Re: Preaching to the Choir
Ooops! I got a little carried away with this post. The main thing I wanted to say to you (Shroom), is in the last four paragraphs. You may want to skip to the bottom, since you know most of this.
These are my most recent thoughts on the pleomorphic nature of parasites:
The goal should be to strive for an internal balance that causes those little buggers to morph into symbiotic creatures that are vital to our health and well-being. I suspect they can and will, because the Almighty Creator created them, too.
But people must do their part by creating an internal environment that will nourish and support symbiotic life forms that thrive in human bodies, instead of feeding the parasites.
parasites will make you crave the foods they need to flourish. They also thrive on the chemicals that flow through your system when you are experiencing negative emotions. Heavily infected people are often contentious and addicted to unhealthy foods like sugar, pastry and soda pop.
Changing the internal environment so
parasites can't flourish involves cleansing toxins like bromine, flouride and heavy metals out of the system, fortifying the body by making the healthiest food choices available, getting plenty of exercise to oxygenate and strengthen the body, and taking super nutritional supplements.
Getting well from serious imbalance/disease also requires therapeutic intervention via supplementation. Corrective nutrition is an individual matter. You have to first become aware of what your body needs, and when, and take the right supplements, at the right times. This is largely a trial an error process.
It often means trying products, and finding out that some of them "don't work" for you. It doesn't necessarily mean you bought some snake oil. Other people may experience great results by taking the same product that didn't help you. It just means your particular body, didn't need that product, at that time. Try something else.
Doctors often search for "the right" pharmaceutical drugs for their patients by trial and error, and they don't call drugs "snake oil" when they don't work for somebody. It should be considered perfectly acceptable to do a bit of experimentation in order find the right combination of nutritional supplements, too.
There are universal nutritional needs, however. And most people are severely deficient in one, or more, of the "universal nutritional need" areas. Some of the most common nutritional deficiencies include minerals, probiotics, essential fatty acids, fiber, amino acids and antioxidents.
Are you taking plenty of Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Chromium and Folic Acid?
Do you use a really good brand of salt that contains high quality trace minerals?
Are you taking plenty of probiotics of the B. Longum variety?
Do you include olive oil and/or real butter in your diet daily?
Do you take good therapeutic multi-vitamins that contain plenty of A, B, C, and E?
Even though key nutrients are universal, nutrition is still an individual matter. For example, some people need a little red meat once in a while. Some people need extra lysine. Other people need a lot more vitamin e than others. And some need extra vitamin C. What your particular body needs depends on your genetic make up, your lifestyle, your diet, the climate you live in, etc, etc.
When parasitical disease is moving in for the kill, you have to exterminate in order to save your life. But they will simply come back, if you continue living the same kind of lifestyle that created a favorable environment for them to flourish initially. Therefore, at some point, it is important to focus less on searching for a silver bullet, and more on supporting and sustaining a healthy internal systemic environment.
The human body needs concentrated nutrients in order to survive and thrive in a stressful polluted world. Concentrated nutrition means that you have to take "way way way" more than the RDA. The RDA studies determined how much of a nutrient was required to prevent a rat from getting sick. Nobody ever studied how much of a particular nutrient a human body needs in order to experience vibrant health and maximum efficiency. They never will, because it is an individual matter. We have to figure it out for ourselves. A doctor cannot tell you. Personal responsibility is the only way to get healthy and remain healthy.
There are some "ranges" that are well known. For example, 700-1000 mcgs of selenium per day is required to prevent
Arthritis and cancer. But you have to be getting plenty of the other antioxidents too, because they work synergisically together. Nutritionists often recommend as much as 1000 mcgs of chromium per day to get the pancreas functioning properly. Selenium and Chromium deficiencies are epidemic world wide as evidenced by all the arthritis, cancer and diabetes.
Another key nutrients is Iodine. In addition to being a very important mineral, it will help to detox the body, when taken in therapeutic amounts. 50 mgs daily for two months, and maintenence dose of 12-14 mgs per week thereafter will bring many people into balance. Others, people with major serious illnesses, people with highly toxic systems, may require 100mg-250mg per day for six months-two years. They may have to "pulse dose" up to the higher levels, periodically lowering the dose, or taking a break, giving the body time to assimilate, readjust, and recalibrate, as it cleans out the toxins.
Iodine is the best thing I have ever taken for both the candida and non-specific vaginitis that plagued me for years. This stuff is freaking amazing.
Heavy metals create havens in the body where
parasites can hide out and thrive. They are like little bomb shelters for parasites. The idoine will get the heavy metals out of your system. It's not fun. It will make you paranoid and anxious when they start coming out. Mine didn't start coming out until I started approaching 100 mgs per day. I still haven't gotten them all out yet, but I am sooo much better than I was last year. I started experimenting with
Iodine in January. They say people with mucous afflictions need 100 mgs per day for several months. I haven't been able to do it for more than a few days at a time, and then I have to back off because the herxing gets unbearable.
I encourage you to think about
Iodine again seriously. How much did you take and how long did you stay on it? Did you stick with it until you reached full body sufficiency? Did you supplement with the companion nutrients that have a synergistic effect when you are taking Iodine?
Iodine is both a univeral key nutrient and a silver bullet approach combined.