A thought
I wonder if there might be any connection beween cancer and the constant sending and receiving of information from the chips - much like there is in cell phones?
Of course, we all know that cell phones are safe. Just like microwave ovens, high power transmission lines, mercury fillings and flouride - because "they" have told us so.
And surely there could be no sinister purposes at work here - like monitoring and controlling the citizens as yet another incremental step towards one world order. I mean it isn't like our government has ever conducted or condoned secret dangerous experiments on any of it's citizens or soldiers before, right?
I keep thinking about the reversal of the stand on mercury in all our vaccines ("read my lips, no mercury in vaccines?" and then "no vaccines without mercury") - and maybe it is not really the mercury, per se, that is so important to remain, but what mercury helps accomplish?
Perhaps someone who knows the science beter than I might have some ideas Maybe I am just paranoid from having our new CIA chief appear before the Council on Foreign relations in full military dress right before the anniversay of 9/11 and warn of Al Qaeda attacks with massive casualties. In the meanwhile, don't look for me at the front of the line for any chips or vaccines either!