Blog: Yoga Path
by munificent

Spiritual Fraud

Yogi Bhajan on the Dharma of the Sihk~Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das (not to be confused with Ram Dass) and the Paurees

Date:   8/14/2005 8:56:24 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1204 times

Spiritual Fraud

Before I start doing my prayer, I want to tell you the preface of my lecture. It is called "Spiritual Fraud." And I am taking something from Gurbani to show you, plus the study I have done in yoga and other spiritual methods. I just want to tell you what it boils down to in reality, and how little and corrupt we are as human beings in the face of the grace of God. But that is a subject I leave you to judge. I am not willing to judge for anything because I am doing it just to serve the Guru. And it is my experience and is my state of mind. If you can make any good of it, fine. If not, it is your karma, not mine.

Tere meher daa bolanaa Tudh agai ardaas. Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das. Aad gure nameh, jugaad gure nameh. Sat gure nameh, siri guru deve nameh.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

There's a word in Scriptures called, "Trehe niter." It is called "third eye." Sikh Dharam acknowledges the third eye. It acknowledges drib drishti -- to see the unseen. It acknowledges knowing the unknown or realizing it. In other words, it totally and scientifically realizes the intuition... powerfully. And the majority of the bani of Kabir in Siri Guru Granth is a very beautiful and a scientific dictate to explain about the third eye. The rhythm, the centers, the inlays of the brain, the working of the neurons, and the chakras, the meridian points and the centers.

It is unfortunate that this science has not been understood from Siri Guru Granth because the Indian Sikhs do not know the science of yoga. They don't. And now it is very open that they hate it. So, if you do not know the science of yoga, and you do not know what it is all about, two thirds of the Siri Guru Granth you cannot understand. Period! You can read it, you can remember it, and you can sing it. But I can bet you, you cannot understand it. Because how can you understand something which explains something you do not like? If Kundalini shines in Guru Ram Das (Kundalini Surjhee), in Guru Ram Das it is great. But it is to be taken that it cannot shine in anyone?

Just remember the difference between God and Guru. There is a very fundamental difference. God could not create another God. Even now He is trying. Guru could create another Guru. That is the House of Guru Nanak. And that is the difference. And the difference between a God and Guru is that God IS the Ultimate, Infinite Self. It has to come out. Therefore there is nothing above It. Guru takes nothing, and takes us to the resurrection... the height of everything... to the Infinity. That's why even in Scriptures, God has to take a human form to deal with the emotion, to deal with the reality, to deal with the stature, to deal with the structure of man and mankind, to come down as we call it, "Awtar."

And Lord Shiva, who's supposed to be blessed with third eye, is also considered the Lord of Death. It means, once you are dead, karma is over, one chapter is closed, and second starts.

So what is the third eye? Third eye is an initial power of the brain, of the intellect. It does two things. By virtue of its status, it releases you the thought form and by virtue of trehe niter it also computerizes your wishes, your desires, to the point where it subjectively, objectively... you take time and space, and you don't have capacity.

The storeroom for the third eye consideration is the subconscious. You have three statuses: Unconscious, subconscious, and the conscious. You do not live consciously. Period. Very few people live consciously. Those who live consciously, their signs are such: they recognize the ownership of God; they recognize the power of God; and they recognize the Will of God. And those are the people who live consciously.

Those who live unconsciously, they understand God, there is some guy which is much more powerful and blah, blah, blah. And they should be like that and they should work it out, their thing, and it is just a hodge-podge. It doesn't make any sense. It has never made sense. But mind you, 99% of people are almost on that realm.

Unconscious people are, too. Unconscious people are those who are extremely innocent and they don't know a thing. Or, they are totally stupid and they don't want to know anything. So this is how three fourths work in a human mind.

Those who are trying to open their third eye and want to see everything must understand that day dreaming and night dreaming is nothing but a third eye work. The only thing we have to do is to close this third eye so we can look inward. This third eye looks outward all the time. Every person has a day dreaming they look to. And everybody has his own plan. Everybody lies.

