Re: what is the nouveau tech society? n/m
To anyone who has read the comments about the neo tech society it is not a scam it is not a fake whoever says so hasnt thought this through or took time to check it out, to show im just ordinary guy I was born in leicester england hundreds of miles away from the usa where neo tech is based I recieved the letter asking me to join, yes at first it crossed my mind it was a fake but id been bombarded with so many other scams at around the same time saying youve won money like an idiot I replied and sent the £10 or whatever it was asking , yes they where scams around the same time id also been sending money to a fortune teller promising riches etc but I was writing letters to her she promised to answer each one but I then found out she wasnt reading the letters so I lost my trust in that but something in my mind was telling me neo tech was different so I did decide to join and after reading the first book a lot of thing made sense , it spoke of mysticism and fortune tellers being fake and how politicians rule our lives with false promises and doing the social good while just being interested in looking good to get votes , I realize now they say anything just to look good often lying or twisting the truth to make themselves look good , has any government ever delivered all they promise to deliver, we vote them into office but by the time they served the first few months weve forgotten half the things they promised and just listen to the same old thing day by day I dont believe anything they say now. , in fact if government didnt interfere with every aspect of our lives most diseases would be cured by now even anti aging medications would be a a possibility within a short time of this as the religions and goverments was seen for what they really are please at least give it a chance im so glad I did.