40 Day Juicing Detox
by RedFizz
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Day 17   15 y  
Some gross observations and some nice updates
So I am getting bored with fast. I was to eat. I want to eat because I am bored. Sad. Definitely a learning experience. I am not hungry. My skin is SOOOO soft! Like a baby’s butt. I went over to my boyfriend’s while he was cooking. Oh, he’s such a good cook. And it smelled wonderful! It did make me hungry. Oh! And my hair looks fabulous! So shiny! I got a little overly-sensitive last night. I had a large bm this morning, but non of the ”plaque”. Therefore, I am convinced that the psyllium/bentonite does not harden in the intestines creating this ”supposed plaque”. This ...   read more

Day 16   15 y  
Some car talk and other observations
Yesterday was an interesting day. I was completely alert throughout the entire workday and didn’t get worn out, which is quite an improvement. Isn’t that ironic? I have to quit eating in order to be alert and awake and have energy? Then, my car notified me that my tire was low when I was trying to leave work. So I went directly to the gas station and filled it up. It had 24psi when it should have had 39psi. As I am driving home on a fast-paced, busy interstate, I am notified again that my tire is low, which means it is losing air quickly. I immediately got off of the interstate ...   read more

Day 15   15 y  
Found out that I eat because I am bored.
I am not doing too badly. I am trying to be more diligent with my herbs. I really dislike psyllium shakes. Blah. I wonder if I am making them too thick. I have a lot more energy, and my attitude seems better. I am completely over my sinus infection whereas my coworker who gave it to me to begin with is still sick. Usually it takes me longer to get over it, but I think that fasting sped up the healing process. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely made it more intense than previous ones. However, I can’t complain. So something I have discovered about myself during this process: I l ...   read more

Day 14   15 y  
Today makes 2 full weeks
Day 14! Hoorah! Two full weeks after today is complete. I am doing pretty well. I still sneeze a lot when the air conditioning is on anywhere. (I used that as an example to explain that I am officially allergic to cold. haha.) I need to be more diligent with the Rise and Shine herbs and psyllium shakes. I have found a way to tolerate the psyllium shake: Have about a cup’s worth of the shake in one hand, and a glass full of water in the other. Take a chug of the shake and then wash it down with water. Take a chug, and wash it down. It’s the only way I can handle it. Work a ...   read more

Day 13   15 y  
Figured out why I haven't lost weight
I am feeling a lot better today. Although I figured out why I haven’t ”lost” any more weight. I started my period yesterday. Man, I am cramping, too. A little more than normal. But hey, it usually only lasts one day. I finally had a bm this morning. I laid out in the sun the other morning, and I know that made me feel a little better. Well, let me qualify what laying out in the sun really means: I am naturally a blond, but since I have been staying out of the sun for years, it’s starting to get darker. I have decided to lighten it naturally, so I throw on a long skirt and a l ...   read more

Day 12   15 y  
Getting a little better
I am doing better, but I find that any time the air conditioner is on is when my nose gets irritated. It seems to dry the air out too much. I was reminded to do an enema, which I will try today. My weight has remained the same. I think that’s probably because I have been taking psyllium shake, but I didn’t have a bm yesterday. I am still a little weak from the infection. Until tomorrow. Weight: 138.8 / 30.1% bmi   visit the page

Day 11   15 y  
I am so sick. Fever, sinus infection, and so on...
Oh man I am sick. I am so sick. I have what is probably a sinus infection, fever, drainage, etc. I spoke with my mentor, and she said there is a man she knows who always had sinus problems. When he fasted, he did great for a while, and then Bam! Sinus infection. And it lasted a long time. However, he knew that he had to ride it out. Obviously his body needed to get something out. Suddenly, one day, it just cleared up, and he never had another sinus infection since. I just hope for those kind of results. Anyway, any thoughts are welcome. Any encouragement. Any experiences? ...   read more

Day 10   15 y  
Things are getting really gross. Only read if you want to know details.
So yesterday I had a meltdown to some extent. I was unreasonable, sensitive, argumentative and so on. I left my oranges that I had picked up on my way to work in the meeting room, so I didn’t get fresh juice last night. My cleanse was so intense. It was the closest to a water fast that I have ever been on. My body felt thick. My head felt heavy. Then I had a major purge of toxins this morning. My breath was so bad that it actually woke me up. I ended up brushing my teeth 3 times throughout the night. Then I had a huge pimple on my neck, which I never get. I felt a lot better af ...   read more

Day 9   15 y  
Doing well.
Day 9. I am doing well. I have been hungry, but that’s because I cannot just get up and juice as soon as I have a tiny pang of hunger like I was able to last weekend. But this is going to be a 4-day weekend, so it should be easier. I have also found that if I stay busy and get with friends, I don’t really think about eating. I just make sure that I have my juices, downplay any questions, and I just enjoy my day. My tongue is sooooo coated. Blah. I had a couple bm’s yesterday. My eyes are a weird, but strangely beautiful crystal/icy blue! I just went to a healing touch session ...   read more

