Re: Why was this quote sent to me?
I did not send this quote to you, but would like
to comment since I actually met a person whose
philosophy was very similar to the quote-sender's.
It did not matter if it was truth, he felt that
it was diminished by saying it aloud. He felt vulnerable
in speaking the *un*speakable. Almost like it was
not polite to mention things (in this case I was
mirroring to him a reality of his giftedness he
was unwilling to face, but was facing, since I also
have giftedness and struggle to accept the harder
aspects of it)and that hopefully in keeping silent,
perhaps the reality would go away like a dream or
a memory not memorized over and over, may fade.
So, I would be of the opinion that it is fear
that perhaps was a motivation. I would also like
to say that I am grateful that you share your
experiences and observations of how your NDE
has impacted your life. I have also had similar
experiences and am inspired by your sharing since
it is difficult for me to speak about them as
I am unable to put them in a context which does
not make me feel like I know enough about what
happened and continue to feel a burden of some
responsibility to share with others but it is
my fear of not being understood which keeps me
mulling it over and over again in my own mind.
As I have shared with you before, it is like
the story of the 5 blind men trying to describe
an elephant when each of them is grasping only
a part of one. It is in your sharing your part
and understanding of what happened that has been
comforting to me, although I probably have not
told you that before. Please continue your goal
of planting seeds of a higher consciousness and
reality so that those of us who have ears to
hear your message *will* hear, and be healed.
blessings and gratitude,