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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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35  Do you believe organic food is worth the higher price? 
1 14.4% ( 32 of 222 )

Yes, I'll buy organic at any cost   ...explanations [1]
2 10.8% ( 24 of 222 )

No, but I still buy it because I believe its best   ...explanations [2]
3 9.0% ( 20 of 222 )

No, but I do purchase some items because I feel they are healthier
4 6.8% ( 15 of 222 )

No, I rarely purchase organic food because of the high price
5 3.6% ( 8 of 222 )

No, I just don't buy organic
6 30.2% ( 67 of 222 )

Yes, but not at ANY cost, only up to a certain cost   ...explanations [1]
7 12.2% ( 27 of 222 )

Yes, but I struggle to afford it and must make other sacrifices
8 4.1% ( 9 of 222 )

No, It should be more affordable and available so I could purchase it   ...explanations [1]
9 3.2% ( 7 of 222 )

Generally not
10 2.7% ( 6 of 222 )

I detox my own food.
11 3.2% ( 7 of 222 )

I believe if its organic, and they did less to it, it should be less expensive to purchase
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Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:222 58%

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