Why was this quote sent to me?
"When your heart becomes the grave of your secret,
that desire will be gained more swiftly.
Peace upon he who keeps secret his innermost thoughts;
He will soon attain the object of his desire.
For when seeds are buried in the earth,
their inward secrets become the flourishing garden."
I am a little nervous about the contents of this quote. I am not sure but if I read it correctly then should I bury my NDE back in the place where it was born and keep my silence? I am weak to rely on words but words keep coming out and I don't know what to do but write them... I visit here and a few other places out in the world of words... Should I hold my tongue? Does saying or writing about our NDE's plant our experiences in the wrong medium for it to grow into what it was born to become?
A flower garden doesn't have to use words to express herself. She draws the gardener to her seeds by instilling in the gardener a secret joy of what she will become and then universe draws those seeds to the rich soil of her
marriage bed... the earth then marries those seeds to sunshine and rain... Few thoughts need ever be revealed through the process yet when the secret gardener's work is done...something wonderful occurs...
Are our written or spoken hopes only exposed to the whims of careless spirits that roam the earth seeking whom they can devour? I think perhaps most who have NDE's never say a word about their NDE's? It diminishes the experience somehow to say anything at all about our experiences yet I can not hold my tongue for some reason.
Having been uprooted from the world of death and dying... my soul went to the light and found the greatest expression of love... yet having found love...I turned my face away from that love and fell back into a body once again.
Now, I have returned and I can not understand how I can be a child of two dimensions... only partially re-planted here in the rich soil of the earth.... while my soul remains firmly planted in the place where the still quiet voice of love spoke to my heart.... I am here now...living in a world where everything dies but I long to run back to where nothing dies.
If I were to never say another word about my NDE again... I could let my actions speak for themselves. I have a feeling that I have said too much at times yet gentle spirits have come along to encourage me on...
I don't know exactly what I am trying to say this morning. Perhaps, I hope somehow that when I speak of heaven that other souls don't think I am just being arrogant and puffing myself up as being worthy of entering into its gates. I do not deserve the love that I found that awaits us all on the other side... yet somehow I have been given the gift of remembering something extraordinary...and from the fullness of my heart... I can't seem to help myself...so here I am again...crawling back to words again...and spilling them out on the world ... These are my thoughts this morning...