Blog: Fasting & Detox: Juicing for first time
by RedFizz

Day 39...almost there!

I believe I can fly...well, except for that silly picture I accidentally took...stupid technology

Date:   5/16/2006 11:15:43 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3738 times

You know what is funny? As soon as I hit my euphoria, (which I am assuming is my body saying, "Whew! Boy that took a while to clean house! Now I am going to relax and get on with my life") I suddenly became hungry. It's not even cravings. It's genuine hunger. I am assuming my body is ready to begin eating again. I will, however, finish the 40-day fast.

I am sipping on a great juice right now: orange, lemon and ginger. Yum! It's soooo rich.

I am wearing a pair of pants that I haven't worn in almost 3 years. Yeah! And I ordered a new suit from Ann Taylor. It's white/cream cotton/silk, and it was on SALE! I love that word. My Brooks Brothers suit makes me look like I am a little girl wearing my mom's clothes now. Not a bad problem to have, but I just bought it last year.

There is something swollen where my ear meets my jaw. Is that a lymphnod? I hope that is not bad. : / I will be making an appointment with my doctor soon anyhow. Any insights?

So my aunt calls me Lucy, from I Love Lucy, because I always have good intentions, but I always manage to mess things up or make a mess. Yesterday I was trying to take pictures for my "before and after" series to remind me why I don't want to eat "that" again, and it didn't really work the way I planned. So there I am, wearing a bathing suit, set up the camer, push all of these buttons, and push the shutter button. I begin to walk toward the wall and "Click!" Man! I forgot to set the timer! I went back to the camera, and lo and behold! I took a lovely, candid picture of my butt in a bathing suit. *Gasp* It was quite an eye opener. Of course it's *delete* *delete* *delete*. *Sigh* Well, I should have kept it, but I am definitely inspired to really watch what I eat.

Speaking of watching what I eat...What do you guys think about cheese in serious moderation? My mom brought me back some Amish Cheese, and I am dying!

Anyway. Tomorrow's the big day. The big 4-0! I feel like running out into the hallway of my company and singing, "I believe I can fly!" Do you think they would appreciate that? Neither do I. But I don't care, because "I beleive I can touch the sky!" After all, I think about it every night and day...

I am back. Have a great day everyone!

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Comments (15 of 54):
Re: 2.5 years afte… INDYS… 15 y
Re: 2.5 years afte… pinkp… 15 y
congratulations! missnook 18 y
Fantastic! Congrat… Orien… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… boobo… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… RedFi… 18 y
Awesome!! Congrats! midge 18 y
keep it up ! medicow 18 y
I know what you me… raddi… 18 y
Re: Ummm, "I" wasn… RawGi… 18 y
Re: wow the 80's w… RedFi… 18 y
wow the 80's were … shoec… 18 y
Re: 80"s RedFizz 18 y
80"s Roaminone1 18 y
Re: You're doing g… RedFi… 18 y
All Comments (54)

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40 Day Juicing Detox  15 y  (37)
Juicing / Fasting once again  17 y  (15)
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