journal of my 30 day juice fast
by ausjulie
Page 5 of 8

Day 2   15 y  
heading in the right direction sure feels better than repeating silly mistakes
as usual for me day 1 is very easy. today i am feeling a little hungry but that is my fault i havent drank enough juice, water or mc lemonade. i have also started working out. last night i did 20 min bike and 20 min elyptical and 30 mins of strength training. oh my gosh i have got so far to go, but it feels good to be heading in the right direction. slight headache but not too bad. tomorrow it will probably kick in. then it is just a matter of getting thru to somewhere between day 8 and day 12 that is usually when i start to feel fantastic. not taking anything for BM’s as yet will start ...   read more

Day 1   15 y  
Fresh start!
i am really looking forward to this fast. i am not sure how long i will go, hopefully the full 30 days. But again i will go in small milestones. The first one being getting thru a friday nite, then making it to a week. Then 10 days. I have 20 pounds to lose but will stop at 15 if i feel good. My current weight is around 154pd(im too scared to get on the scales!). My goal is 132pd, I want to fit back into a pair of jeans that i know i look and feel good in. I also want to build up my muscles again and have that lean feeling. I have a lot of work to do. I have not being exercising, eating an ...   read more

Day 1 & 2   16 y  
Time to get back in control
ITs been a while since i last fasted so i thought it was high time i give it another go. I went back to Australia for summer and maintained a healthy weight but for some reason since been back in America i have eaten badly and not exercising near enough. So time to do a little check and balance. My weight is 145, so i am aiming for a 10 pound weight loss to get me to my health and easy to maintain weight.I mostly want from this fast a kick start back to my healthy eating and exercise schedule. Dont get me wrong i am still extremely proud of myself and my accomplishments..i have still maint ...   read more

Day 17   16 y  
last day
not much to report i feel really good. the mc cleanse seems to agree with me either that or i am just at that good stage of fasting. last few days have been easy. i ran again last night and im so glad this has become part of my routine again. very determined to continue this post fast. today will be my last day of fasting. tomorrow i will juice in mornign and eat raw at nigth then back to very light on friday. i am thinking i want to do a 10 day mc fast soon to help get rid of the last of my weight. i may take this weekend for fun and then start again on monday. im glad i got this far and ...   read more

Day 15 & 16   16 y  
mc here i come
yesterday i changed to a MC cleanse for the last few days of my fast. i just wanted to try it and see how i felt. and weirdly yesterday is one of the best days i have had so far. i was really low energy when i got home from work but i dragged myself onto the treadmill and ran my 4 miles. it hurt every last inch of it but i got thru. then onto the situps and push ups. feels good to be exercising those muscles again. today i woke up feeling pretty good. my weight is down which is always a good thing. i have 3 pounds to go to goal weight but i think i will need to lose a bit more than that to ...   read more

Day 14   16 y  
superbowl sunday averted! yahoo!
second milestone yeah! today was another tough day for me. the temptation to join in superbowl activities was high but i got thru it. i had pineapple juice this morning and mc lemondae the rest of the day. tongiht i had soem veggie broth and sipped on herbal tea. i didnt take any oxypowder last night so no BM’s today. i thought i could go to the maintenace program after being on it for a week but apparently not. so i ve taken my dose tonight. from past experience i know i need to be having heaps of BM’s or i just feel disgusting. im sure tomorrow i will be fine. i went for a long walk a ...   read more

Day 13   16 y  
its really late and im off to bed. today was easier and rather non eventful which is good. a little bored but i took myself to the movies and that cured that for a while. feelign pretty good today looking forward to a good night more tomorrow.   visit the page

Day 12   16 y  
tough day!
well i spoke too soon i said yesterday that i was finding the fast easy well today has been by far the most difficult day i have had thus far. yes its friday my old arch nemesis! i just love our typical friday routine a really nice meal a few beers maybe a really great red and a movie with the family. it just fits so well with all of us and i love it. end of the week start of the weekend absolutely my favourite night of the week. the only night that tops it is a friday night before a long weekend or holidays! anyway i went to the supermarket with my daughter to get some food for the kids a ...   read more

Day 11   16 y  
afternoon low
i startd off today feeling really good and happy and healthy. actually in a really good mood. i am never really in a bad mood but today i was feeling rather chipper. the day went a long fine and then later i started to feel all the old feelings of boredom and felt like i am missing out on something. i came crashing down again late in the afternoon??? i really dont remember having highs and lows in the same day last fast, but i guess every fast is different. may be i need to increase the juice around this time??? i ran again last night so im really happy about that. i didnt exercise toda ...   read more

