Hey Harry,
I've been following your posts since you started posting. Before I go on and possibly hurt your feelings be aware that is not my purpose. Do you remember MH talking about a study guide for the 1st medical book? Do you know why he requires people to complete that study guide before they are allowed to go any further? It is because people will only absorb a small portion of what they read at any given moment (usually only 10% first time through). He uses the study guide to pinpoint important details of the reading material that may have otherwise been overlooked.
How does this apply in this instance?? It appears that you have read through all the replies in your posted questions and only picked up a small portion of the information. You need to slow down a bit. Many of the maladies we are afflicted with are from GENERATIONS of breaking the rules concerning health and well being. Literally "the sins of the father (and mother :-) )" may be affecting your situation right now. I'm afraid it isn't as simple as a 14 day fast to clear up all the problems. We are continually pounded with toxins in our daily life so it is a long term commitement to overall health that must be addressed. Do you realize that cancer patients are counseled to maintain a "cancer diet" (lots of good clean raw food) for a minimum of 5 years no matter when their cancer goes into remission? Yes, the orange juice fast is one of the many powerful tools available to you, but it is simply a tool. MH has been on several long term OJ fasts in his quest for glowing health. It takes time..........and dedication..........period. There ar no magic bullets I'm afraid. That would sure make the road easier for folks like me who have inadvertantly poisened ourselves for decades thinking we were doing the right things........but we were not. The road is long and winding but the destination is well worth the effort. You have to be willing to change the behavours that cause the problems in the first place!