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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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11  If you use supplements, how many different ones do you take? 

Supplements include vitamins, herbs, minerals, oils, laxatives and any other element used that is not part of a whole food diet.
1 12.6% ( 33 of 261 )

I don't use any supplements   ...explanations [1]
2 33.0% ( 86 of 261 )

1-3   ...explanations [6]
3 27.2% ( 71 of 261 )

4-8   ...explanations [5]
4 13.4% ( 35 of 261 )

8-12   ...explanations [1]
5 8.4% ( 22 of 261 )

12-20   ...explanations [2]
6 1.9% ( 5 of 261 )

7 3.4% ( 9 of 261 )

More than 30   ...explanations [1]
Previous Question 11 of 50 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:261 68%

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