And all of you who are sitting in this gurdwara at Guru's feet are very blessed, but you are not real. Because we worship God only for blessings, money, grace, comfort, on this earth. Beyond this planet, we have never any sensitivity. We have never understood how this earth works and how its rhythm works, and how this one ball in the space is standing by itself. Even the scientists have certain theories. Something is a magnetic attitude, something is the psyche of magnetic attitude, something is the inter-pull and outer-pull, centripetal and centrifugal force of the universal movement, and whether you are still or you are moving, you are moving at about 300 and some miles per hour just sitting still. So everything is moving. Inside your ten trillion cells are moving, changing in 72 hours. Outside the world is changing...the tattwas intermix... changing, psyche is changing... vibrating, changing... values are changing. And God is nothing but a constant change. Not away from reality, but a constant change to It's
reality, Itself.

This is how the bang theory is true. Bang theory is true in the sense that world got created to experience the Infinity of God, and God wanted to create someone in Infinity. That's what the universe is about. And in that creation and that way of life, everything has to come into the source where it comes out from. And that's what we are all part of it.

Now my lecture is not to teach you science and the study about space, though it is a very interesting subject. Also it is not my day today to teach you astrology, astronomy and psychology of the mankind. My day is today to tell you something definitely. You are very little and extremely belittled. You cannot even be worthy of containing the grace and blessing of God, and how It works. That's what my subject is today.

God does everything for everybody, and God creates environments for everybody. But there is something very powerful in us, and that is called "God." God is never outside of us. We deal everything in this planet... in this city, in our daily business... without our spirit into it... fundamentally forgetting that if there is no spirit in our body, we'll be considered dead. How can your body, without spirit, can be dead? And how can you deal with anybody of idea, structure, business affairs, love, and other human beings, and you do not understand the fundamental flow of the spirit of the soul, and the spirit of the body? And thereafter you think you can achieve something? No! Your attitude is emotional. Your satisfaction is emotional. Your relationship is emotional. And how do you measure your emotions? How big a house it is, how many rooms are in the house, what a status of the car is, how much jewelry you are wearing, how much bank balance you have got, how good is your wife or husband, how
good your children are, whether you have a house on the seashore, or on the top of the mountain.

Your total life is based on one word. I can repeat it three times, or seven times. In real estate, they call the value of the property... in real estate is based on three things: location, location, and location. And I tell you, your life is based on: location, location, and location. You try to either conquer something or get conquered by something. And as the location demands, you adjust your gears. Is it human? Are you a human? You call yourself human? This is total animal behavior -- to act under impulse.

Look in you. How much impulse acts in you and how much consciousness acts in you? Intelligence is neutral. Intelligence is a rescue mission. Intelligence will come through when you are in trouble, because intelligence is given to you for right of life. Negative mind is given to you for right of life. So whenever you will be in any trouble and you want to justify your trouble and want to get out of it, one thing you will do: you will use your utmost, supreme, cute, intelligence to cover your situation.

So, my dear friend, when you have the intelligence to cover your acts, deeds in your life, why God should do it? God promises:

"Amrit velaa sach naa-o, vadi-aaee veechaar.
Karamee aavai kaparaa, nadaree mokh du-aar."

4th pauree of Japji Sahib

You will see the salvation and you will be covered if you get up in the morning and recite the Name of God.

You know what morning... Amrit Vela... business is? When you give a preference in the ambrosial hour, before the start of the day, you start and deal with God, then you realize the earth is temporary and totality is permanent. That is the only gimmick which is understood by man from centuries. From religion "A", religion "B", religion "C", religion has done nothing but only created a bogousity of those characters, because religion ultimately belongs to what? A religion belongs to men! And so long the religion is interpreted by men, it is no religion. It will change according to the laws of the land and the rule.

