Blog: My Until Hunger Returns Water Fast
by vilang

day 4 of my water fast

Had some small problems , but have solved them

Date:   1/26/2008 4:24:36 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 6154 times


Today's Intake:

Only water, according to desire.

Today's Output:

Urine is clear, no color, no odor, friquens as usual.

I was filing a little unconfortable in the morning , had some presure in head ( but not a pain ) and a feeling that I want to BM in any case. I tried, but I could not do anything .
Thats why I took a coffee enema.
Surprisingly it was nothing, absolutly nothing inside me ! But the coffee came back smeling very bad !( when the liver is clean the coffee returns smeling like coffee ).I suppose I true out a lot of toxins , because I feld immidiate relif after the enema. No more pressure in head, no more pressure for BM .
I was feling like newborn , full of energy .
After the coffee enema took a second enema with water only ( hight volume ) to wash with water what ever rest from the coffee inside the colon .( because I am doing a water fast, not a a coffee fast )
After all this procedures I was able to do a lot of things around the house and went for even for a plesant walk in the evening .


Today's Mental and fisical Outlook:

- Except the troubles in the mornig -great .My puls is 60/min .
- I can do this
- I am not hungry, prepared a lot of food for my family , but had no desire to eat

Change in me :

Weght: 76 kg (167, 58 pounds ) minus 4 kg ( 8.82 pounds ).

Tongue is light coated ( I am wondering why so light coated indeed.I made 7 years ago a fruit fast and my tongue was much more coated during the water fast )

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Re: day 6 vidisad 16 y
Re: day 6 valerie_cct 16 y
Re: day 4 of my wa… vilan… 16 y
Re: day 4 of my wa… valer… 16 y
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