Blog: My Until Hunger Returns Water Fast
by vilang

day 6

A bit of change

Date:   1/28/2008 4:50:13 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3002 times

Some new things happened today.

In the morning my son ask me what is this bad smell what is coming from my mouth and run very far way from me .My tongue is more coated .
I am sleeping very much in the night and in the morning( after preparing my son for school ) up to 12am -1 PM . I did todaw some housekeeping works kleaning , washing and vacuming and this make me very tired even I made a big braks in between ,laying in the bed.
I made today a some water enemas one ofter the other one.On the first two came clear water , but the last brout horroble staff out .Black-green and very stinky.
I am in doubt about the enemas .Dr. H.Schelten advice not to do them, other naturopats to do them .
Here is a site , advicing to do the enemas.It is also from the
Catalog of The Alternative Medical Therapies Library .

I am actualy feeling good after an enema , particulary after coffee enema.
It realy make the liver reliece a lot of dirty staff, what makes you feel good.
I can not find any info are they O.K. in water fast. I now that they are use for curung cancer in combination with alot of juicies.
First urin in the morning was covered with a lot of bubles , Like I pe shampoo, but then cleared out.I have a little bit nausea and when I drink the water some blums.
My body is not very happy today about the water.
Also heavines in the liver (both sides right and left ).
Maybe I will do the coffee.It provides immidiate relief.

I find also for my self, that I am feeling better , when I am not doing fisical things ( except short walks )and go oft in bed to have a or just relex.
Maybe becouse 2 months ago I was very sick I was for three weeks in the hospital with pleuriris, pneumonia and pericarditis ( all of that I got from air condition)
on antibiotica and cortizons and my body still needs a lot of rest .

But generaly I am O.K.

No hunger.

Weghtloss is -5 kg ( 11 pouns )

I can do this !

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Re: day 6 vidisad 16 y
Re: day 6 valerie_cct 16 y
Re: day 4 of my wa… vilan… 16 y
Re: day 4 of my wa… valer… 16 y
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