Day 10   16 y  
Yeah second milestone
i made it to day 10. im happy i did it and feel liek i want to keep going. i feel pretty good today i still dont have heaps of energy but not really tired like yesterday. although i didnt sleep so good which has been the first night since fasting. not sure what that was about my legs were a little sore. i ran 4 miles yesterday on the treadmill so maybe just reaction to that. i am still sticking with and orange juice in the morning, mc lemondae during the day and hot water and then at night herbal tea or if im hungry i juice a pineapple. this seems to do the job so far. my weight is at 13 ...   read more

Day 9   16 y  
roller coaster ride of a day
today i woke up feeling exhausted and really wanted to lay in bed all day. i took the kids to school came home had a nap got up had a shower and took myself off to work. i really didnt want to go but thought i would go in see if much was going on and the go from there. i picked up my orange juice on the way in. jamba juice squeezes it fresh infront of you cant beat it! i got to work and slowy started to feel much better. after a few cups of hot water i lifted to a really high energy level where i felt like i could run a marathon. really high! i was thinking oh my god i feel great i am goin ...   read more

Day 8   16 y  
feeling a little better today still really tired though. i have kind of got myself into a bad sleeping routine. i am a bit of a night owl so i tend to sit up late and read in bed. i love my bedtime routine. i have a cup of herbal sleepytime tea which is my favourite. then i have a really really long hot hot shower. i jump into my comfy bed with loads of covers and read until usually around 1am. I then begrudginly wake up take the kids to shcool and race back home to jump in bed for waht i say is only going to be a short nap but turns into the most blissfull 2hour sleep. Tehn i get up and g ...   read more

Day 7   16 y  
a week of fasting and not quite where i would like to be
feeling ok today not great still. but not too bad. a little bored with things but i know i am heading in the right direction. still feel like i want to eat food but not going to give into the temptation. this is my first milestone making it one week. so cograts to me. im not so please about the wieght loss it is slow to say the least. i weighed myself this morning and i am 140 pd which is only down 5 pd in 7 days. i was really hoping for at least 7 pds so ill be looking for an increase in weight loss in the next few days. i will go onto to 10 days and then see how i feel from there. not ...   read more

day 5 & 6   16 y  
yahoo made it thru a friday
i am so damn pleased with myself i made it thru to day 6 yeah! first time i have been able to do that since my 30 day fast 2 years agao. now on to day 7 and go from there. last nigth was friday nite and it wasnt near as tough as i had anticipated. i still need to adress the lack of veggie juice. but just wanted to let you know i am still on the fast and no intention of breaking at this stage. i dont have time now but i do have more to say. ill post again later!   visit the page

Day 4   16 y  
getting thru it
Today has been fine althougth right now i am really feeling like eating. not hungry just feel like eating soemthing yummy. i will get thru it. probably because of all the yummy food sitting in my fridge i made for my kids. i have to start making them things i dont like to eat. ive had an orange juice, mc lemondae and some veggie broth i made last nite. i put all kinds of veggies in a big pot, no potato though, try for mostly greens. i also put in garlic and parsley and one apple to sweeten it a little. then i boil it up let it simmer for a few hours. i strain two or three times. i usuall ...   read more

Day 3   16 y  
a little tired
still going strong feeling the boredom creep in everynow and then but trying to stay focused on the goal. felt like i needed more juice today so i had 2 oranges juices and some mc lemonade. i also had a wheat grass shot which was disgusting!!!! couldnt get rid of the taste for a few hours but i somehow need to increase my greens intake considering i hate veggie juice. i am giong to try next week though. i also need to increase my water intake. probably becasue i am having so many lemonades i am not thirsty but i know water is necessary for the detox and cleansing. i am still having quit ...   read more

Day 2   16 y  
feelign lighter already!
I always find day 1-5 rather easy so right now i am feeling good. Better than yesterday that is for sure. Just so happy i have started this journey again. I know my toughest obsticle is going to be getting thru the boredom i find on a fast. In the beginning it is easy and then i get so bored with just juice or lemonade that i think oh to hell with it. so i have to have more of a plan to get thru this weekend and focus on all the good aspects. But altimatley i am going to feel so much better monday morning when i wake up on Day 8 cant wait for that feeling which for me is my first major mil ...   read more

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i am day 4 into my juice fast. i hve been reading others blogs and decided today to start my own more...

Last Activity: 14 y ago
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165 Comments   Last comment 14 y ago

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Created: 18 y   Jan 12 2006


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Comments (10 of 165):
Re: Day 15& 15 ausjulie 14 y
Re: Day 15& 15 LeannaM 14 y
Re: Day 2 ausjulie 14 y
Re: Day 2 Ingi 15 y
Re: Day 17 ausjulie 15 y
Re: Day 17 rawrnr 15 y
Re: day 3 post fast L1724 15 y
Re: day 7 optimism1 16 y
Re: Day 17 b2reflect 16 y
Re: Day 14 mirandalise 16 y
All Comments (165)

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