Fasting for Weight Loss & Psoriasis Healing
by YoungLady
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Soft drinks: Unsafe beverages   18 y  
Amazingly, Americans (and people in other countries) actually drink a product that can rightfully be called Osteoporosis In a Can. And, it gets worse from there. Read on.
This poison goes by many brand names, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Generically, this poison is on the market in formulations known as soda, pop, and soft drinks. It includes all carbonated beverages--even carbonated plain water. The various substances in sodas compound the problem, especially the typical formulations with their carbonic acid or phosphoric acid. Reading the rest of this article may be the best use you’ve ever made of 5 minutes. Yeah, we know Pepsi will never sponsor an ad on this site. But your health is more important to us. It’s tragic that the ”beverage” industry ...   read more

Food Addictions May Have Chemical Basis   18 y  
People who become addicted to drugs and those who eat compulsively may experience similar changes in brain chemistry that keep them coming back for more.
Food Addictions May Have Chemical Basis People who become addicted to drugs and those who eat compulsively may experience similar changes in brain chemistry that keep them coming back for more. This theory is just one put forth at a conference on the relationship between substance abuse and eating disorders. While it is well known that people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa are more likely to abuse drugs, alcohol or nicotine, the reasons why remain unclear. The factors that motivate a person to abuse drugs or eat compulsively may share circuits ...   read more

Psoriasis & Blood Type Diet   18 y  
How the ER4YT diet can help in psoriasis
By Dr. Tom Greenfield Psoriasis is understood to be an autoimmune disease whereby the concentration of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and other CAMs in serum increase during psoriatic inflammation (1). This is also the case in a variety of other autoimmune diseases. ICAM is a glycoprotein ligand (binding site) expressed on endothelial (surface) cells and also on leucocytes (white blood cells), and is one mechanism for migration of leucocytes towards diseased tissue. In addition to being found in high amounts a ...   read more

Excess Estrogen and Weight Gain   18 y  
Can certain food compounds be the secret weapon to destroy stubborn belly fat, ignite energy and — most surprisingly — get a leaner and stronger body?
Estrogenic Chemicals: The Hidden Cause for Belly Fat Gain and Other Disorders in Men and Women By Ori Hofmekler Author of The Warrior Diet Can certain food compounds be the secret weapon to destroy stubborn belly fat, ignite energy and — most surprisingly — get a leaner and stronger body? Is it true that adding certain missing plant compounds to our diet can make us sexier and healthier? Yes! But you need to know what to do, or you probably will still bloat up and suffer. All men and women alike are exposed to e ...   read more

Second day successful!   18 y  
Only water today, and no problems :-)
The second day of water fasting was uneventful :) I tested my urine with the ketosis strips three times, and every time the stick was more purple than before. So the ketosis is present and advancing. I only felt hunger a couple of times, once around noon and once around 6 pm. It was quite strong, but I distracted myself. I also had a big hunger pang when I smelled and/or saw food, but that’s normal, after all any organism in a fasting state becomes very sensitive to anything signaling food is near. During the morning I felt lightheaded while walking around, but it subsided as the day ...   read more

Scalp flaking gone after Pentrax and ACV   18 y  
After washing my hair with Pentrax shampoo and applying apple cider vinegar, my flakes are gone!
Yes, Pentrax shampoo (5% coal tar) and apple cider vinegar (ACV) are working for me :) I washed my hair with Pentrax two days ago, and sure enough the flakes were all gone, and the scalp looked ”calmer”. Then yesterday before going to bed I applied ACV to my scalp, with a cotton pad and using my fingers to work it through. I planned to wash my hair in the morning to get rid of the smell, but there was no smell at all in the morning! The skin looked even better. Coal tar works by slowing down the rate at which the skin cells multiply, which is too fast in psoriasis and dandruff. ACV c ...   read more

Second day--morning   18 y  
Second day of water fasting
Slept very well and woke up rested. The tongue was thickly coated, nothing surprising about that :) Slight cramps in my hips and inner thighs from yesterday’s running, hopefully I’ll still be able to exercise today. No hunger sensation, no headache, and very little lightheadedness.   visit the page

Successful day!   18 y  
It was a water-only day :-)
I had water only today. I exercised for one hour and a half--one hour on the elliptical (6 miles, 800 calories), and 25 minutes running on the treadmill (100 calories). Hope I don’t have cramps tomorrow from all the running... Then around 6 pm I started to feel very cold, and I took a one-hour nap; when I woke up I was still cold, and I suddenly got a huge hunger pang. Psychological hunger, that is. I went into the kitchen and looked at the cheese and turkey that had just been brought in(during finals in every dorm there is food available all night). I then went back to my room, tellin ...   read more

Why I am weird   18 y  
We all feel we are different than other people. But some of us feel more different than others. Not in a negative way, simply different. This is why I think I am weird.
There are things about me that although I don’t consider them bad, and I don’t think they make me a bad person, would definitely be considered weird by most other people because, at least in my experience, they are shared by few other people and so, not really understood. So I have to keep them for myself. But I want to put them in writing here, just in case other people relate to any of them--it is always good to know that we are not alone and not really that weird! So, without further ado--the list of things that make me weird: -I never smoke, drink alcohol, or drink coffee; I have ...   read more

