Re: The Four Amazing Juices
Thanks for the positive feedback.
By the way, I don't go through an independent distributer to get the juices, get um at the health food store. Also, realize I'm not payed for promoting these juices. My next article I think I'll write about the benefits of raw honey. :)
Oh, and Noni I don't think is to hyped. I went the health food store yesterday and asked a nutrionalist there if she had heard of the juices, she told me how when she went to Hawaii, the guide took her to a Noni grove and told her a story of how his mother's dog was on it's death bed and after being given Noni pulp, it started getting better and even lived far into the future!
She also told me how she learned about Goji from a man who fought his cancers with it (he was born on a farm and poisoned by pesticides and stuff so he was prone to cancer). She took it and helped get rid of her starting skin cancer.
Plus, did you know Noni has reportedly Glyco-Nutrients in it?
Oh, and it's not my job to check to see if each of those doctors is financially backed. I got the Noni ones from a site that allowed anyone to post their testimonials up on the web, so it's most likely they aren't payed.
Anyways, true, you need to change to a
healthy Diet for anything to help the body! Also, the juices help to alkalize the pH, just so you know. :)