That is why in Sikh Dharma after Guru Gobind Singh we have Siri Guru Granth which no man can change, no man can write, no man can understand or not understand, it is their problem. Guru is one, says one thing, and that's all it is about. So those of you who want to be Sikhs must understand: we start with "Ik Ong Kar," the word, "One." It's always going to be one to one. There's nothing in Sikh Dharma you understand. Sikh Dharma does not give you the right to understand 'two.' "One" by Itself. And if I am wrong and you are right, then just tell me when Guru Gobind Singh said:

"Jab lag khaalsaa rahe niaaraa,
Tab lag tej dio mai saaraa.
Jab eh gahai bipran kee reet.
Mai naa karo in kee parteet."

-Guru Gobind Singh, Sarab Loh Granth.

I will give divine radiance to the Khalsa
who will live as distinct.
But if they adopt the common ways,
I will not satisfy them.
You are not Sikhs. Sikh does not seek the second. He does not deal with the second. He has no attribute and attitude for the second. He believes in One, and One God only, by, and within himself. He is not a dreamer, he is a realistic. He is a living reality. Humble, powerful, weak, great, small, it doesn't matter to him.

Wherever the candle shall be, the darkness will be there only until it is not lit. When the candle is lit, darkness cannot be. That's the law nobody can deny. Whosoever Sikh will be, his attachment will be to the One God. His acts and deeds will be just like that One God. His root mantra is: "Ik Ong Kar, Sat Nam, Kartaa Purakh, Nirbhao, Nirvair, Akaal Moorat, Ajoonee, Saibhang, Gur Prasaad." That is what every Sikh has to learn.

And my dear, in this planet, if you can learn these few words, if bihaaree is taken as two, all written words are put together... the mool mantra... now there is a dispute. It stops at "Gurprasaad", or it stops at "Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach"? You know, the British did one thing... the British wanted to destroy Sikh Dharma. They conquered the Sikh Raj because of mutual nonsense. They gave us certain things which are very beautiful. One thing is, they made us to recite not Anand. They made us to recite five paurees and then the fortieth pauree, to ruin it that we may not have the concept of Anand. It happened in 1925-1926, and it was then the British ruled, and they interfered in our religion very badly, very adversely. They did everything to demoralize our spiritual spirit. It is the British who brought a religious democracy. "Vote and elect the people in the gurdwara," -- so there shall always be two parties and never a peace.

Religious aspect is for peace, tranquility, cleansing of the mind, spiritual strength, facing of the world. Religious place is for something where you have honor, nobility... you achieve strength. It is a house which is your altar. It represents nothing but the cleansing of your spirit. It is where you come out in mint condition. Or in English you call it "A-1" condition. You go there as you are, and you clean your mind. I see this carwash. I see the dummiest car with a lot of mud around it. They just put it on that crank shaft and there it goes in and it is soaped and it is done and it is out.

I was thinking this morning, what is the difference in gurdwara? We get up in the morning. Ten o'clock we come there, some come 11:00, you know, some come whenever they feel like coming. Some just to come so that Yogiji may not be mad. And some these days come because later on I call them, "I didn't see you in Gurdwara. Where were you?" So they feel responsible. But basically what is the difference? We come here, we sit, we bow, and we try to disassociate ourselves from the outside world and try to go inside world and we listen to the Guru's words through music, so that we may not feel bored. Otherwise sitting quietly and going inside is the most boring thing a man can do. Because once you do not know how to bore inside, you cannot find the jewels inside. Sikh Dharma says that there are a lot of jewels inside us. We have to do the mining of it. Mining has to be done by the mind. Mind is not under our control, therefore mining is not under our control.

All of you love me, I know that. But you know how ridiculous you are? You love me as a man. That's why you are very dissatisfied with me. And I play the biggest game. I play as a man but whenever I try to pull you out of the ground where you are at, you feel very insecure and very angry. You think I don't know? I know you more than you know me. Every forklift driver has to know how much weight he is carrying and how much higher is the platform where he is to place it. Is that true or not? Is not a simple science? And how he does it? Intuitively. If the forklift driver sometimes takes a very dead weight which the fangs of the forklift cannot lift, you know what happens? Either his chain breaks or the thing falls apart.

