21 y
One final thought/a soapbox
I know my story to be bias. My parents might and probably do have a different view on this. They might tell you I willing went against better advice chose to commit this act and I need to take full responsibility for my actions. I am trying to do that. I am telling you you can't apologize for death. It has no karma.I am also telling you I would have kept the child if there had been a loving hand to guide me out of doubt. If there had been a celebration. If there had been no question as to what I should do. If there had been a welcome. I would not have turned down the hand of help. Maybe I needed the help tied up in a ribbon, maybe not.
I can't lay the blame at any feet. It is our sin as a people. Abortion is murder. It is the ripping out of the energy system of someone in a system that can not be replaced. How do you apologize for that? We kill and place it before God's eyes and ask him to deal with it. I have found my faith through this experience. Jesus Christ is my Savior. He took on the sins of the world and made us all right again in the eye's of God. Nobody but Jesus could do that. Abortion should not be a right. Although I do believe everybody has a choice. It is the system that is dis-eased. Until you fix the system this is going to happen.
I would rather love every child in every situation and deal with the consequence of that choice than ever dealing with the choice of no consequence. Adam and Eve did not know what they were doing when they took the apple.
My mind was opened. You want to know how I will direct you to the information.
To be fair my dad now has a very successful family. His children are happy adjusted loving joyful children. God bless them.
Which you know sort of leads us back into the question about the father of the child and how I got pregnant in the first place. I will just say in my defense that the situation was impossible.
This post lesson is called, "A profound view. The cause and effect of rejection."
Warning: Rejection has proven to be unloving. And a sin.