Blog: SNH School of Natural Healing Student
by #22175

H1N1 Swine Flu 2009

what is the best way to avoid flu or treat after first signs?

Date:   3/4/2010 11:36:38 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 2386 times

Please note, this may be a few months outdated, but the information in here is still effective today. I am a little late in starting my BLog. Thank You

H1N1 Swine Flu 2009

Flu, the topic that is on most everyone’s mind this season. What is it and how to avoid it are the next topics that come to mind. The “what” is easy, it is a contagious respiratory virus. That means it is easily spread, caught, and cannot be treated with antibiotics. It spreads through sneezing, coughing, or touching objects after an infected person. Unlike most colds that infect for about 5-7 days, flues last on average of 2 weeks or maybe more. Flues also come on very suddenly after first signs of symptoms (3-6 hours), that includes chills, muscle aches, fever (often high), and sore throat, amongst other common symptoms. The dreaded H1N1 flu includes stomach upset.

In my research, I have learned and discovered that there are many misconceptions over the flu. Many people seem to think the best prevention from the flu is taking a vaccine and washing hands frequently. Well, at least half of it right-it is always good to wash one’s hands especially before eating. The vaccine, on the other hand, is considered to be ineffective and even dangerous by many, including the CDC themselves. “They [flu vaccines] will not prevent “influenza-like” illnesses caused by other viruses.[1]” “It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between a cold and the flu based on symptoms alone….The seasonal flu vaccine takes about two weeks to provide protection from the flu…[2]” So how are we to tell whether it was the flu that was contracted or some other illness? One has to go to a doctor who will then give a special test that only the CDC can analyze and thereby let your doctor know. It’s very scientific you know.

How effective is the vaccine then? The CDC says “How well the seasonal flu vaccine works depends on how well the match is between the seasonal influenza vaccine and the types of seasonal flu that are circulating that year. Scientists try to predict what strains of flu…to put into the vaccine. Past studies have shown in years when the vaccine viruses and circulating viruses are well-matched, the vaccine can reduce the chances of getting the flu by 70% to 90% in healthy adults. The vaccine may be somewhat less effective in elderly persons and very young children…[2] (emphasis mine)]” Is this year’s flu shot well matched? I guess we’ll have to find out next year when they run the results.

It is my opinion, and that of many others, that flu vaccine harvesting is flawed. The vaccine of the current year is always made of last year’s virus. The CDC states “Flu viruses change from year to year… [A] seasonal flu vaccine made against flu viruses going around last year may not protect against the newer viruses.[2]” My question is, “If immunity to last year’s stain isn’t necessarily effective this year, why are the vaccines made from last year’s crop?”

What are the facts on effectiveness of the flu vaccine? The CDC answers our questions yet again “Vaccine effectiveness is not 100%, and some people can still get the flu.[2]” Those people are the people in the high category for vaccines, the elderly and children. CDC goes on to say, “Among elderly persons not living in chronic-care facilities…and those persons with…(chronic) medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), the seasonal flu shot is 30%-70% effective in preventing hospitalization for pneumonia (a lung infection) and influenza….The seasonal flu vaccine can prevent 66% or more influenza infections in young children… when the vaccine strains are well-matched to the flu viruses causing illness.[2]”Hmm, so to me that reads, not very much of the population will have a positive effect from the vaccine, in fact, all they are saying is there is as small as a 30% chance of avoiding the hospital, not necessarily the flu if one takes the vaccine.

“Well,” you say “at least I can give the vaccine a try, there’s not harm in trying right?” Well, maybe yes, and maybe no. The CDC assures us that “the risk of any vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small.[1]” And no vaccine is 100% safe or effective. People react differently to vaccines, so some people have adverse events or are not protected from the disease. Scientists are trying to develop safer, more effective vaccines [4]” That sure is reassuring isn’t it?

Now what about the H1N1, we all have to get that vaccine right? Well, again we have the CDC’s statements that “They are expected to be as safe and effective as seasonal flu vaccines.[1]” and when asked the question “Will this vaccine be made differently than the seasonal influenza vaccine?” the CDC answers, “No. This vaccine will be made using the same processes and facilities that are used to make the currently licensed seasonal influenza vaccines. [3]”

Not only do I recommend reading what the CDC has to say, but also what this vaccine conscience website gives for information:

Making choices over vaccines are completely at one’s own choice and opinion. I highly recommend doing some research before deciding on vaccination or non-vaccination. With that said, how else can we avoid the flu?

Well, let’s compare 2 different schools of thought:
Medical: best way to avoid sickness are vaccinations, hand washing, getting rest. Medical approach believes putting into the body, medically, what is needed to keep it disease free. This includes injecting a healthy body with germs, eggs, monkey kidneys, mercury, and any other means necessary for the vaccine to “work”. When signs of sickness come on, they are treat the symptoms, not the cause, with medicine or surgery. Because medicine knows better than the body does and they can medically fix things. Sickness is in no way a result of what is put into the body and very seldom a case of environmental hazards.
Natural healing: best way to avoid sickness is by cleansing the body of waste and giving the body nourishment it needs to heal, rebuild, and fight off invaders, hand washing and getting rest are included. Natural healing believes in working with the body and not against it, and getting to the cause of the symptoms rather than treat just the symptoms. Regular cleansing is necessary to insure proper functioning of organs and glands, similar to a car needing regular oil changes. Whole, raw foods provide the best building blocks for the body to heal and rebuild itself. Health is determined by what is put into the body (nourishment), assimilated, and eliminated. Sickness can almost always go back to wrong diet, improper assimilation or elimination, or a result of something “unnatural” such as a vaccine or x-ray.
So with that information in mind, let’s look at the natural healing approach to colds/flues and more specifically, H1N1. We will start by looking at our own body. Are we filling it up with good nutritious foods, drinks, and pure water or are we cramming it full with devitalized foods with no life in them? If food does not have the life in it when we take it in, our body has to work very hard to digest it, use it, and eliminate it. This causes a taxing on the whole system and provides very little in return. The food that does not get eliminated then accumulates as waste and ferments inside of us. It is in these waste pockets that germs love to go and multiply. So the first thing we can do is eat foods that will give our body strength, and that is fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds. These foods will give us strength, vitality, energy, and vigor. They will be easily assimilated because the digestive enzymes are still alive, the nutrients will go to work in our body strengthening our bones, tissues, muscles, and immune system, and the left over part of the food will be easily eliminated from the body with it also the dead cells that our body needs to remove as well. These are the foods we should be eating for ideal living.

