10 y
Stinky Girl...
For many years I have suffered from this debilitating disorder... halitosis. First it started out as people asking randomly if someone farted after I would say something. Eventually, this led me to discover something called... personal space. There was always some space between me and the person that I would talk to. I have done so much research and think that the cure is whatever I am researching at the moment. Some examples were Vivonex to starve bad bacteria for 2 weeks (body seemed to be clear and functioning very well), peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, dietary changes (no dairy - stopped the tonsil stones), oregano oil,
Colloidal Silver , grapefruit seed extract, nasal rinses, charcoal tablets, chlorophyll, Sudafed to dry up my PND, went to Naturopath who's focus was not on my horrid breath, colonoscopy to find out if everything was ok... I know... TMI, tried to get Xifaxan to clear bad bacteria in the intestines since I have IBS-C (no luck), and many others. Recently I got a prescription for Augmentin for a sinus infection which seems to have taken my BB away. I'm sure that it will return, so I've started taking Dr. Ohhira's Professional Probiotics. I've heard great things about this probiotic and am taking a leap of faith, hoping that this will solve this dreaded issue.
On top of that, I smell funny... I think that I heard one of my employees saying that I smell like "sweat". This is very interesting, because I don't really sweat! I kind of get a glaze over my skin sometimes, but rarely sweat. It would take a monumental amount of heat to bring on the sweating. I'm at a loss. Hopefully the probiotics will help with both cases, but this is getting really old. Not sure what I've done to deserve to suffer through this embarrassing disorder, but I know that I need help. Doctor's don't check to make sure that your flora is aligned. They tend to look for physical and functional signs, things that can be seen. Smell is a significant symptom and can say so about your internal health. My smell is SCREAMING and I'm not sure how to get the right doctors to listen.