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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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20  How long do you plan to practice alternative health modalities? 

You can select more than one option:
1 90.1% ( 218 of 242 )

The rest of my life   ...explanations [6]
2 5.8% ( 14 of 242 )

Until I get better
3 3.3% ( 8 of 242 )

Until modern medicine finds a cure for my problem
4 9.9% ( 24 of 242 )

Until I can prove it is not working for me
5 6.2% ( 15 of 242 )

Until something better comes along   ...explanations [1]
6 1.2% ( 3 of 242 )

I'm thinking about giving up now
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Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:242 63%

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