Agggg, can't breathe, but in a weird way!
My problem is severe inflammation and irritation from unrelenting chronic post-nasal drip for years! My nostrils are clear, but I'm so inflamed from where the post-nasal drip is that I can't breathe deep enough to stay asleep (a sort of sleep apnea, but not the usual kind). Also, my neck's lymph nodes are swollen as with CFS, which feels like my trachea is also being compressed and making it also difficult to breathe. This has been going on for so long that I am about to GO MAD AGGG GO MAD MAD MAD INSANE MAD!!!!
I have tried nasal irrigation with saltwater solutions of cayenne, goldenseal, horseradish, apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, and more. No help. I'm on day 12 of a 30-day juice fast and I'm also doing
Dr. Schulze 's flushes (currently the liver flush). I've seen some improvement in my fatigue, but my sinuses and lymph nodes are still DRIVING ME MAD INSANE MAD! I expect they will get better with more liver/kidney flushing, but I am so desperate to get some sleep that I need to see if anyone has any immediate "band-aid" suggestions that will provide relief until I do enough flushes and fasting to get rid of the problem.