Once we are putting in correct foods are body’s need and removing the waste, we can then start focusing on the subject at hand, avoiding the flu. Well, without sugar, dairy, and devitalized foods for the germs to live in, they will not want to stay long if they come to visit. But how do you turn them away before they step into the door and make themselves at home? That’s where good herbs can come into play and really make their role very valuable; much more so than a vaccine or Tylenol. Listed below is a group of herbs and practices that have been used with much success from many years. You may do all of these, or just as needed. Many times, just 1 approach is all that is necessary.

• The first herb to use in case of flu is Garlic. David Christopher says that “This is an herb that is available worldwide just has the flu is around the world as well. [5]” He goes on to tell us that “As a preventative, we should be taking 3-4 cloves everyday-for an adult. If the flu should be contracted, take 16 cloves a day to rid the flu in 24-48 hours.[5]” This is one of the best recipes I have come across; From the School of Natural Healing[6]:Put garlic cloves through a garlic press or chop it small, combine with raw honey, and cayenne. Take 1/2 tsp and let it drip down back of throat. The garlic is antibiotic, antiviral and will kill the germs, the honey is the same, and the cayenne draws the blood to the surface. This will kill almost any cold/flu in 24-48 hours. Take that 1/2 tsp -1 tsp every waking 30 min. and do not drink after it.

• Cayenne-the spicy herb. This herb is also available worldwide. It is the best stimulant herb known. This will get the life blood moving and activated. The Bible says”Life is in the blood” (Gen 9:4). Taking this to practical terms means that the blood can heal as well. Cayenne gets the blood moving. Take this everyday to stimulate it. At first sign of flu, take 2 capsules and get a hot shower, then get to bed.

• Echinacea-the immune herb. This herb has been used for centuries for its immune stimulating response. I recommend getting this from a well trusted company such as Dr Christopher’s or Dr Schultz as these companies will use the whole, wildcrafted herb in its natural state. They also sell Echinacea for children as well, the Kid-E-Well from Christopher’s taste great, they have combined it with cinnamon. With Echinacea, it will stimulate the immune system for 6 days, then the body will ignore it, so stop using at this time. Discontinue for 6 days, then you may use again for 6 days. Repeat as necessary.

• Onion-this is also a stimulating herb and fights infections. We should eat plenty of onions for their immune benefits. One way that this is most useful is for treating a cough. This process can be for a small child to adult. Chop and onion and place it in a glass ovenproof dish. Place in oven just until they get slimy. Remove and allow to slightly cool. Have the person with the cough lay down, preferably on a bed with some protection as this may get a little messy. For a small child, first coat the chest with a little olive oil to protect the delicate skin. Then place the slightly cooled, chopped, slimy onions on the chest. Cover the whole chest and throat if possible. Place saran wrap on top to keep the medicinal properties going into the skin and not the blankets. Place warm blankets on top. Keep there for 25-45 min. The medicinal properties of the onion will go into the chest, lung, and bronchial area and fight infection this way.

• Ginger-This is a stimulating herb as well. One of the best ways to get a cold/flu out of the system is by sweating it out. The most effective way to do this is take 2 inches of ginger and slice it, place in a kettle of purified water and simmer for 20 min. Run a hot bath and place half of the kettle ginger tea in there. Drink the other half (about 1 quart every 45 min) while soaking in the tub. This will help the body in a few different ways: 1)ginger stimulates the immune system to work faster 2)heat will make the immune system work twice as fast (exponentially every degree) 3)sweating intensely out of the pores will get waste and germs out of the body. If doing this at the first signs of a cold/flu, the duration of the sickness will be greatly reduced.

• Horseradish-this will defiantly open up sinuses and Eustachian tubes. Take some fresh horseradish and grate it. Put it in the palm of the hand, cup the palm with the other hand, and breathe in the vapor for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4. Repeat 5 times. Also, take the grated horseradish and place in a dish. Cover with apple cider vinegar and allow it to sit. Take 1/3 teaspoon 3x 1st day. ½ teas 3x the 2nd day. 1 teas 3x a day on the 3rd day. Sinus should be cleared completely.
• Vitamin D: It is well known that flu spreads in the winter, when we typically do not get out into the sunshine. Our bodies need vitamin D, it does wonders for not only calcium assimilation, but also for strengthening the immune system. Get out in the sun and breathe deeply the good fresh air. We should do at least 5 min of deep breathing (through the nose) everyday. Combining these together is a great reminder that health is God-given and free to those who will take it.
• Drinking warm teas such as red raspberry is very good on 2 levels as well. Red raspberry leaf tea strengthens the immune system and the warm tea will help kill any germs that may be living in the throat area.
With all that has been covered here, I hope I have provided a comprehensive look at flues and how to treat them effectively.

-Nutritional Herbalist


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