Blog: New Fast - Nov 2013
by exposure

6 Days & Going Strong!

6 Days in and a Longer Post

Date:   11/6/2013 5:00:40 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 936 times

Getting to the end of day 6, again seem to get to this around 9:30, when I'm starting to wind it down.. Had a great day, weather was perfect - warm and sunny - car getting fixed, should be back on the road by tomorrow afternoon - productive, got my tax forms off, kept on with the cleaning and scratching all these nitty gritty things off the list - haven't got to my practice or Yoga today - think I'll do the former before bed & the latter just back to it tomorrow.. Did have a busy one with all the car stuff in the morning. Went for a walk as I had things to post - so got a little gentle exercise there... something I should do everyday and soooo don't. There are some nice parklands walking distance from my place with trails that go on quite a way.. Sometimes I get into walking every day but it's been ages since I did that. Such simple exercise, but so important for loosening up the body - one of those integral healthy things... aah... I just think of how much time it will take and how busy I am and so on, what I need to do is let that thought go and put on some headphones - I've got a lot of very precious Buddhist Teachings to listen to, a great thing for walking - and make that hour for a afternoon walk. Yes, yes... more on that later... :) Do plan to get back to the gym again soon & take up my weight training/cardio sessions - the walk to the gym is a decent one that could also help there. I'm not going to embark on the gym until I get this house done though. Stuck into it now - it's really coming along. Feels like worlds of clutter and junk dissolving - Such a good feeling. Plus just putting up different images, artwork - it's nice to have a change & kind of catch up with how I feel now. Some things don't need changing, just maintaining & cleaning - that's my room... Love the way I decorated it a couple years ago - I do have a new Aboriginal artwork to hang there though -- beautiful piece. Hmmm... I'm not saying much about the fast! Had a little mid-day rest for an hour this afternoon... Was a little flat there for a brief while - Learning to not take these small swings in energy as any big thing, was a bit more cravey this morning & just a couple juices and felt really good after. Feel just good maintaining & continuing the fast - there's no rush, things take time... Detoxing, rejuvenating myself, getting rid of winter weight after being sick and getting run down - getting fit again... It's not overnight, and with every year that passes I'm more gentle with myself - gentle but consistent... more persistent.. I go through ups and down throughout the year, the downs are getting shorter and the consistency of my practice of yoga, fasting, etc is getting more ingrained. I think that's really what it's all about for me at this stage of my life - 38, nearly 39 - having to take better care of myself and develop good habits and lifestyle. I'm a good cook & I love a lot of beautiful things from music to art to flavors to scent... I spent a lot of the winter cooking fairly healthy things, still - after a recent retreat eating really awesome organic wholefoods and a lot of gluten free stuff (I'm not celiac as far as I know) I see where I can make improvements. Just eating lighter, more organic, more natural and simply. My bf's vegetarian - again, I love a good steak or fish sometimes - being with a partner who doesn't causes me to eat this way more of the majority of the time though which is also fine - nice to eat lighter.
Well, more on that later - eatings a long way off at this point so not really where my mind is at this early stage of the fast. I want to do a long fast - maybe my longest if it goes well, this time. I've done just over 40 days before - would love to do 60 or even 90 possibly. One thing I believe is that if you're using fasting to transform yourself - 8-21 days is great for a detox, but forget about any lasting weight change. To really lose weight and keep it off, you have to fast for a bit longer. Otherwise the body quickly jumps back to where it was when you start eating again. Guess how you do that is a factor - ie if you really do a post fast diet change or very slow re-introduction. Long must get pretty deep into detoxing you - there are certainly layers to detox. Juice fasting or something where there is a sugar content is pretty easy - the more you practice it, the more familiar it becomes, you really grow into it & I look forward to these times when I can go inward and feel the calm and beautiful energy of a fast. Don't know how peeps do the water fasting/dry fasting etc... Very intense & difficult. Everyone's different though, have to experiment and find out what works for you!
Well - off to practice and bed :) More tomorrow!

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Comments (2 of 2):
Re: Nov 1/2013 Sta… expos… 12 y
Re: Nov 1/2013 Sta… kermi… 12 y
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Blog Entries (6 of 34):
6 Days & Going Strong!  12 y
Day 5  12 y
Nov 4 - Going & Going...  12 y
Nov 3 - Onwards & Upwards  12 y
Nov 2 - Day 2  12 y
Nov 1/2013 Start of a New Fast  12 y
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