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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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39  Have you ever used natural herbal formulas to replace prescription or OTC medicines? 

Have you gone from Zoloft to St. John's Wort, Ex lax to Cascara Sagrada, Tums to ginger tea, or Aspirin to White willow bark. If you have tried these alternatives, let us know.
1 14.2% ( 31 of 218 )

No, I still take my usual medications   ...explanations [3]
2 5.0% ( 11 of 218 )

No, I simply stopped taking all medicine chemical and herbal
3 33.0% ( 72 of 218 )

Yes, but I still use commercial medicine too   ...explanations [6]
4 36.7% ( 80 of 218 )

Yes, I only use natural formulas now   ...explanations [4]
5 11.0% ( 24 of 218 )

Not yet, but I am trying to learn all I can and gradually make the switch   ...explanations [2]
Previous Question 39 of 50 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:218 57%

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