And many of you have left the Dharma, you have fallen apart. And in many cases my communication has broken, my chain has broken, it didn't work out. But the fact is, it is incumbent on the part of a Sikh to play the part of a man and show the path of the Guru. Lighthouse is built with bricks and cement, and it shows the light to the ships to find out where they cannot knock themselves to get rocked.

So basically the mental incumbent within me, if I have to search deep into the jewels and the values of me, and I go within me, I'll not judge my status, what I have outside. I'll judge my status what I have inside, and I have found inside there is nothing but One God and Its light which keeps me alive. It is the breath of life which is most valuable. And it is the spirit which brings the breath of life. It is the spirit of man.

You know what we seek today? We seek comfort. We do not seek fulfillment. You know what fulfillment is? Fulfillment is against every temptation possible, every ability of temptation possible if you still can relate to your consciousness and conquer your emotions, you are fulfilled. It doesn't matter which religion you belong to, the purpose is the same. Some will tell you a long route, some will tell you a short route. Facts are the same. Fulfillment does not come to you, what you achieve, what you have. What you have and what you achieve is a given gift to you by that of God's Will.

"Jo kichh paa-i-aa so ekaa vaar."
--31st pauree of Japji

You got all that what you have. What you are going to get tomorrow is also predestined. What you are going to lose tomorrow is predestined.

The game between fate and life is going to be played forever. Loss and gain is not a part of us... but we can only have one thing in our life: can we experience fulfillment as us, me, I? Can I be fulfilled?

I can be rich, I can be a saint, I can be a yogi, I can be Siri Singh Sahib, I can be a billionaire, millionaire. I can have, like Krishna, 18,000 wives or I can have concubines. I can have prostitutes. I can have the dirtiest thing in the world. I can have everything known and unknown. I can marry Marilyn Monroe, whatever she was, dead or alive. I can do anything. But can I be fulfilled? The answer is "No!" You can be rich, you can be powerful, you can be a manipulator. And I tell you how Guru Nanak says what I am saying.

"Je jug chaare aarajaa hor dasoonee hoeh.
Navaa khandha vich jaaneeai naal chalai sabh koeh.
Changaa naa-o rakhaa-i kai jas keerat jag le-eh.
Je tis nadar na aavaee ta vaat na puchhai ke."

--7th Pauree of Japji Sahib

If you do not see the unseen in you, you are unfulfilled. Your mission... your life on the earth... is a waste. You leave behind garbage. Matter cannot be changed, cannot be destroyed. It can be changed into energy, and energy can be changed into matter. My dear, it is not different. So where are you fulfilled? Are you fulfilled that you have tons of money and you have a better car and you have a good status and you have a good income and you have a good home, you have good children, good food, good breakfast? Huh? Lot of people like you? Do you understand what Guru Nanak says?

"Je jug chaare aarajaa hor dasoonee hoeh."

If you have a life to all the four yugas and it goes ten times and hundred times.....

"Je jug chaare aarajaa hor dasoonee hoeh. Navaa khandha vich jaaneeai naal chalai sabh koeh."

You go on nine spheres of the space. You know what that means? Let me explain to you what that means. We have found a couple of million suns. ("Sun" means one sun and all the planets around it.) And that is just what we have found with the naked eye and the lens, because man has two powers: lens and lever. These are the two discoveries which has made man to really see reality in a physical sense. But however...

"Je jug chaare aarajaa hor dasoonee hoeh. Navaa khandha vich jaaneeai naal chalai sabh koeh."

"Navaa khand"... three Khands we know. The world of the demons, the world of the angels, and the world of the humans. That's what we know. And where are the six more? Ask me privately. Why should I tell you now? There are nine spheres. If you know nine spheres and you are not only known, people love to walk with you. That much respect you carry. People like to have your autographs. People love to have pictures with you -- you know... "navaa khand" all did that.

"Je jug chaare aarajaa hor dasoonee hoeh. Navaa khandha vich jaaneeai naal chalai sabh koeh. Changaa naa-o rakhaa-i kai jas keerat jag le-eh."

