I agree with the main content of your post. As I've indicated in other
posts on this thread, it is just one more tool in the medical bag. As far
as sticking with nature, if you've come to that bridge already and have made
that decision, than I'll support your position. If however, you have yet
to face that hurdle, you may make a different choice at that time. Talking about
cancer and what you would do about it if you were diagnosed with it is
completely different than having cancer and being faced with all the
options. I know that one very well. It's like enjoying flying and
having things go well all the time until there is a problem like a major fire in
the air and having to choose between staying with the airplane or leaving it
when leaving it looks like certain death. I've faced that one too and I'm
still here.
There are loads of things we can discuss, but nobody knows how they will
react until they face the situation themselves. Regarding cancer, I try to
be supportive of the individuals own choices and try to inform them of all
options, including those alternatives that I consider to be good ones.