Re: Febuary 6th. Time for another short fast.
Date: 2/10/2008 12:28:17 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1527 times
Hi there!
Good to see you fasting again: I really enjoyed reading your blog on your first fast. I myself did a 30 day fast last year and am now on day 20/40 day fast (I also sent you an email recently.) Well, for some reason, it was incredibly difficult for me to fast after my first time. I would start the day fasting, sometimes, even a couple of days, and then completely blow it. Also, I have read a lot of blogs and journals and found that this was GENERAL. I saw those jouranls on another inspirational fasting site
and go to Bulletin Board section(my username is Cybersoul) for some reason, after completing a fast and proving yourself that you could make it, it is just so hard to do it again. I sometimes think that the first time was easy, because we just didn't know what we were getting ourselves into!! (kidding...)
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