Uncovering The Starchild Within
by Ren
Page 9 of 23

Breakthrough: A Raw Vegan Documentary and My New Year intentions   19 y  
my new year intentions and a DVD review
I received my copy of Breakthrough in the mail just before the christmas holiday. I have to say that this is Storm and Jinjee’s finest work yet, maybe EVER. I’ve gotten all of their books but there’s nothing like watching the whole raw vegan lifestyle in action. The price is pretty good too, something like twenty four dollars for the documentary AND the Circular Workout video http://www.breakthroughthedocumentary.com/ I love the visionary tone of the video. Storm does have a point. What if we raised our children without the poisons of commercialised society? Processed foods,etc. Wh ...   read more

Winter Solstice, Menses and Merry Christmas to Me   20 y  
brief ho-hum and bah humbug post
Well is it a conincidence that I start my period on the winter solstice? I THINK NOT! I was a bit grouchy and mean today, well not mean in the true sense of the word. I thought it was going to be slow but it wasn’t. When I finally kick the coffee habit and exercise consistently, I look forward to cramp, PMS and pain free periods. Okay so today is the Winter Solstice. My room is two thirds done. My fiance is coming tomorrow night possibly and I wanted to have it COMPLETED, with sprigs of pine trees everywhere even. My sister and I were in a car accident so I’m fit to be tied. Meanwhil ...   read more

Information on the Eight Gates Meditation   20 y  
an outline of the eight gates meditation
Eight Levels of Trance Work Traces are states of deep meditation. States of trance have been practiced by spiritual and magickal people all over the world. This is just one trance system. There are many different opinons of the gates of trance. 1. The Gate of Healing: This is where you get your daily astral shower, so to speak. Imagine yourself standing in a big shower or under running water. As soon as you step under the water, all the negativity of the mundane plane washes away and all the damage done to you was washed away. This shower should be taken daily to enhance abilities an ...   read more

Preparations for the Eight Gates Meditation   20 y  
brief miscellaneous notes
Today is my day off from work. Hence, I’ve picked today as the day to clean my room. Not just clean it but CLEAN it kosher style, like clean every little corner of the room. I just can’t meditate and pray in a dirty room. My room and car have come to reflect my life sort of *LOL* Also, today I decided to give up dairy completely. I don’t want coffee anymore either. I got some instant coffee for my sister last night and had some this morning (with soy milk). So I’ve lost my taste for milk and coffee all at once. I was thinking about meat eating since my fiance eats meat and the idea just ...   read more

Carrot juice, a dirty house and me   20 y  
I’ve managed to dodge a sick bullet. My resistence has been pretty low this fall season having caught a record number of colds. I’ve had more colds this one season than I’ve had in a few years together. I do credit it to episodes of depression and poor eating habits, plus weight loss. Whenever I’ve lost weight, I’ve always gotten sick periodically. Hence, I made myself a big glass of carrot juice this morning and put a capsule of cayenne pepper in it. I feel much better thanfully. Plus I got a lot of sleep last night. I didn’t want to spend my last few dollars on OTC medicine. Today I’ll b ...   read more

Just me and a can of beans   20 y  
fat, 'poor' but exceedingly happy!
Okay so I got home and discovered the pathetic state of my refrigerator. I knew things were getting bananas when I opened a can of vegetarian baked beans. Thank goodness they were veg because if they had pork bits in it, I would have starved. I thought I’d get home and make myself some carrot juice but NOOOOOOOO. Anyway, there really IS no food in my house that I can eat and that is GOOD. I have two dollars in change for tomorrow and somehow I’ll find somethings that are good for me to eat. We are expecting some snow tomorrow and I have to take the bus to work. That doesn’t bother me excep ...   read more

Blissful Detachment   20 y  
brief note about not having stuff
Today I was talking to my fiance about blissful detachment. Tonight I was driving my faithful car and well...something snapped in the engine. I have no means of getting to work so my sister is going to drop me tomorrow. It’s the icing on what was a bad week that resulted in me having no cash funds to immediately fix my car. Despite all this, I’m still going to get up tomorrow morning and exercise. I work late tomorrow so I have plenty of time to clean up my room. Somehow there is a solution to all that is depressing me, I just need to silence myself and hear what it is.   visit the page

Robin Quiver's Massive Weight Loss   20 y  
Howard Stern sidekick on the Master Cleanse
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Of Moms, Money and Mood-driven munching!   20 y  
end of the week rant
I confess my emotional attachment to food. It’s a complete addiction for me, not food itself but the way I use it (or abuse it). I was thinking about going to a food addicts meeting but I don’t agree with the biochemical reasoning behind me stuffing my face when I get into an argument with my mom. Today I ate four small taquitos. Not a great big binge BUT I ate them in haste after getting into an argument with my mom. I could not defend myself against her insistence that I go up in the attic, so I ate all four taquitos. What made it worse is that there was meat in them and I don’t eat meat ...   read more

Alex Chiu rant   20 y  
a mini-rant about customer service skills
I do not know what I was thinking when I clicked to buy these rings. It seemed that right after I did so, I read his enlightened ideas and endorsements of the Chinese government and him calling the Dalai Lama an ’idiot’. Well okay, I already ordered the rings so I was going to give them a chance. I was merely inquiring about cancelling this order. Can you believe this reponse? Here I thought the comments about this person were mostly unfounded. It’s bizarre. I should have known. After all, Kevin Trudeau gives him an endorsement ((((shudder)))) I’ve worked a number of jobs in customer servi ...   read more

