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Alternative Medicine Survey Results
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34  Where do you purchase your organic foods? 

You can select more than one option:
1 27.0% ( 60 of 222 )

I grow my own whenever possible   ...explanations [1]
2 31.1% ( 69 of 222 )

From certified organic farms or farmer's markets   ...explanations [1]
3 36.5% ( 81 of 222 )

From specialty stores like Whole Foods   ...explanations [1]
4 36.5% ( 81 of 222 )

From my local health food store, not a large chain   ...explanations [3]
5 11.7% ( 26 of 222 )

From a cooperative natural foods store like Ozark Natural Foods   ...explanations [1]
6 37.4% ( 83 of 222 )

From my local supermarket like Walmart who carry organic foods as well as non organic   ...explanations [2]
7 10.8% ( 24 of 222 )

I never buy organic food
8 6.8% ( 15 of 222 )

I cannot afford organic food
9 0.9% ( 2 of 222 )

Organic Box Scheme
10 7.7% ( 17 of 222 )

Grow my own occasionally   ...explanations [1]
11 14.0% ( 31 of 222 )

From local farmers who are not yet certified but use organic practices
12 7.7% ( 17 of 222 )

Whole Foods Market   ...explanations [1]
13 1.8% ( 4 of 222 )

From internet sites offering organic products
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Number of participants who started this survey:382  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:207 54%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:222 58%

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