18 y
Re: Parasite removal
I definitely have a no-pain, no-gain mentality about getting rid of disease.
It would be stupid for me to try and convince anyone to do what I've done, as so many would consider me reckless. But when you ain't got nothing to lose but your life, you definitely become willing to take extreme measures. I was going to die and I knew it.
My mother went in the hospital recently with dizziness and they gave her
Iodine intravenously for some kind of test they were doing.
Iodine isn't toxic. People are toxic. Bloodroot isn't toxic, people are toxic.
Wormwood isn't toxic, people are toxic. That is my conclusion after taking them all.
I had to start with small amounts of all of them, and slowly increase over time, because they herxing was awful at first. Now I can take much larger amounts without experiencing any die off.
Of course, you can OD on anything, even water. So there is a limit to how much a person should take, even when going for a very deep cleanse. Everybody must listen to their own body wisdom.