Overcame my anxiety about running today!   18 y  
I ran for 15 minutes at 4.3 mph today, and am no longer "afraid" of running.
Yes I did! I went to the gym today and after I did my weight training for 20 minutes, I went to the cardio area. All the ellipticals were taken, and the gym was closing in 40 minutes, so I could either wait for an elliptical or go on a treadmill, which I did. Now when I’m on the treadmill I usually do very fast walking, alternating with short periods of actual running (2-3 minutes). I can power walk for 2-3 hours at a time, I can do an intense workout on the elliptical for more than one hour (sometimes even two), but for some reason I cannot run for more than 5 minutes. I used to run a ...   read more

Menstruation--is it really necessary?   18 y  
Why do women menstruate - and what's "normal" about it? "Women who eat a vegetarian diet containing mostly raw food experience only brief periods, scarcely noticeable, with hardly any loss of blood. Dr. H. G. Beiler in his book, The Natural Way to Sexual Health, explains that women experience troublesome periods only because of the toxic condition of their blood brought about by the high fat and protein Western diet."
Women call it ”the Curse” with feeling and good reason - the monthly bleeding of menstruation, with its days of inconvenience, discomfort and pain, is the bane of women’s existence from menarche to menopause. So universal in our modern culture is this miserable experience that it is assumed to be inevitable. Doctors and the women’s media attempt to cast it in a favourable light with trite comments about ”welcoming” it as the sign and sacrifice one makes in ”becoming a woman”. Yet there is probably not a woman anywhere who wouldn’t gladly do away with it if she safely could! In fact, men ...   read more

Bowel Action During Fasting   18 y  
H. Shelton's view on bowel movement during fasting. Note the reference (bolded) to the young lady who had "the worst case of psoriasis" Shelton had ever seen and whose skin "cleared up beautifully" during her 25-day fast. Psoriasis sufferers, take heart!
Bowel Action During Fasting Bowel Action During Fasting Hygienic System  Vol. III, Second Revised Edition 1942 Herbert M. Shelton After the digestion of the last meal prior to the fast, the bowels practically cease to function. They take a rest. Dr. Oswald says: "The colon contracts, and the smaller intestines retain all but the most irritating ingesta." Sometimes they will continue to move regularly for the first three or four days of the fast. In rare cases a diarrhea will develop even after fifteen or more days of fasting. Mark Twain describe ...   read more

The Warrior Diet   18 y  
Just found out about it, it seems an interesting way of eating that I've always found natural and easy,,q50k,00.html The Warrior Diet involves retraining the body (and the mind). If you try it for a few weeks, your hunger will diminish during the day. And, when you eat at night, you’ll know exactly what to eat and how much to eat. Your body may, in fact, tell you to eat a considerable amount -- no matter, listen to it. During the day you’ll likely want to nibble on things. This is okay, as long as your snack consists of fresh vegetables, fruits and a little protein if desired -- and doesn’t include carbohydrates like breads or grains. Yes, this r ...   read more

Ready to test the aminoacids solution for cravings   18 y  
Got the aminoacids mentioned in the "Eliminate cravings" article, will start using them tomorrow when the first carbs craving hits
I went to the mall today to buy yet another suit for my internship, and I also bought the essential aminoacids mentioned in the ”cravings” article. I bought L-glutamine (for sweets and starch cravings), L-tyrosine (for mental and physical energy, and thyroid hormone), and 5HTP--a form of tryptophan (precursor of serotonin, the ”feel good” neurotransmitter), which the store did not have. I can’t wait to test them tomorrow. I don’t want to bet on their effectiveness before I actually take them, but I have a strong intuitive feeling that the cravings I have been having since I was about 14 ...   read more

Eliminate cravings by solving your brain's imbalances   18 y  
EXCELLENT article--how simple aminoacid deficiencies cause cravings and how to correct them
The Role of Diet in Mental Health Excerpted from The Diet Cure by Julia Ross Our grateful acknowledgement to Julia Ross for permission to reprint S. sales. One Japanese company, Showa Denko, had produced all of these batches, which, it was found, were contaminated because they had eliminated three filter systems that they’d been using for years - just why they chose to take away these safety filters is a question that remains unanswered. Showa Denko has never made tryptophan again. Despite evidence that no other manufacturer has ever made a problem batch, the ...   read more

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In this Blog I will keep a daily journal of my 8-14 day fast. During the fast I will be drinking water and lemonade (made only of lemon juice and water). My goal is to eliminate 25 pounds of fat--going from 151 to 126 lbs (68 kg to 57 kg). During the fast I will work out daily for at least 30 minutes, including weight training (to prevent muscle mass loss) and cardio. The other purpose of this fast is to heal the mild psoriasis on my scalp.… more...

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Created: 18 y   May 03 2006


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Comments (10 of 25):
Re: Menstruation--… Risu 12 y
Re: Psoriasis & Bl… safew… 12 y
Re: Slippery Elm B… j001w 12 y
Re: Therapeutic Fa… lonad… 15 y
Re: My story--part… senor… 15 y
Re: Menstruation--… lauri… 16 y
dont forget about … Life-… 18 y
Re: I got the same… Young… 18 y
Re: Amino acids Gu… Young… 18 y
I got the same pro… YourE… 18 y
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