Blog: My Until Hunger Returns Water Fast
by vilang

day 17

Another good day

Date:   2/8/2008 6:04:14 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1784 times

Day 17 was another good day .

We had gest today ,bit was very nice , had fun , but I am very tired already ( prapared a lot of delicios things for the gests ). Here is nearly 1 AM .
I was today for a short walk,, in a low speed .I have a lot of energy , but the walk made me tired a bit. It was a beatiful sunny day today , but a little cold .
Generaly I can not do a lot of things, dispait the feeling of enrgy .Geting easily tired and need a short rest .Fortunatly my husbunt suppors me and do a lot of things for me.

I am looking very good already .
Flat stomach, beatiful lean face of teenageer, bright eyes.

Interesting thing is that the balance does not show weight change since 4 days , but we see a lot of weight change .

Gott only knows !

Instate of ocational nousea ( Dr .Sheltans says that it is due of the schrinking stomach ) I have not any complains .Urin still has some foam on the surface( albumin maybe ?), but is otherwise clear. BP is 115/ 75 - 120/80 . Puls between 60 and 70( I had hight blood presure since many years and quick puls ( 80-100 ) after the sickness ).

I am feeling very light and sleeping very good in the night( no more dreams at all ), after taking my the daily evening , body worming shower .

In good mood and optimisticaly looking forward to day 18 !

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