Best Education of BV I've found: 19 y
Link to Powerpoint Presentation
I’m going to stress this one. This is BV explained by a doctor. Better than I could ever do... and he’s explaining it to other doctors so it’s not ’dummied down’ for us common folk - this is the best education on BV I’ve ever read. Nice that somebody’s doing their homework.
Thanks! visit the page
Cause for more study... 19 y
Research on the Web
Here are some highlights from what Dr. Majeroni has to say about the subject...
Bacterial Vaginosis: An Update
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
The increased frequency of bacterial vaginosis in unmarried, low-income black women and in women with previous low-birth-weight infants may account for some of the racial gap in preterm births; however, bacterial vaginosis remains a risk factor for preterm low birth weight when variables are adjusted for race.15
[Why low income? why unmarried? why black women? - I don’t think any of th ... read more
Environmental Stressors play a part in healing 19 y
or.. my Christmas...
I’ve been thinking about this and have not come up with a solid answer but it’s more a gut feeling. A little history first...
I was a single mom living in a small house with my daughter and around October last year someone began breaking into my home. The first time was Halloween night, we were never home when it happened but I would come home to find my doors standing wide open or windows smashed and my bedroom destroyed. That is the only thing they seemed interested in was my bedroom. I had a boyfriend who provided some emotional support but the stress of having to come home every nig ... read more
What a great Weekend! 19 y
Let the Purification begin... soon
I feel pretty good. The Vitamin C seems to have helped for the time being. I ate the best food all weekend and got good sleep, no tossing and turning. I don’t know if my body is so out of whack that I’ve ended up in a state of constant ”maintenance” or if one of these days I’ll actually find a cure and feel normal again.
I decided Friday to do a Colon cleanse, I received some feedback that suggested that might help and since I’m open to any suggestions that might offer a healthful cure I decided to give it a try. I would prefer to use Dr. Natura Colonix but it’s a bit on the expensive s ... read more
Took a Break 19 y
Vitamin C may be too harsh
Decided last night to let my body rest and refresh. I held off on the Vitamin C treatment. I was having some irritation so I decided to give it a break for a day. I might start again but I’m having doubts. I really think the acidic vitamin c tablet is to harsh to be in direct contact with sensitive membranes, especially all night, every night for 7 days or more.
Maybe I’ll just wait over the weekend and see what happens and then make a decision on Monday whether or not to continue treatment with Vit. C, try something else, or leave it alone again for a while. visit the page
Could it be more tied to diet than I thought? 19 y
The body craves a healthy state
I had an epiphany last night. One of those blinding V-8, slap yourself on the forehead things. I realized that my body intensly craves vegetables! To the rest of you this is probably an obvious statement, but I realized that for the last 2 months, every time I go to the grocery store, I eventually find myself standing in front of the fresh vegetables staring at the brightly colored bell peppers, and as I’m standing there wanting to buy them I am talking myself out of it the whole time. Not realizing that my body wants me to buy the vegetables.
Silly, I know, but last night as I was driv ... read more
Part 2 19 y
Always the questions! Which combination of magic supplements holds the key to freedom?
So, to finish my last series of thoughts..
After the recent changes i.e. adding fiber, trying to improve my eating habits, etc. I do feel better. My face is clearing up, and everything seems to be working properly again, then the BV problem gets worse again.
Now, mind you, it never has completely gone away in the last 2 years. It may improve, it may disappear with antibiotics (and my doctor would say every time - ’oh! it’s back again!’) They just don’t get it. It never really was healed! My body is still screaming for balance--there is something missing that antibiotics don’t replace ... read more
My diet..... or lack thereof 19 y
Diet and how it affects health
At the suggestion of ”Your Enchanted Gardener”, I am writing about my diet and lifestyle because inevitably they both have much to do with the problem I am dealing with.
’You are what you eat’ they say, well I am in big trouble! I have always been slim and small and have never concerned myself with diet, exercise or calorie counting. In general, up until I turned 30, health was something I always took for granted, assuming that it would last indefinitely through drunken party and fast food binge. ’You reap what you sow’ they also say, I believe they are right.
My diet has consisted o ... read more
Feeling frustrated 19 y
Time for treatment again...
I’m really so tired of dealing with this problem! If anyone has a solution that I’m missing, please feel free to share it.
A couple of treatments I left out of the last post were:
Vitamin C tablets - Vaginally - I think I gave up on this one after the first time or two, but I’m trying it again now. I haven’t treated with anything in several months so maybe I will have better results. I believe it works (theoretically) because it raises the acidity of the vagina, thereby killing the offending bacteria. This still doesn’t solve the problem of replacing the ”good guys” that have been lo ... read more
Treatments I've tried 19 y
Starting over
Well, now is the point I can start over - from where I’m at now. I have used several treatments, prescription and alternatives.