If your name is so good, if we are reciting it, people can have the greatest virtue and blessing. Like Lord Rama came as an Awtar. Krishna came as an Awtar. Jesus came as an Awtar. Anything goes bad, we say, "Jesus." You know? We call him at the time when we fail. Otherwise we don't even remember him. You have got the biggest church in Los Angeles. You go there, you will not find one person there. That's the population of a visit. Sunday? Yes. When you go for show-off, fine. Sunday this Gurdwara has everybody. Now... see how filled it is? Just come in the evening, see, there are only one or two people.

What I am trying to relate to you is very simple: "Je tis nadar na aavaee ta vaat na puchhai ke." If you do not see your own inside; if you do not see within you -- "vaat na puchhai ke" -- nobody cares for you. The time of life which you live is already given. You think you manipulate. You think you are clever. You think you can cover. You think you can do lot of things. You are wrong. Its already there. What belongs to you, belongs to you. When there is a pain, prayer can solve it. When there is a pleasure, prayer can solve it. Pleasure is also an emotional inertia which can cause problems. And pain is also an emotional inertia which can cause problems. In the level of psychology, they are not different. People, when they get afraid, they get heart attacks. People get happy, they get heart attacks. Heart attack can happen any time. Therefore, please understand: "Je tis nadar na aavaee ta vaat na puchhai ke."

And then what we are going to see inside? You know what? If I can recite entire Siri Guru Granth... I can sing entire Siri Guru Granth... I can speak entire Siri Guru Granth... if when it comes to action I am not kind and compassionate, then I don't know one word of Siri Guru Granth! If I call myself a Sikh of the Siri Guru Granth and I am little and I belittle, I don't know Siri Guru Granth. I don't know what Sikh Dharma is! If I am needed and I wait behind my status, I am not a Sikh. I don't know. Because I am being called upon... not me... I am being called upon as a Sikh of the Guru. If I do not come as a Sikh of the Guru, not only I insult myself, I insult the Guru. And I am no Sikh. And this is so for everybody.

I was asked a question that day. Because a Sikh was asking for a work compensation plan... something like that. And some innocent person who was not a Sikh asked me, he said: "Yogiji, do Sikhs get work compensation? I think they don't get welfare but do they get work compensation?" I said, "I don't understand. What do you mean?" He said, "These sturdy strong people?"

That's what people think about you. People don't think that you play games. People don't think that you have weaknesses. I tell you... you have weaknesses. You have games to play. You have every rotten thing you know, but you can overcome all that, because if you answer the call of the Guru's mission, you come through. You know what that means?

That means you put yourself second, and Guru's call first!

If you hear Guru's call,
"Suni-ai sidh peer sur naath."
--8th pauree of Japji Sahib

then you'll become the extremist of all.

"Mane kee gat kahee na jaa-eh."
--12th pauree of Japji Sahib

and you agree to that. There are two things: Hear and Act. When somebody wants you in the Name of the Guru, that is a Sikh.

People come here, wear bana. You see them later on... God, you can't even recognize them! Sikh has no way to hide his identity. I go for my medical exercises. I wear shorts and shirts. But I am decent. I have seen you very funky, many of you. You think that your funkyness comes out of the divine right? No! It comes from within you. You are figureless, fakey, and funky because that's in you. Because at that moment you forget you represent the Guru. You represent Guru when you are a thief.

Biddhi Chand was a thief. Is that true? Anybody wants to challenge me on that? Hey! Anyone knows better than that? Biddhi Chand was a thief. A professional thief. His job was to steal. He came to the Guru, "I want to be your Sikh." The Guru said, "What is your profession?" He said, "I am a thief." Guru said, "Do you know anything else?" He said, "No." Guru said, "Can you do anything else?" "No." Guru said, "Do you want to do anything else?" He said, "No." Guru yelled, "Why not?" He said, "I am a perfect thief. I have never been caught by the king or his entire forces. Why should I let go the department of mine in which I am perfect?" Guru said, "So what do you want?" "I want to be your Sikh" said Biddhi Chand. Guru said, "A thief and a Sikh?" Biddhi Chand said, "Want to accept me?" Guru said, "Do you know what it is to accept ME?" Biddhi Chand said, "What it takes?" Guru said, "You will do what I say because I am Guru and you are a Sikh." Biddhi Chand said, "That's fine.
That's okay. I bow to this. I give you my word as a thief."

