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Re: drug use
ayehasherayeh Views: 2,232
Published: 21 y
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Re: drug use

I have the same wonders as you although when I step back I refuse to classify them as regrets. I spent a good part of a year on acid probably 75 plus trips. I had my eyes opened a lot. It was all gentle until my last one where I faced some fears I could not defeat easily. Had I been agreeable to let my father analyze me I probably would have been classified as insane for a period of 2 weeks or so. I also spent a summer with a coke dealer whom all it took was one or two lines to have him break up an 8-ball. I wonder what would my awareness be, and if I would be more advance but it really makes no sense. We experience what we want and no matter how painful a decision we make we end up growing as a direct result. If I go back to the day 15 years ago where I freaked out, witnessed myself dying in the future, had vision from the back of my head and could read people and plants minds there is not a thing I can do. What I can do however is to face myself now and make more appropriate decisions or seek truer less stressful ways to examine self.



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