Been a few days since my last post 16 y
The fasting is going well.
The fasting is going well. I actually had two days of refeeding (mostly just a couple of glasses of juice) just to keep some strength I was losing.
I do feel better than I did before the fast - ... visit the page
Day 2 16 y
It's day 2 of my water fast
It's day 2 of my water fast. So far so good. I haven't been too hungry today. Allergies were a little better today as well.
My cravings for food have been nominal - haven't really thought much a... read more
My clock is off... but I'm almost past day 1 16 y
I really wish that more people would realize that they are strong too - with just even attempting or pondering a step in the healthy direction.
Today has been good. My internal clock is off a little, but it'll rebalance soon.
I haven't had too much in the way of wanting to eat today. I think blogging and reading fast related/positive li... read more
yay!! my goals!!! 16 y
Alright. . .I like this part - it makes me excited for what's to come and for having good reasons to fast.
1) Get my health back - lose weight, feel more energized, balance those hormo... read more
My history
Warning: It is long and may bore some of you unless you relate or need it . . . 16 y
So. . .without further ado. . .
The following is rather long I will admit, but I wanted to be able to help those in a similar situation/ get it out there. I have omitted much of my personal history and have kept it focused on hea... read more
Let the transformation begin . . (no matter how small or large) 16 y
I am slowly wading into the pool when I should be jumping
I have chosen the mermaid as my symbol of transformation. She uses the water has her mode of transport/sustenance as w... read more