20 Oct 2005 19 y
eft, dream of moving
I was not surprised at the dream I had last night.
It was that I was moving.
Packing up, etc.
I couldn’t put the large furniture in the truck by myself.
I was stalled a bit with moving forward because I was waiting for those with more muscle to get the refrigerator and couch and beds loaded. Then I could go with the boxes of little stuff.
I knew it would be exhausting and annoying but there was no choice - I was moving.
I am watching more videos on EFT and intentions and learning so much. So it means something that I am moving out of my house into something else - and I am not st ... read more
20 Oct 2005 19 y
eft, attracting money
I’m starting to experiment with tapping behind the ear spots. I think its the beginning of the triple warmer. From what Donna Eden says, when you tap on the left side the statement should be something in the negative. For example: I have no trouble attracting and extra $500 per month. And on the right side it shoule be positive. ”I easily attract an extra $5oo each month.” And you can do this very frequently during the day.
And then let the universe work out the details and don’t worry or think about how to accomplish it.
When I tapped on those statements to make sure the right/l ... read more
19 Oct 2005 19 y
eft, remembering sin
I’m listening to a WorldTalkRadio broadcast on EFT and the man being interviewed:Rick Wilkes from thrivingnow.com made a comment that remembering means to recreate. Literally recreating the sensation, the physicalness of an event as well as just the flat memory of it. So my mind immediately went to the scripture that when we repent and come unto Christ and he forgives us, then he remembers the sin no more.
In this case then remembering the sin - from the Savior’s standpoint is recreating the suffering he did in the garden of Gethsemane for every sin of every person. He felt it physic ... read more
18 Oct 2005 19 y
eft, burn
An amazing talk with SM. I had been expecting to meet with her sometime this week for a new week of goals about her eating and weight etc. But she didn’t come to yoga class. I had spent some time pondering just what she needed to tap on this week. They were statements about retaking her own power and choice, that her weight and size are not her. She is separate from them. She is having a physical experience, but who she is is something deeper. She needs to reclaim her dreams and desires. Things like that. - Nothing adressing weight loss yet.
She showed up after class and she wan ... read more
14 Oct 2005 19 y
eft - headache
At the Recreation yoga class in evening we did the hook up first then I asked if anyone had some physical pain or symptoms. DJ had a headache. SUD’s level 6. We all tapped for/with her 2 rounds and SUD’s level down to 0.
I realize I need more work both with feeling snobbish and judgemental of others. I am going to use both Carol Truman’s meditation and tapping. I really like the method of telling the story and tapping or venting and tapping, or describing the problem or feelings while tapping. Then you don’t have to come up with separate words to say. visit the page
11 Oct 2005 19 y
eft, basement wall dream
A dream this morning: DH and I are in the basement of our house. I go over to the outside wall and it begins to fall over on me. Then the cement part start to fall over. DH is curious and aware, but doesn’t do much. Both parents are there but also don’t do much. I see water dripping in from the rafters and pipes. Sometimes there is no floor and you can see clear up to the roof. All of the walls in the basement are started to fall and separate from the foundation. I realize I’m going to have to move all of the stuff down there upstairs until I get it repaired. I feel anxiety about ... read more
8 Oct 2005 19 y
eft eye point
I am now watching the next set of CD video’s from Frannie. Its called Steps toward becoming the Ulimate Therapist. So much more to learn. Its really broadening out into other areas. I’m enjoying it.
One thing on here I really like is tapping for constricted breathing. Everyone for every occasion could be helped by this. You take 2 or 3 big breaths. Then evaluate at what level is your breath. I don’t feel I have any constricted breathing - but I still just intuitively rated my breath as a 8 or 9. Then we just did the setup and tapping on the KC point. The improvement was very ... read more
4 Oct 2005 19 y
eft has not helped
The pinkeye is gone. But I think it was because I was more diligent in getting the regular vit supplement. Little things break down when I am sporadic - infections and irregular/odd cycle changes.
Tapping has not helped the pink eye, or Alex’s rash on arms.- that we can tell. Maybe the help is a little more subtle. visit the page
30 sep 2005 19 y
eft, pink eye & yoga
Pink eye is about 70% better. But I assume it is more because of the defense plus and Vit C and secondly the urine therapy and maybe the tapping.
