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Joan and John, you told him!
Southern Belle Views: 3,932
Published: 23 y
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Joan and John, you told him!

Mr Paramedic!!

I congratulate you on your English. You wrote my native language perfectly! You just don't have a clue what you are talking about!

Why in all of my flushes did I pass different stones, different colors, different times? Why in the 7th and 8th flushes did I produce hardly any stones at all?

Why are there hundreds of posts ON THIS WEBSITE of people who have had ultrasounds done BEFORE and AFTER who showed stones BEFORE and none AFTER? Mr. Paramedic, take time and read the posts.

Why are my allergies gone?

Why is my skin smoother?

Why do I sleep sounder?

Why am I calmer and at more peace with myself?

Mr. Paramedic, I appreciate your ability to voice your opinion, but you are barking up the wrong tree. You are dead wrong. As we say in my great state of Mississippi: "You ain't got no dog in this hunt!" So, Mr. Paramedic, it's time for you to pack up your marbles and head to the house.



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