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Re: drug use
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Re: drug use

I regret the physical abuse I have caused my body due to drug use but not the effect on the mind. I feel it has opened my mind to a level it could have taken me decades to get too. I am at one with the universe where so many others are still trying to figure themselves and the world out. Where so many people feel not part of society and are depressed. I know where I stand in the world, I know what part of it I represent and I know where I am going and what my future is. I have a purpose where so many others dont. My level of spirituality is increasing every day.

I was born a fairly spritual person and always decided at a later age I would try drugs except heroine and cocaine which I promised omeone I wouldnt. I tried everything else but mainly amphetamines, pot, E's for a fairly long period. I awoke my spirit and saw spirits, felt spirits, felt closer with the universe than ever before. At one point I wasnt sure if I was going to "wake up" and go back to normal and at this point I promised to my guardian angel I would stop and did. I moved an object with my mind one night - it took hours but it really moved. I wasnt hallucinating. Now I see things differently but I am glad. I am young but at a level of sprituality that surpasses that of the older people who work in spiritual growth organisations. I could hear peoples thoughts at one point and even tested the theory on my friends just to prove it. I now have such a sense of intuition about things and my dreams often represent something that is going to happen.

While I regret the physical abuse I have done to my body I will never regret awakening my mind. Thats why we do drugs isnt it to awaken us and see a different world. We can fix the physical affects (hence curezone) but why would you want to blame yourself for seeing things others cant. It is a gift you just need to chanel it so it doesnt bother you.

A bit of trivia is I noticed amongst drug users that when on drugs it brings out their special skills that they never knew they had. For me it was phsyic ability and seeing spirits, for some of my other friends it was writing books, drawing, poetry or music. Things they never thought they could do but low and beyold on the drugs they were so creative. It brought out something amazing in them all and they discovered their true purpose. Now off the drugs they are using these skills to make something of themselves. Without them they may not have ever found out. This is just based on my experiences and friends but I find it quite interesting.

Good luck with everything and bless you.


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