by munificent
Page 4 of 4

Oil from Iran & EUROS   18 y  
Oil form Iran will be traded in EUROS incase you haven't been watching, euros are worth more than the dollar- that means it Chian may follow suit- unless ofcourse we give them Taiwan!
Dear A-Letter Reader: Yesterday, President Bush told the nation’s governors he spends ”a lot of time worrying about disruption of energy because of politics or civil strife in other countries--because tyrants control the spigots.” And who is the chief tyrant that keeps Bush up at night? President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. On March 20th, Iran will launch an attack on the American economy that could be far more damaging than last weeks attempt on Abquaiq, the massive Saudi processing facility. For the sake of your future wealth and prosperity, I urge you to read the following imp ...   read more

Foolish Cruelty   18 y  
If the shoe fits dance U So Be It!
Cycles of the Psyche Contain the Small and the upright Men of the Light are,neverless, flesh Men of the flesh attuned on the earth What flesh separates is brought together by eternal woman the void, the creative While you create your existence in prominence, and strength know that you came through the void By the generousity the joining of balance and perhaps pleasure whether for that moment or eternity In this moment you can act With Generousity Or Greed With tenderness Or Lust Your generousity of Spirit will outstrip flesh pleasure pomposity ...   read more

Leadership   18 y  
Poof~Hiding Messages~
We are here to think for ourselves and be responsible for ourselves, and make choices that reflect our soul..period-each to his own! You’ve uncovered another conspiracy, another bad place and time for poor old Rick Ross..and all the cultist that have been -well they are not held against their will- so all those poor vitims that stay like a fatted calf looking to be fed and then get diappointed when they are not a benefactor from whatever bsuinesses the 3Ho organization has. Quite frankly if he had to be deprogrammed ((?) from yoga?) and ”is still not grounded” after 3 years...no inte ...   read more

Vampire? Pic   18 y  
Just when you thought it was safe from those darn Vampires-then they get elected as Gov. of Minnesota- Why not? Jesse Ventura was govenor of Minnesota
Vampire Seeks Job as Minnesota Governor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNEAPOLIS (Jan. 13) - Minnesota voters, who eight years ago elected a former professional wrestler as their governor, may find a self-proclaimed vampire on the ballot for the office this year. ”Politics is a cut-throat business,” said Jonathon ”The Impaler” Sharkey, who said he plans to announce his bid for governor Friday on the ticket of the Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party. Like Jesse ”The Body” Ventura, who was elected governor as an independent in ...   read more

Abramoff/Gingrich   18 y  
"The siren of lobbyists" does this mean singing destroys ethics..? Or that no one was taught better? Or because the "other kids" do it? Peer Pressure.
Newt as Diogenes in a Dark Capitol Published: January 7, 2006 It was a measure of the failure of Congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle that Newt Gingrich, the disgraced former speaker, was the one to lecture the House Republican majority this week on the siren lure of lobbyists and the pitfalls of cronyism. But Mr. Gingrich, whose downfall included a $300,000 penalty for violating House ethics rules nine years ago, did speak truth. ”You can’t have a corrupt lobbyist without a corrupt member or a corrupt staffer on the other end,” he warned fellow Republicans, who were stunn ...   read more

Skilling/Enron   18 y  
Or He said, She said Only he is SEC/Feds and she is Skilling-
Feds Say Skilling Tried to ’Deceive’ SEC Former Enron president testified about one sale of 500,000 shares but allegedly concealed an attempted sale of 200,000 more. Stephen Taub, CFO.com January 04, 2006 Federal prosecutors have alleged that former Enron Corp. president Jeffrey Skilling attempted to ”deceive” the Securities and Exchange Commission in a December 2001 deposition, according to The Wall Street Journal. Skilling’s sale of 500,000 Enron shares, on September 17 of that year, came less than three months before the energy giant filed for bankruptcy, the paper pointed ...   read more

Spin Patriot   18 y  
So this is a "spin article" politics through the media..game played- but let's hope not won!
Extension of Patriot Act Senate agrees to a six-month extension By Melanie Waddell With the U.S.A. Patriot Act set to expire at the end of 2005, the Senate decided on December 21 to extend the Act for six months so the House and Senate could make revisions to the Act next year. The House voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act for four years before it adjourned for the holidays the prior week. In a statement, President Bush said he appreciated “the Senate for working to keep the existing Patriot Act in law through next July, despite boasts last week by the Democratic leader that h ...   read more

12/30/72Bomb Vietnam   19 y  
Blast from the Vietnamese Past- War in Vietnam -winding down
Nixon Orders a Halt In Bombing of North Above 20th Parallel; Peace Talks Will Resume Jan. 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Is Sudden -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kissinger Will Renew His Efforts With Tho, White House Says -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By BERNARD GWERTZMAN Special to The New York Times RELATED HEADLINES Hanoi’s Reaction ...   read more

Rep. Ron Paul   19 y  
More on the understood and misunderstood Patriot Act by Rep. Ron Paul posting at antiwar.com
Question the PATRIOT Act Now – Before It’s Too Late by Rep. Ron Paul Recent revelations that the National Security Agency has conducted broad surveillance of American citizens’ e-mails and phone calls raise serious questions about the proper role of government in a free society. This is an important and healthy debate, one that too often goes ignored by Congress. Public concerns about the misnamed PATRIOT Act are having an impact, as the Senate last week refused to reauthorize the bill for several years. Instead, Congress will be back in Washington next month to consider many of the ...   read more

