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Re: My Story Behind the Mask
bbholt Views: 9,611
Published: 12 y
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Re: My Story Behind the Mask

I suffer from fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic hives, high blood pressure and anxiety. I was tested with high levels of mercury and tin plus two of my root canals had started to fail and were very infected. I had a biological dentist remove all nine of my root canals at one time plus take the metal out of all my other teeth. I was put out for nine hours while he did this. It has been a long road to recovery. I had them pulled on October 30, 2012 and this is finally my first painless week. I had one bone spur that finally came out of my gum and an infection above another tooth that had been removed. I used a poultice of Redmonds Bentonite Clay on it and finally the infection was drawn out and healed. I am allergic to all Antibiotics and pain killers so I have to go the natural route. I am wearing "Snap on Teeth" for one year while the gums heal and zirconium implants are put in and attach to the bone. It has been a very emotional journey (comparable to my knee replacement). I can't eat in my snap on teeth and they begin to be uncomfortable after I wear them for awhile. So basically I have nine missing teeth most of the time. I have started to take clay baths twice a week and drink clay twice a day to pull the metal toxins out of my mouth. I know it will take time to get my health back, but I feel like I am finally on the road back to good health. I will have toxic metal tests redone in a couple of months and hopefully I will see a decrease in the levels. Has anyone else used clay to detox and pull toxins and infections from their body?


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