Pictures of Me and My dress FINALLY!   20 y  
some pics of me at long last
32 Times Around the Sun and still breathing   20 y  
a birthday posting
All credit goes to David Wolfe who coined the phrase ’around the sun’ to replace the drab ’birthday’. He’s onto something and so I’m helping him bring that to the human vernacular. I AM AGELESS As of today, I’ve been ’around the sun’ thirty two times. A lot has happened to me between the thirtieth time and this time. I went through a very traumatic breakup with a man who I found was married and was just playing me for sex with a young girl ( I was a virgin no less!) It was amazing but I’m still trying to figure out how I gained forty pounds in one year I also was addicted to the in ...   read more

Self love vs. Self hate and my vegan/rawfood diet   20 y  
various notes on life
I had my first session with my raw food coach this morning. What’s so different about Angela is that she really understands emotional eating and overeating from a recovery perspective. I loved the ’getting to know you’ time and it’s worth the money to get professional services. My mother told me last night that there’s talk of getting me another wedding dress because they don’t think I’ll lose the weight to fit into the one I have now. I’ve never been slim because of years overeating and emotional piling on. I’m going to an overeater’s anonymous meeting tonight too so yay! I had a very ...   read more

Bumping down the rabbit hole towards Zion (or the thousand petal lotus)   20 y  
some notes
When we set out to discover our authenic selves, it’s not always a pleasant journey. I set out to discover the center of my true self where the ’thousand petal lotus’ resides. I have a lotus plant in my pond. It’s a little runt of a plant because there’s no dirt and mud for it dig itself in. Lotus plants grow deep down in the mud and muck of a pond. I also notice that my lotus plant doesn’t like being too close to the waterfall. Hmmmm...this is why I think gardening is such a spiritually intense activity. Anyway, here’s a link so you can understand my babble http://www.schooloftheseasons. ...   read more

A Declaration of Self   20 y  
self actualising and going to work supercharged
My body is in a titanic struggle to stay the same, the way it’s always been. Overweight, unattractive and unappealing to ward off any friendship from anyone (esp. men!) so that I’d never have to expose myself and thus risk getting hurt. Yes that’s what many of us abuse survivors struggle with. Get abused then when you grow up get abused some more by the world and their negativity. I’m sitting here in my room the day after going home sick. I love my job as it keeps me active but yesterday I was taken with illness. My face looked terrible with big pimples. Is this my old self’s last gasp? ...   read more

Loving Life and Eating to Live   20 y  
some notes on a warm afternoon
I was reading another zoner’s blog about this issue of ’living to eat vs. eating to life’. I know that I’ve struggled with food, food addiction and perfectionism in diet a lot myself. I’ve reached a plateau in my development and for a while was getting worried that I’d start regressing. Yet, I know that worrying about regressing, worrying about not fitting into my dress, worrying about getting old before my time, will bring these things on more. I’ve looked back through my last few journal entries and can see where the self doubt began creeping back in. Today someone complimented me ...   read more

Testimony of the Tropical Traditions CEO   20 y  
very interesting testimony!
How I Found Peace with God by Brian Shilhavy - CEO of Tropical Traditions, Inc. I was driving down a rural highway in north central Wisconsin that Autumn night in 1977, thoughts running wildly through my mind. ”Why wasn’t I dead?” I thought unbelievingly. I had fully intended to overdose on drugs and end my life just hours before. But after swallowing some one hundred assorted pills that I thought were pretty potent, I woke up surprised not only to find myself alive, but my head clear also. Didn’t even catch a buzz! As a senior in high school, I was hanging around wit ...   read more

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I am beginning a journey within to recover the body and soul of the little girl that lost her way many years ago. I want to share this journey with everyone who will listen. I do intend to put my words into booklet form so others may be inspired by my life.… more...

Last Activity: 22 mon ago
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431 Comments   Last comment 22 mon ago

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Created: 20 y   Mar 03 2005


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Comments (10 of 431):
Re: Mother Love ren 22 mon
Re: No Toxic Peopl… ren 7 y
Re: No Toxic Peopl… kermi… 7 y
Re: Frau Perchta R… ren 8 y
Re: Meditation, Ac… ren 8 y
Re: Black Santa Mu… ren 11 y
Re: Black Santa Mu… kermi… 11 y
Re: Black Santa Mu… ren 11 y
Re: Lucky Mojo rad… ren 11 y
Re: Information on… ren 11 y
All Comments (431)

Blogs by Ren (10):
Nursing in the Raw  22 mon  (199)
Emerson’s Coffee Bike  7 y  (98)
Ren's Holistic Fitness and Li…  10 y  (97)
Heal Thyself/Sacred Woman  4 y  (50)
Ren's Fitness/Starchild Yoga …  15 y  (33)
Trial and Error  10 y  (20)
Wedding Blog (and life therea…  12 y  (19)
Ren's Natural Womb Life  18 y  (13)
My Mother's CaNsEr Journal  4 y  (11)
From Poverty to Riches  4 y  (7)

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