His name’s Weasel, he’s a five month old terrier and was born with no ears. This hasn’t dampened his enthusiasm for life one bit – he’s a cheeky chap and can be quite mischievous. Luckily, he was befriended by a gorgeous kennel mate – Holly the Collie – who’s helped to keep him in his place. Needless to say, our staff adore him.
Weasel’s also a very brave boy who is taking his visits to various vets in his stride. He’s been to a hearing specialist, had an MRI scan and has just had an operation at Bristol University Vet School to restore his hearing. I’m delighted to say that the op seems to have gone really well.
And, as soon as he’s recovered, he’s going to a new home with an extremely active couple who’ll be able to cope with his boundless energy.
Weasel’s become something of a media mutt, featuring in news stories across the globe. The response we’ve received to the press coverage has been staggering and just goes to show how much man’s best friend means to us.
So, next time you’re exasperated by a tale of animal cruelty, take some comfort from the fact that an earless abandoned dog can be plucked from the streets, given cuddles galore at a first class re-homing centre, receive state of the art veterinary treatment and then be adopted by loving owners. And, in doing so, capture the hearts of millions of dog lovers.
If you donate to Dogs Trust, thank you for making it possible for us to do so much for dogs like Weasel.
If you don’t donate, I hope I’ve convinced you that you should! Follow this link to send a gift today.
Best wishes