I did have a very nice yoga practice and very easily did the recling pose called saddle. Its a heros pose - wide leg, and then you lay back on the floor. Its very intense on quads and hip joints and lumbar spine. So I did some tapping while there and I can see where the idea that tapping distracts you because that’s what it seemed to do for me, so I wasn’t focusing on the intense stretch, then I could be there without fear. visit the page
29 Sep 2005 19 y
eft,pink eye
Tapping and urine therapy is not making much of a dent in the pink eye. It is not getting worse today, but not much of a noticable improvment either. I have started taking more Vit C and Defense Plus. I probably need to boost my immune system a bit before it will take care of the pink eye from the inside.
I made some CAC tea for Alex and it made him feel like he was about to throw up. I had him tap for it and just doing the hook-up took care of the nausea. visit the page
28 Sep 2005 19 y
eft, pink eye
It was later afternoon before I realized that my red eye was not allergies but pink eye. I began treatment with urine therapy and tapping about every half hour all evening. Things look the same here at night. I’ll see how it looks in the morning. No quick fix for tapping on this one.
DD20 was feeling very exhausted and headache and nausea so we did a few rounds of tapping for that and she felt better. visit the page
26 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, more crossing over
In yoga class today there were more people attending and I did the testing again for energy crossing over. Wide variety of outcomes. My predictions would not have been correct. Some people’s polarity and crossover energies were fine. Some had polarity backwards but crossover energy was fine. Some had balanced polarity but not crossing over and one person had balanced polarity but the biotensor while testing the crossing over went in huge circles. Even after tapping specifically for crossing over, the biotensor went in huge circles. I wasnt’ sure where to go for after that.
We went ... read more
24 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, energy crossing over
The focus of yoga class today was on energy crossover- that your right brain controls your left side and left brain controls right side. This is the normal balanced way the body works. Two people came. I tested both with the biotensor to begin with. The wife (had 5 kids in 8 years) polarity was backwards and energies running homolaterally. Husband was fine for both things.
The hook-up fixed the polarity problem. We did 30 minutes of yoga that was particularly for the crossing over problem. But it did not fix her homolateral energies. Then at the very end we tapped meridians. Th ... read more
23 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, money anxiety
We have been remodling the basement and its required us to borrow some money to complete the task. Along with that and the huge increase in gas prices and anxiety about things because of recent hurricanes that will affect the whole country - I have been anxious about the budget and family spending. I have wanted to really clamp down on any spending but basic needs - and yet I know in my head the truth to the philosophy that worry about money issues is counter-productive. So I have had this argument going on in my head. I knew it needed to be fixed. Tapping is just the answer. It took ... read more
17 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, yoga meditation
I have been thinking and pondering how to bring meridian tapping into the yoga class on a regular basis without focusing on a particular person and thus ignoring the rest of the class. I have come up with a meditation that we will begin every class with - that I’m in charge of anyway. Here it is:
Meridian Tapping Meditation
1. Karate chop point: Even tho my body has its own personal illnesses and limitation, I completely accept myself.
Even tho my body is not perfect and sometimes I feel like its falling apart or betraying my, I completely accept myself.
Even tho I’m not ... read more
15 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, 90+yr labored breathing
Wow, that was really miraculous. I just shake my head about this one. These are more sisters who were at the RS meeting where I did some very gentle chair yoga and we began with some meridian tapping. I had wanted to get back together with the T family and today I did. The mom, about 90 something has various and sundry health difficulties but she’s still happy, smiling, alert, and so I usually ask people to tell me about the pain and describe it. So she says, ”Oh, I’m fine....” I had to remind her that this wasn’t a cordial visit but I needed her to tell me specifically if she had pa ... read more
14 Sep 2005 19 y
EFT, deteriorating hip
I had previously taught HL a very quick version of tapping and she told me that she shared it with a few other of her friends. LA is about 70ish and has had pain and trouble sitting and standing for a year or so. I went to see her so I could make sure she understood the tapping and to see if it was working for her. We immediately reduced her hip pain while just sitting. She stood up and there was pain again and she felt very unsteady while standing. So we tapped a few rounds for that and she felt more confident while standing. I gave her a paper with things written down so she could ... read more
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