Militant Vegetarians?   19 y  
FISA- Foreign Intelligence Survelliance Act
Dear A-Letter Reader: As the nation now knows, President Bush admits that he ordered the National Security Agency on more than 30 occasions to carry out secret wiretaps without obtaining warrants as the law requires. He claims all the investigations were terrorist related, and we hope that’s the truth. But his administration’s track record doesn’t give much support for his assertion. Bush justified the wiretaps because he says a 1978 law that requires the government to obtain a warrant before it wiretaps a suspected terrorist or foreign spy isn’t flexible enough to fight the immediac ...   read more

Death Sentence in Ca.   19 y  
So (I LOVE THIS) one of the suggested name changes for the stadium in Austria be the "Crips" after Tookie Wiliams who was executed under the California death penalty. Apparently, the Austrians feel the death penalty to be barbaric and some factions don't want their stadium named Swartzenegger (father of the city) anymore.
BERLIN, Dec. 26 - For years the quaint Austrian town of Graz trumpeted its special relationship with its outsize native son, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Skip to next paragraph Governor Rejects Clemency for Inmate on Death Row (Dec. 13, 2005) Execution Ignites New Fire in Death Penalty Debate (Dec. 14, 2005) Born in a village nearby and schooled in Graz, Mr. Schwarzenegger was an honorary citizen and holder of the town’s Ring of Honor. Most conspicuously, the local sports stadium was named after him. But early on Monday, under cover of darkness, his name was removed from the arena in a ...   read more

Speak & Lead   19 y  
I have years of public speaking and debate training- yes, don't we know it-now if I could just improve my typing-hummm.Truly inspirational presentation skills are hard to find..good ministers have them, presidents should have them- but...well...
To Lead Well, Speak Well by Matt Krumrie Monster Contributing Writer Great managers can inspire, motivate and train employees, but they ultimately can’t get the job done without solid verbal communication and public speaking skills. ”Since most communication today occurs on a verbal level, it is critical that people learn to speak clearly and convincingly,” says Lenny Laskowski, an international professional speaker and president of LJL Seminars. ”Everyone needs to learn how to communicate their ideas clearly and professionally. One who speaks clearly and confidently automatically ...   read more

Rogue President? A-Letter   19 y  
So Bush did not get his Homeland Security Patriot Act extended, and He may get himself impeached...that is good news but Cheney?
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - Vol. 7 No. 255 In Today’s Letter: Comment: A Government of Laws. Wealth: 2006 Investment Trends. Privacy & Rights: The Washington Blame Game. A Government of Laws Dear A-Letter Reader: When I first read an alleged quotation from President Bush a week ago I doubted its accuracy. It was a shocker. Surely, I thought, this is a malicious distortion from someone who probably got some gossip third hand. No president would ever say, or even think, such a thing, I mused. The exact quotation, by the editor of a publication called Capitol Hill Blue , wa ...   read more

Boxer/Bush Spying   19 y  
Barbara knows how to kick a lame duck- but actually- this lame duck president has big connections in the corporate world..so it takes a fair amount of political cajones to adopt this approach- Go Barb..wonder if she has plans to run in the next presidential election?
Boxer Asks Presidential Scholars About Former White House Counsel’s Statement that Bush Admitted to an ’Impeachable Offense’ December 19, 2005 Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today asked four presidential scholars for their opinion on former White House Counsel John Dean’s statement that President Bush admitted to an ”impeachable offense” when he said he authorized the National Security Agency to spy on Americans without getting a warrant from a judge. Boxer said, ”I take very seriously Mr. Dean’s comments, as I view him to be an expert on Presidential abuse ...   read more

Pusillanimity   19 y  
New Word- always cool! But not a new concept- cut aid (food stamps and Aid to Dependant children) in the bloated war budget?! Certainly the Regan trickle down theory was similar to this thinking!
Q. When is a self-proclaimed moderate Republican lawmaker just another malleable vote? A. When House G.O.P. leaders hold a budget-cutting showdown open after midnight for extended arm-twisting on the eve of their long holiday break. Back home on that Thanksgiving break, spineless lawmakers were unlikely to share with their well-fed constituents the shameful result: for the lack of just two votes from the majority’s vaunted ”moderate” coalition, more than 200,000 poor Americans each face the loss of food stamps worth $140 a month in nourishment. For weeks before the vote, coalition ...   read more

Bill of Rights   19 y  
This was another link on eleny Cook's site she's got it all going on! Yeah- here is an org that supports the fight for the bill of rights! Coolness Incarnate
Business groups want to limit the PATRIOT Act - Read the letter to Senator Specter signed by the US Chamber of Commerce and other prominent business associations (PDF) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   read more

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Created: 19 y   Aug 04 2005


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Comments (10 of 31):
Glad to see you ba… vibr8 18 y
Thanks..I guess..I… 9thbo… 18 y
We all have the fr… kermi… 18 y
Re:Here is the sto… 9thbo… 19 y
Go Graz!!!! NoMoreDocs 19 y
Actually she has s… 9thbo… 19 y
What is Sen. Boxer… super… 19 y
$$$, Happy Thanksg… 9thbo… 19 y
Is that the most p… Squea… 19 y
Actully I misspoke… 9thbo… 19 y
All Comments (31)

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Yoga Path  18 y  (396)
Cold Water Blog  18 y  (269)
Quantum Intelligensia  18 y  (267)
Spirit of Money, Financial Fl…  18 y  (249)
BaBaGee Blog  18 y  (16)
Breathwork  19 y  (16)
Desire  18 y  (5)
Sacred Sex  18 y  (4)
Apothegm  18 y  (3)
Breathwork for wholeness  19 y  (3)

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