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Does mercury toxicity (from amalgams) cause permanent damage?
mercurycripple Views: 18,961
Published: 18 y
Status:       RN [Message recommended for CureZone Newsletter!]

Does mercury toxicity (from amalgams) cause permanent damage?

I have many symptoms doctors couldn't find a cause for, and I met someone with almost identical conditions who had just found out she had uranium toxicity. My doctor said he hadn't considered heavy metal poisoning (it being near the beg. of his med. training and so much other info covering up the memory) but that it would explain all my symptoms. So a DMPS push showed my mercury level was almost off the chart!

After two rounds of chelation therapy, I concluded it must be the fillings, so I got the old corrupted ones out. The four remaining are huge! They need crowns, which I cannot afford. I recently had my levels checked and some HMs were down, but mercury only slightly. I concluded that the big ol' honkin' fillings replaced whatever I got out pretty quickly, and have already corroded the tooth below on some.

The only source of mercury in my environment is amalgams. Two rounds of chelation therapy would have gotten the mercury out, if there weren't a constant [large] source to replenish.

Now: I need to know if regular doctors, who haven't seen "miraculous" recovery from enough patients to believe in such, would say the damage by mercury is reversible, or not.


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