Blog: Fasting & Detox: Juicing for first time
by RedFizz

Day 38

I would like to invited anyone who is getting ready to reintroduce food into their lives to join me in continuing their juicing/fasting blog. Also, I talk about some things that I have noticed that are not about anyone or any group in particular.

Date:   5/15/2006 11:06:58 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2635 times

Day 38. I am in awe.

So I have had some realizations. Yes, I do intend to go as raw as possible, but I am overwhelmed with the air that certain diets seem to come with.

Please let me start off by saying that the people I have met in CureZone--raw eaters, juicers, fasters, etc.--are an incredible group of people. There is so much support and I haven't experienced any pompass and arrogance whatsoever. Everyone comes off as projecting, "We're all in this together, so let's work together to make sure everyone succeeds," and I really appreciate everyone along with those who have responded/made suggestions and encouragements to my messages.

PLEASE NOTE, when I talk about this, I am approaching it with generatlizations that are not aimed at anyone or any group in particular.

With that being said, I have been trying to learn about different type of eating, because I will not believe something until I have been convinced. I am to the point where I am tired of: This is the ONLY diet, and if you do not follow it, you are either A.) ignorant, B.) not worthy of my enlightened time, C.) going to die and it's your own fault, or D.) all of the above. There are people like this in every group, so I am not singling one group out. But it gets very annoying when you are trying to look for unbiased, "fact" based (what is fact anyway?), information without all of the jargan and opinions.

I was talking to my boss about this to make sure I wasn't being unreasonable (a habit I picked up from being super-sensitive during PMS), and she made a good point: a lot of "diets"/lifestyles are approached like religions. Please note that I am a Christian so I am included in that, and I am not intending to insult anyone or pick on anyone.

Anyway, I had an epiphone. I will do whatever works for me. It seems almost too simplisitc and is a Duh! thought. But I will just listen to my body.

Also, I know I will need support entering back into the eating world. So I plan to continue this blog, but approach it as more of a "reintroduction" blog. As most of you probably could tell, my fast is for 40 days. It took me almost that long for the juicing lifestyle to become a habit that I am comfortable and happy with, so I will work on a 40-day

I would love to have anyone who is planning to reintroduce food into their lives to join me by continuing their blogs. The blogs that mentioned what happened after they ended their fast really helped me. Plus, I just really love the CureZone community and how open and welcoming everyone is.

I realize this is yet another long message, but I have had this on my mind for a while.

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Comments (15 of 54):
Re: 2.5 years afte… INDYS… 15 y
Re: 2.5 years afte… pinkp… 15 y
congratulations! missnook 18 y
Fantastic! Congrat… Orien… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… boobo… 18 y
Re: Awesome!! Cong… RedFi… 18 y
Awesome!! Congrats! midge 18 y
keep it up ! medicow 18 y
I know what you me… raddi… 18 y
Re: Ummm, "I" wasn… RawGi… 18 y
Re: wow the 80's w… RedFi… 18 y
wow the 80's were … shoec… 18 y
Re: 80"s RedFizz 18 y
80"s Roaminone1 18 y
Re: You're doing g… RedFi… 18 y
All Comments (54)

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