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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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14  How would you describe your diet before turning to alternative health? 

You can select more than one option:
1 25.7% ( 65 of 253 )

Junk Food Junkie   ...explanations [2]
2 15.4% ( 39 of 253 )

Fast Food Freak   ...explanations [1]
3 35.2% ( 89 of 253 )

SAD (Standard American Diet)   ...explanations [4]
4 23.3% ( 59 of 253 )

SAD but balanced and home cooked   ...explanations [4]
5 15.4% ( 39 of 253 )

Healthy Meat Eater   ...explanations [2]
6 6.3% ( 16 of 253 )

High grain vegetarian
7 2.4% ( 6 of 253 )

Low grain vegetarian   ...explanations [1]
8 1.2% ( 3 of 253 )

Vegan   ...explanations [1]
9 0.8% ( 2 of 253 )

Raw Vegan
10 1.2% ( 3 of 253 )

11 6.3% ( 16 of 253 )

living out of a can
12 17.0% ( 43 of 253 )

eating out of a microwave oven   ...explanations [2]
13 0.4% ( 1 of 253 )

14 11.5% ( 29 of 253 )

Packaged Food Princess   ...explanations [2]
15 14.6% ( 37 of 253 )

Convenience food connoisseur   ...explanations [2]
16 5.5% ( 14 of 253 )

Fad dieter   ...explanations [2]
17 2.0% ( 5 of 253 )

Average Grain Vegetarian
18 0.8% ( 2 of 253 )

romanian food
19 14.2% ( 36 of 253 )

Pretty healthy, but not balanced   ...explanations [5]
20 3.6% ( 9 of 253 )

I eat very healthy food since birth and am always improving   ...explanations [1]
21 8.3% ( 21 of 253 )

Average eaters
22 7.5% ( 19 of 253 )

Omnivore   ...explanations [1]
23 9.5% ( 24 of 253 )

Pretty healthy but not ALWAYS balanced.   ...explanations [1]
24 7.9% ( 20 of 253 )

Healthy eating has been periodically on-again, off-again - mostly on.   ...explanations [2]
25 3.2% ( 8 of 253 )

Healthy but ignorant of bromine and toxins in our daily food to be avoided in a true healthy diet
26 2.4% ( 6 of 253 )

Ate very healthy while growing up, started eating poor unbalanced meals, convenience and fast foods after adulthood.   ...explanations [1]
27 1.6% ( 4 of 253 )

Mainly Vegetables and fruits with small amts of eggs, cheese, meat.
28 0.8% ( 2 of 253 )

ALWAYS high grain, low fat, low processed sugar, reasonable quantity. Reasonable caffeine, and other "no-no" foords.
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Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:253 66%

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