Day 8   15 y  
Made it 1 week and going strong!
Yeah! I successfully went through an entire week. Woo-hoo! Things are going pretty well. A little nausea, oily skin, bad breath, pimples, and so on. I drank Odwalla juices yesterday and I finally juiced orange juice last night. It was amazing what fresh squeezed juice can do! It was only a plastic cup full, but wow! The energy! Anyway, I had a psyllium shake yesterday morning and this morning, but no bm yet. It’s probably a good thing that I don’t have a scale. I should have some herbs waiting for me at home to knock out the mucus plaque out of my intestines. *joy* I wond ...   read more

Day 7   15 y  
Fasting while on business travel.
Yesterday was interesting. I had a couple bouts of nausea. I also was flying yesterday, but for those of you who have flown through ATL during the summer knows what happens - storms. The airport was shut down for a couple of hours. Luckily I was able to reschedule to a later flight before everything went down. So instead of arriving at my hotel ~5:30pm, I didn’t get to my hotel until 12:00am. It was a little difficult watching people eat, and smelling those smells. I do have to admit that having read Fast Food Nation has really helped. He talks about the manufacturing of smells/t ...   read more

Day 6   15 y  
Still going strong and looking forward to what's next.
Still going strong. I haven’t had too many cravings lately. I did an enema this morning and managed to get something out. Other than than, it was clear. I still haven’t started my psyllium/bentonite shakes, b/c I don’t have the psyllium, which I will be picking up this morning. Last night I suddenly got tired early and had to go to bed early, ~8pm. It might be because I rode my bike to the grocery store, which is only ~1.5 away. I didn’t really exert myself, but that is definitely a lot more than I usually do when I fast. I got my first pimple yesterday...purge! Better out tha ...   read more

Day 5   15 y  
Doing well. Need some guy advice.
Yesterday went really well. I was clear headed and I accomplished a lot. I started taking a little coconut oil to make sure I don’t get candida or at least kill off the last of it. I did have a bm, but it was not solid whatsoever. In fact, that reminds me: If you are juice fasting, you must remember that if you think you have to flatulate, do yourself a favor and just go ahead and go to the bathroom. So this is day 5. My system should be shutting down by now. I did wake up with quite a headache, but it seemed like a dehydrated-type headache. I really have to fight to keep hydrat ...   read more

Day 4   15 y  
Doing well. Going strong.
I did pretty well yesterday. I did an enema, and it was pretty putrid. But I had to get it out and make sure that the toxins don’t get reabsorbed. I woke up with an earache. I slept pretty well, but I did go to bed early. I am hungry, so it’s time for a juice. There are some cravings. Not too bad though. I do miss my GABA rice. Weight: 143.4 / 31.4% BMI   visit the page

Day 3   15 y  
Holding strong. Some updates.
Good morning, I was extremely overly sensitive yesterday. I had no bowel movement. But I had two this morning, which seemed to be more deep and...old? Anyway, I need to start the bentonite/psyllium shake. *Joy* I tried the flavored kind, but it just did not work as well as the pure psyllium. It tastes like I took a handful of mud and and ate it...lol. I did have some hunger pangs yesterday, but they passed. I feel pretty good right now. Despite my emotional mood swings, I had a lot more energy. Heck, I didn’t leave work until 6pm, and I still had energy. I am expecting my ...   read more

Day 2   15 y  
Stats and update. Feeling pretty good. Just hungry.
Alrighty, some baselines: Day 1 weight: 147.8/27.3% BMI Day 2 weight: 146.5/30.1% BMI The difference in BMI is because my BMI is always lower in the afternoon than the morning, b/c I am more hydrated in the afternoon. Yesterday I totally craved my Lindt’s 99% cocoa excellence bar dipped in really raw honey along with some merlot. Mmmmmm... :P~~ Okay, so I am addicted to chocolate. Am I addicted to the caffeine in the cocoa? There’s only one way to find out: if I have a raging migraine for 3-4 days soon, then yes. Otherwise, no. Yesterday I dealt with cravings. I had se ...   read more

Day 1   15 y  
Stats and baseline.
Hello again! I am trying once again to juice fast. I did a 40-day fast once and tracked it on Curezone, and I have to say, the level of support and the people were amazing and key to my making it. So here I am again. I have been drinking a tad bit too much. I am just sad right now. I have some tough decisions to make in my life. I am such a pushover most of the time. Why do I let that happen? I would like to think that I am a kind/giving person. But why? Do I genuinely want to help? Or am I trying to buy acceptance? - in which case, it’s not giving, it’s paying. Am I being over ...   read more

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I just need to juice. I am tired, sad, and juicing has helped before. I have no idea how long I am going to do this or how long I can hold out. We shall see.… more...

Last Activity: 15 y ago
37 Messages   Last message 15 y ago
8 Comments   Last comment 15 y ago

viewed 204,872 times
Created: 15 y   Aug 25 2009


Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

Fast and Painless Constipation Relief
Oxygen Bowel Cleanser

Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Day 34 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 34 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 23 & 24 stephd 15 y
Re: Day 17 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 17 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 11 RedFizz 15 y
Re: Day 11 milanjl 15 y
Re: Day 2 milanjl 15 y
All Comments (8)

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Fasting & Detox: Juicing for …  15 y  (50)
Juicing / Fasting once again  17 y  (15)
Juice Fasting 2011  13 y  (14)
Candida and Coconut Oil  15 y  (4)
40 Day Bicycling Commitment f…  15 y  (3)

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