Now look at this, gentlemen. Look at this. This is the exact conversation I am relating to you. He said, "I give you my word as a thief that I will exactly do what you tell me to do." And the Guru laughed and he said, "It is a professional honor. I'll exactly do what a Guru does and you'll exactly do what a thief does. You are my disciple, I am your Guru." So the matter got settled. Biddhi Chand said, "What next I have to do?" He said, "Go and catch up whomever is stealing the Guru's property, watch it out, because thief knows how to catch a thief.

And Biddhi Chand served the Guru's house perfectly. He found out that in the langar people are stealing vegetables and ghee. He found also in Guru's langar that wood is being stolen and being used by private purposes. He also found that someone was stealing the money which comes to the Guru in bheta. He found every theft and plugged every leak in the world of the Guru's empire. People started looking at Bhai Biddhi Chand... "Bhai Sahib", they said. Wherever he goes, they were scared. I mean, he is going to find something. It is a correct part of the Sikh history. I am not telling you something. I am not just making it up to make you misunderstand. It takes a thief to catch a thief.

One day Guru saw him catching something very perfect. Guru was very pleased, and meanwhile the sangat had come and they brought two horses. The Nawab of Lahore, the governor of Lahore, stole one horse by force and the other was there. Other was not eating. There was nothing to do. Guru called him. He said, "Biddhi Chand, you are a thief, right?" He said, "Yes sir, I am." "You are catching every thief?" He said, "Yes sir, I am doing the same." He said, "But now there is a big job. In the fort of Lahore... those two horses belong to me. One has been stolen and it is in prison. And you go steal that back. It is a professional job. Only a great thief can do it, who never gets caught. And mind you, don't get caught! If you get caught, I am going to say you are not my Sikh." It was a job. He said, "Yes, my master. My lord of the world here and hereafter, I shall do it."

Biddhi Chand went there, he sent an application to the Lahore Nawab, that, "You love a horse?" He said, "Yes." He said, "I know what to feed that horse. I can make it healthly and I can save him from dying." He said, "How, why? Where are you from?" He said, "One question.... I will do everything which I promise. Nobody will question me. And if I don't do what I say I will do, you can behead me. But if I do what I say I do you will not question me. Is that a deal? And also it will cost you a hundred thousand golden pieces." The governor agreed. No questions will be asked, nowhere you will be stopped, no problem will be. And hundred thousand gold pieces I can pay you now... or do you want it later? He said, "Now... in advance. This minute." Orders were given, hundred thousand gold pieces were brought, and Biddhi Chand was given them. He said to governor of Lahore... he said, "You trusted me. I'll save your horse." That was the promise given. He didn't say, "I'll keep it with
you." Remember this. He said, "I'll save your horse. It won't die." Governor said, "That's all I expect from you. Nothing more, nothing less." Because ego sometimes blinds you. You think everything is secure.

Biddhi Chand had massaged himself with the real horse which was with the Guru so much that his body and his clothes smelled like that horse. Horses smell. They can smell an enemy. They can smell a person. So he went and brought the grass and mussed it with his clothes and took it to the horse. The horse immediately started eating because the sense of loss of his partner with which he grew was gone. Biddhi Chand taught him to trot, go up, go down, jump, this, that. He fed him, stronger, stronger, stronger.

Some day the governor asked, "What do you want to do with this horse?" He said, "I want to do with this horse a simple thing. I want this horse to jump the fort and meet you in the court and say, 'Hi!'" The governor said, "Can a horse do that?" He said, "Yes, if I am the trainer, that's what this horse is going to do and you're going to watch it, or you're going to know it." Governor said, "I'll pay you another hundred thousand gold pieces." Biddhi Chand said, "Fine."

