Blog: Fasting & Detox: Juicing for first time
by RedFizz

I'm back! 3 weeks post fast

This is very long, but I have nothing but great things to say about fasting!

Date:   6/9/2006 6:33:28 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3280 times

Fasting was the best thing I have ever done!  It has completely changed my life!

When I started eating again, I gained about 1.5lbs and it fluctuated back and forth.  Now I understand that my weight before I started eating was without any food in my body.  I have to take into account that there is food in my body now.  However, it has taken about 2.5 weeks, but my metabolism is starting to pick up again.  I was so afraid of my metabolism going into starvation shock that it would hold onto anything and everything.  But I have been very careful and eating raw.  Now I am starting to consistently lose ~.4lbs a day.

By the way, the raw diet is awesome!!!  My body actually thanks me!  I kid you not.  It feel like it hugs me after I ate something that it can actually use.  My office mate said I sound like a hippie/tree

Seriously, though, my coworkers are now coming up to me telling me how different I am.  But it's more than just looks.  They are telling me that I glow (and then immediately ask if I am pregnant..ha!), and they even talk about how I no longer have a short fuse.  It's a good thing I don't or I would have been offended .

My body is sooo efficient now.  I had to use enemas for about 1.5 to make sure that everything was coming out all right, because the entire digestive system was shut down.  Now I am so regular that it's almost annoying.

I went to a bicycle fund-raising tour to take pictures and so on, and I actually had guys hitting on me.  I even had guys ask my friends about me!  I am usually the girl they come to in order to inquire of another girl.  Yes, I think part of it is the weight loss, but I also think it's because I have gained a confidence (the "if I could do that, then I can do anything" confidence), and I am not longer concerned with the way people perceive me.  I haven't had a bout of depression for almost 1.5 months now.

However, I also have not had a period for almost 8 weeks, which I hear a lot of women who eat raw don't have.  But they still ovulate and have children.  So long as it is healthy (which I am going to my doctor to check), then rock on!  No more periods!

I have lost 28 lbs since starting the fast.  I wore size 16 blue jeans at the beginning, and yesterday I just bought my size 10s.  NEVER have I worn size 10.

Oh!  And the energy is insane!  I have cycled a couple of times, and I feel like I can go for miles and miles and miles.  However, I can tell the energy is there, but the muscles are not yet.  Therefore, I do not want to hurt myself, so I keep to ~10 mile rides until I can safely build muscles.

Real quick: I went to a restaurant and had the salad bar and put cooked corn on it.  It triggered a chemical reaction in my brain, because for 3 days all I wanted was junk food!  I was shaking and quivering and very tempramental!  A friend was telling me about an article of a raw athlete whose friend put a pat of butter on his food, and for about 2 days, all he wanted was sugar and cakes!  Food is nothing but chemistry and I am finding we are designed for a particular grade of fuel.

The fasting has also helped break the emotional dependencies of food.  Food is food now.  It is no longer my comforter or my best friend in lonely times.  And I had to break up with my two boyfriends, Ben and Jerry.    It was a sad departing, but it had to be done.  I see food, and it is now just a source of life, not happiness.

I realize this is long, but I am so happy I went through this.  It was worth the inconvenience and trouble.  I wish everyone the best!  Hang in there!  There is a silver lining!

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Comments (20 of 54):
Re: 2.5 years afte… INDYS… 15 y
Re: 2.5 years afte… pinkp… 15 y
congratulations! missnook 18 y
Fantastic! Congrat… Orien… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… boobo… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… RedFi… 18 y
Awesome!! Congrats! midge 18 y
keep it up ! medicow 18 y
I know what you me… raddi… 18 y
Re: Ummm, "I" wasn… RawGi… 18 y
Re: wow the 80's w… RedFi… 18 y
wow the 80's were … shoec… 18 y
Re: 80"s RedFizz 18 y
80"s Roaminone1 18 y
Re: You're doing g… RedFi… 18 y
You're doing great! livin… 18 y
Re: Good job! RedFizz 18 y
Good job! raddish 18 y
Re: Day 23 and yel… white… 18 y
Re: Keep up the gr… RedFi… 18 y
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