Blog: Walking with God with my Fast
by Sacristia

Day 6

Day 6 of my water fast. It was a lazy 2 days in which I didn't do much at all, but relax and sleep.

Date:   3/2/2009 3:41:22 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1718 times

I am on day 6 of my water fast. Friday and Saturday were hard days for me, as I was just very down in the dumps regarding the plight of my life. It is always hard when a person cares for someone and never knows truthful if the person should just give up or walk away or just give a person some time to get over their own trials and tribulations.

Saturday was hard, because my body wasn't happy about various things, as it was my time of the month, and usually at that time I eat like a horse because I need the energy. Alas I am still on water, and I am feel ok about it right now. I slept a lot on Saturday and Sunday which really helped get past the hunger stages, and wanting to eat something. I just laid in bed, read books and napped, napped, and napped some more.

I am currently behind on my blog posting on the reading of the Book of John, and such, but I knew I would be, because it is a huge commitment to post everyday, especially when I don't feel like it. And Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I didn't feel like it.

My weight has changed a little bit. I am now 122 lbs, but I know it is just because I haven't had any solids for 6 days now.

I haven't noticed any other changes other then my face looks a bit different, but I don't know why quite yet. I just know it looks different for some reason. Maybe it is I can see my cheek bones a bit clearer now. I have noticed I have a couple tiny bumps behind my ear, on my neck. I am sure they are blemishes of some sort, since I should be detoxing now, being on day Six of my water fast.

I have noticed I have a sour stomach a lot, but I know from past experience that I would. That is the one thing I really dislike about fasting, is the sour stomach I always get. That and the blemishes that I usually get on my back from detoxing.

I have been drinking a lot of water, but not really keeping track of how much. I usually drink some water when my body needs it or I feel really nauseous, because my ketones are high. I don't have any ketone strips at the moment, but I really don't think I will need any since I know the feeling I get when they are high. When I start feeling a bit too nauseous, then I know they are high enough to affect me and I need to drink some more water to dilute them.

I have been reading a lot of my Bible and praying as well. My faith is getting stronger then it was a couple weeks ago. I am happy about that if about anything that is happening in my life at the moment.

The loss of a friendship is still hard for me, but I must not dwell upon something that I have no control over, no matter how badly I would love to fix it. I just hope with emotional detoxing that I won't suffer from the emotional bouts regarding this too much. If I do, it will be the hardest to deal with during this fast.

I have decided that I will have a deadline of Easter, which is April 12th, which will be 47 days of my water fast. If I still do not have an true hunger pains, I will continue for the next week, and so on, until I do have them. I will have my cut off day just for safety reason at 55 days, since that is the longest I have ever fasted before, but stopped because I felt it was time to do so. That was back in 2006. I will just have to see it day by day, once I hit day 50 of my fast.

I will see, everyday will get easier for me, since I am going working one job, so if I get too tired, I can get as much rest as my body needs, which is important for my body during fasting.

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Re: Day 10 of my w… #1005… 15 y
Re: Day 10 of my w… Sacri… 15 y
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