One night when it was the most stormy night... deadly night, he told the horse, "Baby boy, today's the day you have to follow Biddhi Chand." Horse went on the ramp of the fort, jumped right into the canal and walked away. And next morning horse was standing with the other horse in the court of the Guru. He said, "My Lord, your thief is ready with the booty. They are yours." And Guru says, "What is in this for you?" He said, "I want a letter to be sent to the governor of Lahore. He owes me one hundred thousand gold pieces."

Biddhi Chand was a Sikh. So even if you are a thief, do it in a graceful way. The world can learn from you not to be a thief. If you happen to falter, correct yourself. Don't let your intelligence be with your emotions. Let your intelligence be with your consciousness. Don't live like exploiters. You have come to this earth to plunder and exploit. You have not come here to live as humans. Human is supposed to see light within. This part you leave behind -- family, children, grandchildren, houses. Will your soul live in them? If your soul is going to live in all the houses you purchase, and kiss all the relatives you have produced, you will end up as a ghost. That's what you want? That's what your biggest desire is? So be it! Die as a human and live as a ghost, you stupids!

Look subconsciously through the third eye through the niter of the Braham. You see nothing but to build yourself from a human to a ghost. "Gur kirpaa te bhagat kamaaee, taaeh maanas deh paaeh." From Guru's grace you earned the human body. Angels want it, and you got it, and you want to live after death as nothing but ghost because subconsciously through the third eye you are working on just attachment and super-attachment and supreme-attachment to nothing but to be in love with those which are here, not hereafter.

You don't expand as infinity. You are mentally very limited. In 1430 pages in a direct dictate and communication with you, Guru says, "Expand!" Don't lose the life like a diamond in exchange for the seashells. It tells you, it tells your mind, it tells your body, it tells your different parts of the body their activities and their possibilities. And you still say it is a "holy book"!?!?

I'll be gone from among you physically. This is my time of my last mile of my life. But I want to tell you something: Unfulfilled life with all richness is as painful and as frustrating as in poverty. In poverty there is a hope that if we work hard perhaps we'll make it. In richness there is not even a hope. Life of a rich is the most miserable life ever one can live if you cannot see clarity of mind and virtue of status of self through the inverted of that third eye and that is called the "window of the mind," to which Guru addresses.

When I'll be gone there shall be a Siri Singh Sahib or there shall not be, I don't know. But guy has to have a virtue. I know if you put a monkey on the chair it will rule, but not in the spiritual world. Spiritual world is not a business. Spiritual world is not a dialogue. Spiritual world is not a power of public relations. Spiritual world is not health, wealth and happiness. Spiritual world is God in the Word and God in the Word. What John said in Bible, "In the beginning there was a Word and Word was with God and word was God," or Guru Nanak said:

"Asankh naav asankh thaav, agam agam asankh loa.
Asankh kahheh sir bhaar hoe.
Akharee naam akharee saalaah.
Akharee giaan geet gun gaah."

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Comments (25 of 126):
Re: I swear to God… nono 16 y
Re: Rescind Recomm… popoe 16 y
Re: Grandaddy of H… popoe 16 y
Edited naturehasallcures 17 y
Where are the Baba… jeleq… 18 y
As I always said- … 9thbo… 18 y
There is a lot of … Kermi… 18 y
This is so correct… kermi… 18 y
Cool! 9thbody 18 y
Thank you for bein… 9thbo… 18 y
I would name names… 9thbo… 18 y
here's a suggestion final… 18 y
a suggestion ren 18 y
thank you for the … final… 18 y
That's what contro… 9thbo… 18 y
Congrats on gettin… kermi… 18 y
sound #53449 18 y
Re: Don't be Thorn… Thorn 18 y
Re: At the Ashram?… Thorn 18 y
Re: Don't be Thorn… ren 18 y
Re: If they are be… ren 18 y
At the Ashram? Tho… 9thbo… 18 y
If they are being … 9thbo… 18 y
Re: Don't be Thorn… Thorn 18 y
watch out for the … ren 18 y
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