, a positive thought is ten times stronger than a negative one.
Lastly, act the part. I am a panic/anxiety disorder/agoraphobic survivor. I believe my true healing took place when I made an agreement with myself to act positive, happy and self assured no matter how badly I felt. Although it was very difficult at first, in not too long of a time it became habit and a new me was born.
However, never "force" yourself to do anything. I don't believe in "white knuckling" it. Emotional healing is a "loving" journey. When you feel that collapsing exhaustion, merely "rest." In the meantime, nourish your body with the proper foods and supplements. If you need help with this, Tony and I will be more than happy to guide you. I am going to direct you to a site from another Curezone Member that has an anxiety background. Actually, this is the answer. If I would have known this twenty years ago, I would not have lost ten years of my life.
Read this entire site. Depression, anxiety, panic and other mental illnesses that I personally call "emotional illnesses" are merely nutritional deficiencies. It's a blood sugar problem. Read every link and follow this diet. You will be feeling better in no time.
Lastly, unfortunately dissapointing things happen to us and we do become sad. This is a normal human function. The secret is to deal with this sadness before it becomes depression. That's when things become difficult. Because of the way our society emphasizes "feeling good" all the time, we tend to repress or deny our sadness. That's when depression is born. Deal with the sadness, experience it. We can either fix the problem or accept it. Sometimes we just have to accept it and move on.
Most of all, realize your beauty and your uniqueness as a human being. Love yourself and take time out to do things you enjoy.
I sincerely hope I have helped you. Start now. Look to the future not to the past. Get up, dust yourself off, and take the road leading to love, trust, and happiness.
If you need me, I'm here.
You are so sweet katstump, but an angel I am not.
Anxiety is a condition that will come back under the right circumstances. Those are stress, low self esteem, and guilt is enemy number one. Ask yourself why you feel guilty. Chances are you don't know, yet you have an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Realize that this is a result of chemicals racing through your brain and body and influencing your thought patterns. Same thing with unfounded fear. When you notice the guilt and the fear instead of trying to figure it out and fighting these thoughts and feelings, just quietly acknowledge that they are there. Shrug your shoulders and let the thought and feeling go out of the side of your head. You may be so worked up that it takes time to calm down. That's okay. When you notice the thoughts and feelings just let them go. You will calm down in time. When you feel the anxiety notice that there are times when you don't have it and tell yourself, affirm that it will not last forever. Notice that after a while it is gone. By the way, crying is good for you. It releases repressed tension. Let the anxiety and tension wash out with those tears. You will notice that after a good cry, you are relaxed, maybe even exhausted.
The diet on that site will help you put those out of control displaced chemicals back in place. Also take your supplements. Include CoQ10. If you want a list of supplements to take, I will provide that for you. If convenience is a factor, please go to Utopia Silver which has the finest supplements anywhere.
And right now I want you to realize that you are ill. Make no judgments about yourself. During the next few days, while eating properly and taking your supplements, I want you to rest and heal. If you need to sleep, do so. Give your body nourishment and rest. In a few days you will be much better. If you feel like doing something fun, by all means do it. Take things little by little and be kind to yourself.
Your feeling of wanting to give up comes from emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. That is why right now it is so important for you to rest.
We anxiety/panic sufferers have undergone some type of trauma somewhere along the line that has wounded us emotionally, and it is by these very same emotions that we can heal.
My friend, I give you a virtual hug. You will be okay. We anxiety/panic sufferers seem to be perfectionists demanding nothing but perfection from ourselves. Learn to be less than perfect. Learn to say, "WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!" with wild abandon.
Hugs, ♥
I am falling asleep and as I read your post, I planned to reply to you first thing in the morning, and I will. Why I am writing now is to tell you that in no way are you a pest. Get that out of your mind. I am here for you.
Believe me, I know what you are going through, every thought, every feeling. I do not want you to ever feel alone. And when you get this handled, you will extend your hand to someone else in need. That's why we are here on this earth, to lift each other up.
Now my friend, I am fading fast. I will reply to your post tomorrow with the list of supplements. My brain cells stopped firing about an hour ago. LOL
Talk to you in the morning. Rest well tonight.
Love and Hugs,
I am so glad you rested this weekend. And cried too. Get all of that repressed hurt and tension out. Remember.... Emotional healing is a loving journey and you are the first one that must love yourself. Unconditionally.
In the last two posts you show concern for your children, one time with regard to your divorce, and the other time with regard to your illness. Divorce is always hard for all parties, including children. But children are strong. They adapt and bounce back quicker than us adults.
I know of what you speak when you say you want to shelter your children from what you are going through. Yet, they know you are going through a difficult time. Children are very perceptive. I see certain traits in my daughter that I blame myself for. My panic and anxiety did affect her and now I help her grow into a well rounded assertive person. She was eleven years old and I was so out of control that I relied on her for help and support, support that she was unable to give. Of course, that was unfair to her but I just could not help it then. My son was only three months old when I had my first panic attack and my husband had just suddenly died. My son was born on October 19th and my husband unexpectedly died of a massive heart attack upon awakening on October 27th. A morning I will never forget.
If your children will understand, share with them what you are going through and let them be a part of your healing.
Here is a list of the supplements that I take. Of course, this is together with a healthy diet and exercise. Do exercise that you consider fun. Fun for me is walking with my dog, Misty. I also like Richard Simmons, but I don't have any of his tapes right now. Love them oldies!
A complete vitamin and mineral Women's Vitamin pak.
The following I order from a friend of mine. I would love to sign up for it myself but the cost is $300. So never mind, I'll keep on ordering from her. LOL
For ph balance: Mineral ph from True Essentials Representative #3516131
Joint Solutions with Hyaluronic Acid also from True Essentials Representative #3516131. This supplement works wonders for any type of arthritis. However, even if you have no joint pain whatsoever, still take it as the Hyaluronic Acid does wonders for your whole body. It gives you energy and keeps you hydrated. You might even notice a more youthful appearance.
Since I have such trouble with these links, I'll just put the link to the page and all these products are on that page.
Complete Liver Cleanse Utopia Silver
Flax Oil Soft Gels Utopia Silver
OxyGen Caps Utopia Silver
If you choose to order supplements from Utopia Silver, include the code LR0001 for discounts on non sale items.
Having to make a choice, the supplements that I would say would come first are:
The complete Women's multivitamin multimineral
Mineral ph
Joint Solutions with HA
(Unfortunately, as far as I know, Mineral ph and Joint Solutions with HA can only be obtained from True Essentials. However, these will make an 100% difference in the chemical balance of your body and I highly recommend them. I personally will not leave home without them.)
Then CoQ10 and the rest as money permits. And I am very familiar with the money permits part.
The hypoglicemic diet, supplements, positive thinking, loving yourself, learning to be assertive in your wants and needs, relaxing.
This will lead to your recovery, and you will be surprised how quickly.
Again Kathy. You are never a pest.
Chris, as always you are very sweet. Thank you.
By the way, congratulations are in order. Welcome to our family at "The Best Years in Life." I am honored to have you as part of the team.