Clindamyacin (pills & cream)
Hydrogen Peroxide douche
Tea Tree Oil - vaginally inserted with Tampon overnight
Live culture yogurt - orally for 2 weeks daily, vaginally at bedtime for 7 days
Gy-Na-Tren oral/vaginal combo 1 month
Lactobacillus Acidophilus - Orally
Lactobacillus Crispatus - Orally, Vaginally
Something French - can’t remember the name, vaginally 1 month
Last treatment - Nothing at all, daily monitoring of conditi ... read more
Self Diagnosis -- Help or Hindrance? 19 y
Should Over the Counter Yeast treatments be so available?
In my reading I discovered that 9 times out of 10 when a woman thinks she has a yeast infection, she does not. It is some other type of problem (BV oftentimes) and treating with an over the counter anti-fungal will only make things worse if it’s not yeast. In fact, a woman with a healthy immune system should be able to fend off yeast overgrowth.
So, why give us the powerful medicines to buy over the counter, make them seem commonplace... give us perfumed douches and sprays and films and powders to make matters worse, then play us some commercials that tell us if it itches, it’s yeast.
... read more
Questioning the Medical Literature 19 y
My opinion vs. medical opinion (It's just my opinion, mind you, I'm no doctor)
In my first post I cited medical literature’s popular opinion on the subject. I want to directly address some of the subjects stated in that literature.
1. BV is more common in sexually active women.
- Maybe, but how often do young girls see a gynocologist? Usually it’s sexua| activity that precipitates a visit to the doctor for some birth control and following that, regular checkups and visits occur. I don’t think any kind of real studies have been done on this.
- A second thought is that hormones could play a large part in BV, in the fluctuation of bacteria and flora of the vagina a ... read more
A New idea for thought... 19 y
Food for Thought
Since the antibiotic circus, I have completely stopped treatment, I quit taking my birth control pills and decided to just quit worrying about it. (Strange concept, I know) but it was confusing and frustrating to me that I had none of these problems until I started treating them!
The result is this: some days I have no symptoms, some days I have mild symptoms and on NO days is it as bad as it was during the times in between my antibiotic treatments.
I have paid attention to the days I have symptoms and no symptoms and there seems to be a pattern. Right after menstruation I have some ... read more
Alternative Treatments / Results 19 y
No Cure, only treatments
I have looked into alternative methods of treatment because after my research into BV I realized that antibiotics would be futile, only aggravate the situation and were NOT the promised cure. I realized that to find a permanent cure to the problem I would have to find the right way to restore the natural balance of vaginal flora so that my body could properly sustain that balance and I could discontinue treatments.
I tried Oral Lactobacillus supplements and intra-vaginal suppositories, tried different brands, combined the two, etc. They all worked as a treatment but not a cure. Some tha ... read more
Treatments / Cures? 19 y
Cures? Treatments? My Story.
Modern Medical literature says BV can be CURED with antibiotics. I take serious exception to this statement. I think BV is caused by antibiotics, which literally translated means ”against life”. Before I cite my own personal experiences with this I will note the facts...
1. BV is not an infection caused by bacteria, it is an imbalance created by a shift in the natural vaginal flora for *unknown* reasons.
2. Antibiotics kill bacteria and Lactobacillus is a bacteria. Antibiotics are against life, they are not discriminatory in the type of bacteria they kill, although some bacterias hav ... read more
The Natural State of things 19 y
How do you restore the natural balance?
We know that the natural vaginal flora of a healthy woman differs from woman to woman, depends on age and where she is in her monthly cycle. Nature is such an intelligent force! Mess with it and you have problems.
The purpose of the vaginal flora is to prevent diseases and aid or inhibit pregnancy - let me explain...
In its natural state the vagina is very acidic, sperm cannot survive in a high-acid environment so for a woman to become pregnant, the acid level must drop. A man’s ejaculate is very alkaline and has the ability to lower the acid level of the vagina for several hours there ... read more
Symptoms 19 y
Modern Medicine's definition of BV
What is bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is a NOT an infection. It is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the vagina due to the depletion of very valuable lactobacillus - reason unknown. The vagina normally contains a lot of ”good” bacteria, called lactobacilli (say: ”lack-toe bah-sil-li”), and a few other types of bacteria, called anaerobes (say: ”ann-air-robes”). Too many anaerobes can cause bacterial vaginosis. We don’t know why the anaerobe bacteria overgrow and cause this imbalance.
You may notice a discharge from your vagina. The discharge may be clear or colored. It may ... read more